""" The main runtime environment for giambio Copyright (C) 2020 nocturn9x Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # Import libraries and internal resources import types import socket from time import sleep as wait from timeit import default_timer from .objects import Task, TimeQueue from socket import SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR from .traps import want_read, want_write from .util.debug import BaseDebugger from itertools import chain from .socket import AsyncSocket, WantWrite, WantRead from selectors import DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ, EVENT_WRITE from .exceptions import (InternalError, CancelledError, ResourceBusy, ) class AsyncScheduler: """ A simple asynchronous scheduler implementation. Tries to mimic the threaded model in its simplicity, without using actual threads, but rather alternating across coroutines execution to let more than one thing at a time to proceed with its calculations. An attempt to fix the threaded model has been made without making the API unnecessarily complicated. A few examples are tasks cancellation and exception propagation. """ def __init__(self, clock: types.FunctionType = default_timer, debugger: BaseDebugger = None): """ Object constructor """ # The debugger object. If it is none we create a dummy object that immediately returns an empty # lambda every time you access any of its attributes to avoid lots of if self.debugger clauses if debugger: assert issubclass(type(debugger), BaseDebugger), "The debugger must be a subclass of giambio.util.BaseDebugger" self.debugger = debugger or type("DumbDebugger", (object, ), {"__getattr__": lambda *args: lambda *arg: None})() # Tasks that are ready to run self.tasks = [] # Selector object to perform I/O multiplexing self.selector = DefaultSelector() # This will always point to the currently running coroutine (Task object) self.current_task = None # Monotonic clock to keep track of elapsed time reliably self.clock = clock # Tasks that are asleep self.paused = TimeQueue(self.clock) # All active Event objects self.events = set() # Data to send back to a trap self.to_send = None # Have we ever ran? self.has_ran = False # The current pool self.current_pool = None def done(self): """ Returns True if there is work to do """ if any([self.paused, self.tasks, self.events, self.selector.get_map()]): return False return True def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the event loop """ self.selector.close() def run(self): """ Starts the loop and 'listens' for events until there is work to do, then exits. This behavior kinda reflects a kernel, as coroutines can request the loop's functionality only trough some fixed entry points, which in turn yield and give execution control to the loop itself. """ while True: try: if self.done(): # If we're done, which means there are no # sleeping tasks, no events to deliver, # no I/O to do and no running tasks, we # simply tear us down and return to self.start self.shutdown() break elif not self.tasks: # If there are no actively running tasks # we try to schedule the asleep ones if self.paused: self.awake_sleeping() if self.selector.get_map(): # The next step is checking for I/O self.check_io() # Try to awake event-waiting tasks if self.events: self.check_events() # Otherwise, while there are tasks ready to run, well, run them! while self.tasks: # Sets the currently running task self.current_task = self.tasks.pop(0) # Sets the current pool (for nested pools) self.current_pool = self.current_task.pool self.debugger.before_task_step(self.current_task) if self.current_task.cancel_pending: # We perform the deferred cancellation # if it was previously scheduled self.do_cancel() if self.to_send and self.current_task.status != "init": # A little setup to send objects from and to # coroutines outside the event loop data = self.to_send else: # The first time coroutines' method .send() wants None! data = None # Run a single step with the calculation method, *args = self.current_task.run(data) # Some debugging and internal chatter here self.current_task.status = "run" self.current_task.steps += 1 self.debugger.after_task_step(self.current_task) # If data has been sent, reset it to None if self.to_send and self.current_task != "init": self.to_send = None # Sneaky method call, thanks to David Beazley for this ;) getattr(self, method)(*args) except AttributeError: # If this happens, that's quite bad! raise InternalError("Uh oh! Something very bad just happened, did" " you try to mix primitives from other async libraries?") from None except StopIteration as ret: # Task finished executing self.current_task.status = "end" self.current_task.result = ret.value self.current_task.finished = True self.debugger.on_task_exit(self.current_task) self.join(self.current_task) except BaseException as err: # Task raised an exception self.current_task.exc = err self.current_task.status = "crashed" self.debugger.on_exception_raised(self.current_task, err) self.join(self.current_task) # This propagates the exception def do_cancel(self, task: Task = None): """ Performs task cancellation by throwing CancelledError inside the given task in order to stop it from running. The loop continues to execute as tasks are independent """ task = task or self.current_task if not task.cancelled and not task.exc: self.debugger.before_cancel(task) task.throw(CancelledError()) def get_current(self): """ Returns the current task to an async caller """ self.tasks.append(self.current_task) self.to_send = self.current_task def check_events(self): """ Checks for ready or expired events and triggers them """ for event in self.events.copy(): if event.set: event.event_caught = True self.tasks.extend(event.waiters) self.events.remove(event) def awake_sleeping(self): """ Checks for and reschedules sleeping tasks """ wait(max(0.0, self.paused[0][0] - self.clock())) # Sleep until the closest deadline in order not to waste CPU cycles while self.paused[0][0] < self.clock(): # Reschedules tasks when their deadline has elapsed task = self.paused.get() slept = self.clock() - task.sleep_start task.sleep_start = None self.tasks.append(task) self.debugger.after_sleep(task, slept) if not self.paused: break def check_io(self): """ Checks and schedules task to perform I/O """ before_time = self.clock() # Used for the debugger if self.tasks or self.events: # If there are either tasks or events and no I/O, never wait timeout = 0.0 elif self.paused: # If there are asleep tasks, wait until the closest deadline timeout = max(0.0, self.paused[0][0] - self.clock()) else: # If there is *only* I/O, we wait a fixed amount of time timeout = 1.0 self.debugger.before_io(timeout) io_ready = self.selector.select(timeout) # Get sockets that are ready and schedule their tasks for key, _ in io_ready: self.tasks.append(key.data) # Resource ready? Schedule its task self.debugger.after_io(self.clock() - before_time) def start(self, func: types.FunctionType, *args): """ Starts the event loop from a sync context """ entry = Task(func(*args), func.