import re import sys import time import subprocess from shutil import which from pathlib import Path from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace def main(args: Namespace) -> int: print("Nimfish move validator v0.0.1 by nocturn9x") try: STOCKFISH = (args.stockfish or Path(which("stockfish"))).resolve(strict=True) except Exception as e: print(f"Could not locate stockfish executable -> {type(e).__name__}: {e}") return -1 try: NIMFISH = (args.nimfish or (Path.cwd() / "bin" / "nimfish")).resolve(strict=True) except Exception as e: print(f"Could not locate nimfish executable -> {type(e).__name__}: {e}") return -1 print(f"Starting Stockfish engine at {STOCKFISH.as_posix()!r}") stockfish_process = subprocess.Popen(STOCKFISH, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="u8" ) print(f"Starting Nimfish engine at {NIMFISH.as_posix()!r}") nimfish_process = subprocess.Popen(NIMFISH, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="u8") print(f"Setting position to {(args.fen if args.fen else 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')!r}") if args.fen: nimfish_process.stdin.write(f"position fen {args.fen}\n") stockfish_process.stdin.write(f"position fen {args.fen}\n") else: nimfish_process.stdin.write("position startpos\n") stockfish_process.stdin.write("position startpos\n") print(f"Engines started, beginning search to depth {args.ply}") nimfish_process.stdin.write(f"go perft {args.ply} {'bulk' if args.bulk else ''}\n") stockfish_process.stdin.write(f"go perft {args.ply}\n") print("Search started, waiting for engine completion") start_time = time.time() stockfish_output = stockfish_process.communicate()[0] stockfish_time = time.time() - start_time start_time = time.time() nimfish_output = nimfish_process.communicate()[0] nimfish_time = time.time() - start_time positions = { "all": {}, "stockfish": {}, "nimfish": {} } pattern = re.compile(r"(?P[a-h][1-8])(?P[a-h][1-8])(?Pb|n|q|r)?:\s(?P[0-9]+)", re.MULTILINE) for (source, target, promotion, nodes) in pattern.findall(stockfish_output): move = f"{source}{target}{promotion}" positions["all"][move] = [int(nodes)] positions["stockfish"][move] = int(nodes) for (source, target, promotion, nodes) in pattern.findall(nimfish_output): move = f"{source}{target}{promotion}" if move in positions["all"]: positions["all"][move].append(int(nodes)) else: positions["all"][move] = [int(nodes)] positions["nimfish"][move] = int(nodes) missing = { # Are in nimfish but not in stockfish "nimfish": [], # Are in stockfish but not in nimfish "stockfish": [] } # What mistakes did Nimfish do? mistakes = set() for move, nodes in positions["all"].items(): if move not in positions["stockfish"]: missing["nimfish"].append(move) continue elif move not in positions["nimfish"]: missing["stockfish"].append(move) continue if nodes[0] != nodes[1]: mistakes.add(move) total_nodes = {"stockfish": sum(positions["stockfish"][move] for move in positions["stockfish"]), "nimfish": sum(positions["nimfish"][move] for move in positions["nimfish"])} total_difference = total_nodes["stockfish"] - total_nodes["nimfish"] print(f"Stockfish searched {total_nodes['stockfish']} node{'' if total_nodes['stockfish'] == 1 else 's'} in {stockfish_time:.2f} seconds") print(f"Nimfish searched {total_nodes['nimfish']} node{'' if total_nodes['nimfish'] == 1 else 's'} in {nimfish_time:.2f} seconds") if total_difference > 0: print(f"Nimfish searched {total_difference} less node{'' if total_difference == 1 else 's'} than Stockfish") elif total_difference < 0: total_difference = abs(total_difference) print(f"Nimfish searched {total_difference} more node{'' if total_difference == 1 else 's'} than Stockfish") else: print("Node count is identical") pattern = re.compile(r"(?:\s\s-\sCaptures:\s(?P[0-9]+))\n" r"(?:\s\s-\sChecks:\s(?P[0-9]+))\n" r"(?:\s\s-\sE\.P:\s(?P[0-9]+))\n" r"(?:\s\s-\sCheckmates:\s(?P[0-9]+))\n" r"(?:\s\s-\sCastles:\s(?P[0-9]+))\n" r"(?:\s\s-\sPromotions:\s(?P[0-9]+))", re.MULTILINE) extra: re.Match | None = None if not args.bulk: extra = missed_total = len(missing['stockfish']) + len(missing['nimfish']) if missing["stockfish"] or missing["nimfish"] or mistakes: print(f"Found {missed_total} missed move{'' if missed_total == 1 else 's'} and {len(mistakes)} counting mistake{'' if len(mistakes) == 1 else 's'}, more info below: ") if args.bulk: print("Note: Nimfish was run in bulk-counting mode, so a detailed breakdown of each move type is not available. " "To fix this, re-run the program without the --bulk option") if extra: print(f" Breakdown by move type:") print(f" - Captures: {'captures')}") print(f" - Checks: {'checks')}") print(f" - En Passant: {'enPassant')}") print(f" - Checkmates: {'checkmates')}") print(f" - Castles: {'castles')}") print(f" - Promotions: {'promotions')}") print(f" - Total: {total_nodes['nimfish']}") elif not args.bulk: print("Unable to locate move breakdown in Nimfish output") if missing["stockfish"] or missing["nimfish"]: print("\n Move count breakdown:") if missing["stockfish"]: print(" Legal moves missed: ") for move in missing["stockfish"]: print(f" - {move}: {positions['stockfish'][move]}") if missing["nimfish"]: print(" Illegal moves generated: ") for move in missing["nimfish"]: print(f" - {move}: {positions['nimfish'][move]}") if mistakes: print(" Counting mistakes made:") for move in mistakes: missed = positions["stockfish"][move] - positions["nimfish"][move] print(f" - {move}: expected {positions['stockfish'][move]}, got {positions['nimfish'][move]} ({'-' if missed > 0 else '+'}{abs(missed)})") else: print("No discrepancies detected") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description="Automatically compare perft results between our engine and Stockfish") parser.add_argument("--fen", "-f", type=str, default="", help="The FEN string of the position to start from (empty string means the initial one). Defaults to ''") parser.add_argument("--ply", "-d", type=int, required=True, help="The depth to stop at, expressed in plys (half-moves)") parser.add_argument("--bulk", action="store_true", help="Enable bulk-counting for Nimfish (faster, less debuggable)", default=False) parser.add_argument("--stockfish", type=Path, help="Path to the stockfish executable. Defaults to '' (detected automatically)", default=None) parser.add_argument("--nimfish", type=Path, help="Path to the nimfish executable. Defaults to '' (detected automatically)", default=None) sys.exit(main(parser.parse_args()))