
389 lines
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Task synchronization primitives
Copyright (C) 2020 nocturn9x
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from socket import socketpair
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from typing import Any, Optional
from giambio.traps import event_wait, event_set, current_task
from giambio.exceptions import GiambioError
from giambio.socket import wrap_socket
from giambio.task import Task
class Event:
A class designed similarly to threading.Event (not
thread-safe though)
def __init__(self):
Object constructor
self.set = False
self.waiters = set()
self.value = None
async def trigger(self, value: Optional[Any] = None):
Sets the event, waking up all tasks that called
pause() on it
if self.set:
raise GiambioError("The event has already been set")
self.value = value
await event_set(self, value)
async def wait(self):
Waits until the event is set
return await event_wait(self)
class Queue:
An asynchronous FIFO queue similar to asyncio.Queue
that uses a collections.deque object for the underlying
data representation. This queue is *NOT* thread-safe as
it is based on giambio's Event mechanism
def __init__(self, maxsize: Optional[int] = None):
Object constructor
self.maxsize = maxsize
# Stores event objects for tasks wanting to
# get items from the queue
self.getters = deque()
# Stores event objects for tasks wanting to
# put items on the queue
self.putters = deque()
self.container = deque()
def __len__(self):
Returns the length of the queue
return len(self.container)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({f', '.join(map(str, self.container))})"
async def __aiter__(self):
Implements the asynchronous iterator protocol
return self
async def __anext__(self):
Implements the asynchronous iterator protocol
return await self.get()
async def put(self, item: Any):
Pushes an element onto the queue. If the
queue is full, waits until there's
enough space for the queue
if not self.maxsize or len(self.container) < self.maxsize:
if self.getters:
await self.getters.popleft().trigger(self.container.popleft())
ev = Event()
await ev.wait()
async def get(self) -> Any:
Pops an element off the queue. Blocks until
an element is put onto it again if the queue
is empty
if self.container:
if self.putters:
await self.putters.popleft().trigger()
return self.container.popleft()
ev = Event()
return await ev.wait()
async def clear(self):
Clears the queue
async def reset(self):
Resets the queue
await self.clear()
class Channel(ABC):
A generic, two-way, full-duplex communication channel between
tasks. This is just an abstract base class!
def __init__(self, maxsize: Optional[int] = None):
Public object constructor
self.maxsize = maxsize
self.closed = False
async def write(self, data: str):
Writes data to the channel. Blocks if the internal
queue is full until a spot is available. Does nothing
if the channel has been closed
return NotImplemented
async def read(self):
Reads data from the channel. Blocks until
a message arrives or returns immediately if
one is already waiting
return NotImplemented
async def close(self):
Closes the memory channel. Any underlying
data is left for other tasks to read
return NotImplemented
async def pending(self):
Returns if there's pending
data to be read
return NotImplemented
class MemoryChannel(Channel):
A two-way communication channel between tasks based
on giambio's queueing mechanism. Operations on this
object do not perform any I/O or other system call and
are therefore extremely efficient
def __init__(self, maxsize: Optional[int] = None):
Public object constructor
# We use a queue as our buffer
self.buffer = Queue(maxsize=maxsize)
async def write(self, data: str):
Writes data to the channel. Blocks if the internal
queue is full until a spot is available. Does nothing
if the channel has been closed
if self.closed:
await self.buffer.put(data)
async def read(self):
Reads data from the channel. Blocks until
a message arrives or returns immediately if
one is already waiting
return await self.buffer.get()
async def close(self):
Closes the memory channel. Any underlying
data is left for other tasks to read
self.closed = True
async def pending(self):
Returns if there's pending
data to be read
return bool(len(self.buffer))
class NetworkChannel(Channel):
A two-way communication channel between tasks based
on giambio's I/O mechanisms instead of in-memory queues
def __init__(self):
Public object constructor
# We use a socket as our buffer instead of a queue
sockets = socketpair()
self.reader = wrap_socket(sockets[0])
self.writer = wrap_socket(sockets[1])
self._internal_buffer = b""
async def write(self, data: bytes):
Writes data to the channel. Blocks if the internal
socket is not currently available. Does nothing
if the channel has been closed
if self.closed:
await self.writer.send_all(data)
async def read(self, size: int):
Reads exactly size bytes from the channel. Blocks until
enough data arrives. Extra data is cached and used on the
next read
data = self._internal_buffer
while len(data) < size:
data += await self.reader.receive(size)
self._internal_buffer = data[size:]
data = data[:size]
return data
async def close(self):
Closes the memory channel. Any underlying
data is flushed out of the internal socket
and is lost
self.closed = True
await self.reader.close()
await self.writer.close()
async def pending(self):
Returns if there's pending
data to be read
# TODO: Ugly!
if self.closed:
return False
self._internal_buffer += self.reader.sock.recv(1)
except BlockingIOError:
return False
return True
class Lock:
A simple single-owner lock
def __init__(self):
Public constructor
self.owner: Optional[Task] = None
self.tasks: deque[Event] = deque()
async def acquire(self):
Acquires the lock
task = await current_task()
if self.owner is None:
self.owner = task
elif task is self.owner:
raise RuntimeError("lock is already acquired by current task")
elif self.owner is not task:
await self.tasks[-1].wait()
self.owner = task
async def release(self):
Releases the lock
task = await current_task()
if self.owner is None:
raise RuntimeError("lock is not acquired")
elif self.owner is not task:
raise RuntimeError("lock can only released by its owner")
elif self.tasks:
await self.tasks.popleft().trigger()
self.owner = None
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.acquire()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
await self.release()