This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2023-05-22 15:54:38 +02:00
parent b281961a5c
commit 789462c86a
Signed by: nocturn9x
GPG Key ID: 8270F9F467971E59
2 changed files with 24 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ proc newBytecodeCompiler*(replMode: bool = false): BytecodeCompiler =
result.depth = 0
result.lines = @[]
result.jumps = @[]
result.modules = newTable[string, Name]()
result.lambdas = @[]
result.currentFunction = nil
result.replMode = replMode
@ -1170,11 +1171,10 @@ method unary(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: UnaryExpr, compile: bool = true): Typ
let fn = Type(kind: Function,
returnType: Type(kind: Any),
args: @[("", self.inferOrError(node.a), default)])
let impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, @[node.a])
result = result.returnType
var impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
if impl.valueType.isAuto:
impl = self.prepareAutoFunction(impl, fn.args)
result = impl.valueType.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(impl, @[node.a], impl.line)
@ -1183,11 +1183,10 @@ method binary(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: BinaryExpr, compile: bool = true): T
## Compiles all binary expressions
var default: Expression
let fn = Type(kind: Function, returnType: Type(kind: Any), args: @[("", self.inferOrError(node.a), default), ("", self.inferOrError(node.b), default)])
let impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, @[node.a, node.b])
result = result.returnType
var impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
if impl.valueType.isAuto:
impl = self.prepareAutoFunction(impl, fn.args)
result = impl.valueType.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(impl, @[node.a, node.b], impl.line)
@ -1280,7 +1279,7 @@ method assignment(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: ASTNode, compile: bool = true):
method call(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: CallExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles code to call a chain of function calls
## Compiles function calls
var args: seq[tuple[name: string, kind: Type, default: Expression]] = @[]
var argExpr: seq[Expression] = @[]
var default: Expression
@ -1306,14 +1305,12 @@ method call(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: CallExpr, compile: bool = true): Type
# Calls like hi()
var impl = self.match(IdentExpr(node.callee).name.lexeme, Type(kind: Function, returnType: Type(kind: All), args: args), node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, argExpr)
if impl.valueType.isAuto:
impl = self.prepareAutoFunction(impl, args)
result = impl.valueType
if == NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
self.lambdaExpr(LambdaExpr(, compile=compile)
elif not impl.valueType.compiled:
if not impl.valueType.compiled:
self.funDecl(FunDecl(, impl)
result = result.returnType
if compile:
@ -1353,13 +1350,15 @@ method call(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: CallExpr, compile: bool = true): Type
result = result.returnType
of NodeKind.getItemExpr:
var node = GetItemExpr(node.callee)
let impl = self.match(,
self.getItemExpr(node, compile=false, matching=Type(kind: Function, args: args, returnType: Type(kind: All))), node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, argExpr)
result = result.returnType
self.generateCall(impl, argExpr, node.token.line)
let impl = self.getItemExpr(node, compile=false, matching=Type(kind: Function, args: args, returnType: Type(kind: All)))
var fn: Name
for name in self.names:
if name.valueType == impl:
fn = name
result = impl.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(fn, argExpr, node.token.line)
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
var node = LambdaExpr(node.callee)
var impl = self.lambdaExpr(node, compile=compile)
@ -1394,7 +1393,7 @@ method getItemExpr(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: GetItemExpr, compile: bool = tr
for name in values:
if, matching):
result = name.valueType
if len(values) == 1:
result = values[0].valueType
@ -1689,6 +1688,9 @@ proc importStmt(self: BytecodeCompiler, node: ImportStmt, compile: bool = true)
# its public names to us
for name in self.findInModule("", module):
# We also need to export public names from other modules
# that we have explicitly exported because imports are
# compiled only once
for module in self.modules.values():
if self.currentModule.path in module.exportedTo:
for name in self.findInModule("", module):

View File

@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
import values;
fn clock*: float {
#pragma[magic: "SysClock64"]
fn print*[T: any](x: T) {
#pragma[magic: "print"]