# Peon - Manual Peon is a functional, statically typed, garbage-collected, C-like programming language with a focus on speed and correctness, but whose main feature is the ability to natively perform highly efficient parallel I/O operations by implementing the [structured concurrency](https://vorpus.org/blog/notes-on-structured-concurrency-or-go-statement-considered-harmful/) paradigm. __Note__: Peon is currently a WIP (Work In Progress), and much of the content of this manual is purely theoretical as of now. If you want to help make this into a reality, feel free to contribute! ## Table of contents - [Manual](#peon---manual) - [Design Goals](#design-goals) - [Examples](#peon-by-example) - [Grammar](grammar.md) - [Bytecode](bytecode.md) ## Design Goals While peon is inspired from Bob Nystrom's [book](https://craftinginterpreters.com), where he describes a simple toy language named Lox, the aspiration for it is to become a programming language that could actually be used in the real world. For that to happen, we need: - Exceptions (`try/except/finally`) - An import system (with namespaces, like Python) - Multithreading support (with a global VM lock when GC'ing) - Built-in collections (list, tuple, set, etc.) - Coroutines (w/ structured concurrency) - Generators - Generics - C/Nim FFI - A package manager Peon ~~steals~~ borrows many ideas from Python, Nim (the the language peon itself is written in), C and many others. ## Peon by Example Here follow a few examples of peon code to make it clear what the end product should look like. Note that not all examples represent working functionality and some of these examples might not be up to date either. For somewhat updated tests, check the [tests](../tests/) directory. ### Variable declarations ``` var x = 5; # Inferred type is int64 var y = 3'u16; # Type is specified as uint16 x = 6; # Works: type matches x = 3.0; # Error: Cannot assign float64 to x var x = 3.14; # Error: Cannot re-declare x const z = 6.28; # Constant declaration let a = "hi!"; # Cannot be reassigned/mutated var b: int32 = 5; # Explicit type declaration ``` __Note__: Peon supports [name stropping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stropping_(syntax)), meaning that almost any ASCII sequence of characters can be used as an identifier, including language keywords, but stropped names need to be enclosed by matching pairs of backticks (`\``) ### Functions ``` fn fib(n: int): int { if n < 3 { return n; } return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); } fib(30); ``` ### Type declarations ``` type Foo = object { # Can also be "ref object" for reference types (managed automatically) fieldOne*: int # Asterisk means the field is public outside the current module fieldTwo*: int } ``` ### Operator overloading ``` operator `+`(a, b: Foo): Foo { return Foo(fieldOne: a.fieldOne + b.fieldOne, fieldTwo: a.fieldTwo + b.fieldTwo); } Foo(fieldOne: 1, fieldTwo: 3) + Foo(fieldOne: 2, fieldTwo: 3); # Foo(fieldOne: 3, fieldTwo: 6) ``` __Note__: Custom operators (e.g. `foo`) can also be defined! The backticks around the plus sign serve to mark it as an identifier instead of a symbol (which is a requirement for function names, since operators are basically functions). In fact, even the built-in peon operators are implemented partially in peon (well, their forward declarations are) and they are then specialized in the compiler to emit a single bytecode instruction. ### Function calls ``` foo(1, 2 + 3, 3.14, bar(baz)); ``` __Note__: Operators can be called as functions too. Just wrap their name in backticks, like so: ``` `+`(1, 2) ``` __Note__: Code the likes of `a.b()` is desugared to `b(a)` if there exists a function `b` whose signature is compatible with the value of `a` (assuming `a` doesn't have a field named `b`, in which case the attribute resolution takes precedence) ### Generics ``` fn genericSum[T: Number](a, b: T): T { # Note: "a, b: T" means that both a and b are of type T return a + b; } # This allows for a single implementation to be # re-used multiple times without any code duplication! genericSum(1, 2); genericSum(3.14, 0.1); genericSum(1'u8, 250'u8); ``` #### More generics! ``` fn genericSth[T: someInterface, K: someInterface2](a: T, b: K) { # Note: no return type == void function! # code... } genericSth(1, 3.0); ``` #### Even more generics? ``` type Box*[T: SomeNumber] = object { num: T; } var boxFloat = Box[float](1.0); var boxInt = Box[int](1); ``` __Note__: The `*` modifier to make a name visible outside the current module must be put __before__ generics declarations, so only `fn foo*[T](a: T) {}` is the correct syntax ### Forward declarations ``` fn someF: int; # Semicolon, no body! print(someF()); # This works! fn someF: int { return 42; } ``` ### Generators ``` generator count(n: int): int { while n > 0 { yield n; n -= 1; } } foreach (n: count(10)) { print(n); } ``` ### Coroutines ``` import concur; import http; coroutine req(url: string): string { return (await http.AsyncClient().get(url)).content; } coroutine main(urls: list[string]) { pool = concur.pool(); # Creates a task pool: like a nursery in njsmith's article foreach url in urls { pool.spawn(req, urls); } # The pool has internal machinery that makes the parent # task wait until all child exit! When this function # returns, ALL child tasks will have exited somehow. # Exceptions and return values propagate neatly, too. } concur.run(main, newList[string]("https://google.com", "https://debian.org")) ```