#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM ERR EXIT script_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd -P) usage() { cat << EOF Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [-h] [-v] [-m] [-b] -k kernel -i initrd -r rootfs Alpinemini vm Available options: -h, --help Print this help and exit -v, --verbose Print script debug info -k, --kernel Specify kernel file -i, --initrd Specify initrd file -m, --memory Set maximum vm memory -b, --build Build a new disk (and then boot) EOF exit } cleanup() { trap - SIGINT SIGTERM ERR EXIT } setup_colors() { if [[ -t 2 ]] && [[ -z "${NO_COLOR-}" ]] && [[ "${TERM-}" != "dumb" ]]; then NOFORMAT='\033[0m' RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' ORANGE='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' else NOFORMAT='' RED='' GREEN='' ORANGE='' BLUE='' PURPLE='' CYAN='' YELLOW='' fi } msg() { echo >&2 -e "${1-}" } die() { local msg=$1 local code=${2-1} msg "$msg" exit "$code" } parse_params() { build=0 rootfs='' kernel='' initrd='' memory='' while :; do case "${1-}" in -h | --help) usage ;; -v | --verbose) set -x ;; --no-color) NO_COLOR=1 ;; -b | --build) build=1 ;; # build disk -k | --kernel) # kernel file kernel="${2-}" shift ;; -i | --initrd) # initrd file initrd="${2-}" shift ;; -m | --memory) # max memory memory="${2-}" shift ;; -?*) die "Unknown option: $1" ;; *) break ;; esac shift done args=("$@") # check required params and arguments [[ -z "${kernel-}" ]] && die "${RED}Missing required parameter:${NOFORMAT} kernel" [[ -z "${initrd-}" ]] && die "${RED}Missing required parameter:${NOFORMAT} initrd" return 0 } setup_colors parse_params "$@" if ! [ -x "$(command -v qemu-system-x86_64)" ]; then echo '${RED}Error:${NOFORMAT} unable to find qemu-system-x86_64, please install it first.' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v qemu-img)" ]; then echo '${RED}Error:${NOFORMAT} unable to find qemu-img, please install it first.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ $build -eq 1 ]] then msg "${CYAN}Building disk... Please wait${NOFORMAT}" qemu-img create -f qcow2 vm.qcow2 800M qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256M -smp 1 -drive file=packervm/packer.qcow2,if=virtio,readonly=on -drive file=vm.qcow2,if=virtio -enable-kvm -fsdev local,id=rootfs_dev,path=rootfs,security_model=none -device virtio-9p-pci,fsdev=rootfs_dev,mount_tag=rootfs -display none fi qemumem='' if ! [[ $memory -eq "" ]] then qemumem="-m ${memory}" fi qemu-system-x86_64 -net nic,model=virtio,netdev=user.0 -netdev user,id=user.0 -drive file=vm.qcow2,if=virtio -enable-kvm -kernel ${kernel} -initrd ${initrd} ${qemumem} -append 'root=/dev/vda1 rw quiet modules=ext4 console=ttyS0 init=/bin/nimd'