__name__ or str(func), None) self.tasks.append(entry) self.debugger.on_start() self.run() self.has_ran = True self.debugger.on_exit() if entry.exc: raise entry.exc def reschedule_joinee(self, task: Task): """ Reschedules the parent(s) of the given task, if any """ for t in task.joiners: if t not in self.tasks: # Since a task can be the parent # of multiple children, we need to # make sure we reschedule it only # once, otherwise a RuntimeError will # occur self.tasks.append(t) def get_event_tasks(self): """ Returns all tasks currently waiting on events """ return set(waiter for waiter in (evt.waiters for evt in self.events)) def cancel_all_from_current_pool(self): """ Cancels all tasks in the current pool, preparing for the exception throwing from self.join """ to_reschedule = [] for to_cancel in chain(self.tasks, self.paused, self.get_event_tasks()): if to_cancel.pool is self.current_pool: try: self.cancel(to_cancel) except CancelledError: # Task was cancelled self.current_task.status = "cancelled" self.current_task.cancelled = True self.current_task.cancel_pending = False self.debugger.after_cancel(self.current_task) elif to_cancel.status == "sleep": deadline = to_cancel.next_deadline - self.clock() to_reschedule.append((to_cancel, deadline)) else: to_reschedule.append((to_cancel, None)) for task, deadline in to_reschedule: if deadline is not None: self.paused.put(task, deadline) # If there is other work to do (nested pools) # we tell so to our caller return bool(to_reschedule) def cancel_all(self): """ Cancels ALL tasks, this method is called as a result of self.close() """ for to_cancel in chain(self.tasks, self.paused, self.get_event_tasks()): self.cancel(to_cancel) def close(self): """ Closes the event loop, terminating all tasks inside it and tearing down any extra machinery """ # self.cancel_all() # self.shutdown() ... def join(self, task: Task): """ Joins a task to its callers (implicitly, the parent task, but also every other task who called await task.join() on the task object) """ task.joined = True if task.finished or task.cancelled: self.reschedule_joinee(task) elif task.exc: if not self.cancel_all_from_current_pool(): # This will reschedule the parent # only if any enclosed pool has # already exited, which is what we want self.reschedule_joinee(task) def sleep(self, seconds: int or float): """ Puts the caller to sleep for a given amount of seconds """ self.debugger.before_sleep(self.current_task, seconds) if seconds: # if seconds == 0, this acts as a switch! self.current_task.status = "sleep" self.current_task.sleep_start = self.clock() self.paused.put(self.current_task, seconds) self.current_task.next_deadline = self.clock() + seconds else: self.tasks.append(self.current_task) def cancel(self, task: Task = None): """ Schedules the task to be cancelled later or does so straight away if it is safe to do so """ task = task or self.current_task if not task.finished and not task.exc: if task.status in ("io", "sleep"): # We cancel right away self.do_cancel(task) else: task.cancel_pending = True # Cancellation is deferred def event_set(self, event): """ Sets an event """ self.events.add(event) event.set = True self.tasks.append(self.current_task) def event_wait(self, event): """ Pauses the current task on an event """ event.waiters.append(self.current_task) # Since we don't reschedule the task, it will # not execute until check_events is called # TODO: More generic I/O rather than just sockets (threads) def read_or_write(self, sock: socket.socket, evt_type: str): """ Registers the given socket inside the selector to perform I/0 multiplexing """ self.current_task.status = "io" if self.current_task.last_io: if self.current_task.last_io == (evt_type, sock): # Socket is already scheduled! return # TODO: Inspect why modify() causes issues self.selector.unregister(sock) self.current_task.last_io = evt_type, sock evt = EVENT_READ if evt_type == "read" else EVENT_WRITE try: self.selector.register(sock, evt, self.current_task) except KeyError: # The socket is already registered doing something else raise ResourceBusy("The given resource is busy!") from None def wrap_socket(self, sock): """ Wraps a standard socket into an AsyncSocket object """ return AsyncSocket(sock, self) async def read_sock(self, sock: socket.socket, buffer: int): """ Reads from a socket asynchronously, waiting until the resource is available and returning up to buffer bytes from the socket """ await want_read(sock) return sock.recv(buffer) async def accept_sock(self, sock: socket.socket): """ Accepts a socket connection asynchronously, waiting until the resource is available and returning the result of the accept() call """ await want_read(sock) return sock.accept() async def sock_sendall(self, sock: socket.socket, data: bytes): """ Sends all the passed bytes trough a socket asynchronously """ while data: await want_write(sock) sent_no = sock.send(data) data = data[sent_no:] # TODO: This method seems to cause issues async def close_sock(self, sock: socket.socket): """ Closes a socket asynchronously """ await want_write(sock) self.selector.unregister(sock) self.current_task.last_io = () sock.close() async def connect_sock(self, sock: socket.socket, addr: tuple): """ Connects a socket asynchronously """ try: # "Borrowed" from curio return sock.connect(addr) except WantWrite: await want_write(sock) err = sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR) if err != 0: raise OSError(err, f"Connect call failed: {addr}")