from macros import error from ospaths import splitFile, `/` # -d:musl when defined(musl): var muslGccPath: string echo " [-d:musl] Building a static binary using musl .." muslGccPath = findExe("musl-gcc") # echo "debug: " & muslGccPath if muslGccPath == "": error("'musl-gcc' binary was not found in PATH.") switch("gcc.exe", muslGccPath) switch("gcc.linkerexe", muslGccPath) switch("passL", "-static") proc binOptimize(binFile: string) = ## Optimize size of the ``binFile`` binary. echo "" if findExe("strip") != "": echo "Running 'strip -s' .." exec "strip -s " & binFile if findExe("upx") != "": # echo "Running 'upx --best' .." exec "upx --best " & binFile # nim musl foo.nim task musl, "Builds an optimized static binary using musl": ## Usage: nim musl <.nim file path> let numParams = paramCount() if numParams != 2: error("The 'musl' sub-command needs exactly 1 argument, the Nim file (but " & $(numParams-1) & " were detected)." & "\n Usage Example: nim musl FILE.nim.") let nimFile = paramStr(numParams) ## The nim file name *must* be the last. (dirName, baseName, _) = splitFile(nimFile) binFile = dirName / baseName # Save the binary in the same dir as the nim file nimArgs = "c -d:musl -d:release --opt:size " & nimFile # echo "[debug] nimFile = " & nimFile & ", binFile = " & binFile # Build binary echo "\nRunning 'nim " & nimArgs & "' .." selfExec nimArgs # Optimize binary binOptimize(binFile) echo "\nCreated binary: " & binFile