from debugger import Debugger import giambio import socket async def proxy_one_way(source: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket, sink: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket): """ Sends data from source to sink """ sink_addr = ":".join(map(str, await sink.getpeername())) source_addr = ":".join(map(str, await source.getpeername())) while True: data = await source.receive(1024) if not data: print(f"{source_addr} has exited, closing connection to {sink_addr}") await sink.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) break print(f"Got {data.decode('utf8', errors='ignore')!r} from {source_addr}, forwarding it to {sink_addr}") await sink.send_all(data) async def proxy_two_way(a: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket, b: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket): """ Sets up a two-way proxy from a to b and from b to a """ async with giambio.create_pool() as pool: await pool.spawn(proxy_one_way, a, b) await pool.spawn(proxy_one_way, b, a) async def main(delay: int, a: tuple, b: tuple): """ Sets up the proxy """ start = giambio.clock() print(f"Starting two-way proxy from {a[0]}:{a[1]} to {b[0]}:{b[1]}, lasting for {delay} seconds") async with giambio.skip_after(delay) as p: sock_a = giambio.socket.socket() sock_b = giambio.socket.socket() await sock_a.connect(a) await sock_b.connect(b) async with sock_a, sock_b: await proxy_two_way(sock_a, sock_b) print(f"Proxy has exited after {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds") try:, 60, ("localhost", 12345), ("localhost", 54321), debugger=()) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as error: # Exceptions propagate! if isinstance(error, KeyboardInterrupt): print("Ctrl+C detected, exiting") else: print(f"Exiting due to a {type(error).__name__}: {error}")