""" aiosched: Yet another Python async scheduler Copyright (C) 2022 nocturn9x Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https:www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import inspect from threading import local from timeit import default_timer from aiosched.kernel import FIFOKernel from aiosched.errors import SchedulerError from aiosched.util.debugging import BaseDebugger from typing import Coroutine, Callable, Any from aiosched.context import TaskPool, TaskScope local_storage = local() def get_event_loop(): """ Returns the event loop associated to the current thread """ try: return local_storage.loop except AttributeError: raise SchedulerError("loop is not running") from None def new_event_loop(clock_function: Callable, debugger: BaseDebugger | None = None): """ Associates a new event loop to the current thread and deactivates the old one. This should not be called explicitly unless you know what you're doing. If an event loop is currently set, and it is running, a SchedulerError exception is raised """ try: loop = get_event_loop() except SchedulerError: local_storage.loop = FIFOKernel(clock_function, debugger) else: if not loop.done(): raise SchedulerError("cannot change event loop while running") else: loop.close() local_storage.loop = FIFOKernel(clock_function, debugger) def run(func: Callable[[Any, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs): """ Starts the event loop from a synchronous entry point """ if inspect.iscoroutine(func): raise SchedulerError( "Looks like you tried to call aiosched.run(your_func(arg1, arg2, ...)), that is wrong!" "\nWhat you wanna do, instead, is this: aiosched.run(your_func, arg1, arg2, ...)" ) elif not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise SchedulerError("aiosched.run() requires an async function as parameter!") clock_function = default_timer debugger = None if "clock_function" in kwargs: clock_function = kwargs.pop("clock_function") if "debugger" in kwargs: debugger = kwargs.pop("debugger") new_event_loop(clock_function, debugger) get_event_loop().start(func, *args, **kwargs) def create_pool(*args, **kwargs) -> TaskPool: """ Creates and returns a new TaskPool object. All positional and keyword arguments are passed to the TaskPool constructor """ return TaskPool(*args, **kwargs) def with_timeout(timeout: int | float) -> TaskScope: """ Returns a new task scope with the specified timeout. A TimeoutError exception is raised if the timeout expires """ return TaskScope(timeout=timeout) def skip_after(timeout: int | float) -> TaskScope: """ Returns a new task scope with the specified timeout. No exception is raised if the timeout expires, but the timed_out attribute of the scope is set accordingly """ return TaskScope(timeout=timeout, silent=True) def clock() -> float: """ Returns the current clock time of the thread-local event loop """ return get_event_loop().clock()