import aiosched import logging import sys # An asynchronous chatroom clients: dict[aiosched.socket.AsyncSocket, list[str, str]] = {} names: set[str] = set() async def serve(bind_address: tuple): """ Serves asynchronously forever :param bind_address: The address to bind the server to represented as a tuple (address, port) where address is a string and port is an integer """ sock = aiosched.socket.socket() await sock.bind(bind_address) await sock.listen(5)"Serving asynchronously at {bind_address[0]}:{bind_address[1]}") async with aiosched.with_context() as ctx: async with sock: while True: try: conn, address_tuple = await sock.accept() clients[conn] = ["", f"{address_tuple[0]}:{address_tuple[1]}"]"{address_tuple[0]}:{address_tuple[1]} connected") await ctx.spawn(handler, conn) except Exception as err: # Because exceptions just *work*"{address_tuple[0]}:{address_tuple[1]} has raised {type(err).__name__}: {err}") async def handler(sock: aiosched.socket.AsyncSocket): """ Handles a single client connection :param sock: The AsyncSocket object connected to the client """ address = clients[sock][1] name = "" async with sock: # Closes the socket automatically await sock.send_all(b"Welcome to the chatroom pal, may you tell me your name?\n> ") while True: while not name.endswith("\n"): name = (await sock.receive(64)).decode() name = name[:-1] if name not in names: names.add(name) clients[sock][0] = name break else: await sock.send_all(b"Sorry, but that name is already taken. Try again!\n> ") await sock.send_all(f"Okay {name}, welcome to the chatroom!\n".encode())"{name} has joined the chatroom ({address}), informing clients") for i, client_sock in enumerate(clients): if client_sock != sock and clients[client_sock][0]: await client_sock.send_all(f"{name} joins the chatroom!\n> ".encode()) while True: await sock.send_all(b"> ") data = await sock.receive(1024) if not data: break"Got: {data!r} from {address}") for i, client_sock in enumerate(clients): if client_sock != sock and clients[client_sock][0]:"Sending {data!r} to {':'.join(map(str, await client_sock.getpeername()))}") if not data.endswith(b"\n"): data += b"\n" await client_sock.send_all(f"[{name}] ({address}): {data.decode()}> ".encode())"Sent {data!r} to {i} clients")"Connection from {address} closed") clients.pop(sock) names.discard(name) if __name__ == "__main__": port = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 1501 logging.basicConfig( level=20, format="[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s %(message)s", datefmt="%d/%m/%Y %p", ) try:, ("localhost", port)) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as error: # Exceptions propagate! if isinstance(error, KeyboardInterrupt):"Ctrl+C detected, exiting") else: logging.error(f"Exiting due to a {type(error).__name__}: {error}")