from pyrogram import Client, Filters from ..config import MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD, ANTIFLOOD_SENSIBILITY, BAN_TIME, ADMINS, BYPASS_FLOOD, FLOOD_NOTICE, \ FLOOD_PERCENTAGE, CACHE, PRIVATE_ONLY, DELETE_MESSAGES, bot, user_banned, FLOOD_CLEARED, FLOOD_USER_CLEARED, \ ERROR, NONNUMERIC_ID, check_user_banned from collections import defaultdict import logging import time from ..methods import MethodWrapper # Some variables for runtime configuration MESSAGES = defaultdict(list) # Internal variable for the antiflood module BANNED_USERS = Filters.user() # Filters where the antiflood will put banned users BYPASS_USERS = Filters.user(list(ADMINS.keys())) if BYPASS_FLOOD else Filters.user() ADMINS = Filters.user(list(ADMINS.keys())) FILTER = Filters.private if PRIVATE_ONLY else ~Filters.user() wrapper = MethodWrapper(bot) def is_flood(updates: list): """ Calculates if a sequence of updates corresponds to a flood """ genexpr = [i <= ANTIFLOOD_SENSIBILITY for i in ((updates[i + 1] - timestamp) if i < (MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD - 1) else (timestamp - updates[i - 1]) for i, timestamp in enumerate(updates))] return sum(genexpr) >= int((len(genexpr) / 100) * FLOOD_PERCENTAGE) @Client.on_message(FILTER & ~BYPASS_USERS & ~user_banned(), group=-1) def anti_flood(client, update): """Anti flood module""" user_id = chat = date = message_id = update.message_id if isinstance(MESSAGES[user_id], tuple): chat, date = MESSAGES[user_id] if time.time() - date >= BAN_TIME: logging.warning(f"{user_id} has waited at least {BAN_TIME} seconds in {chat} and can now text again") BANNED_USERS.remove(user_id) del MESSAGES[user_id] elif len(MESSAGES[user_id]) >= MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD - 1: # -1 to avoid acting on the next update MESSAGES[user_id].append({chat: (date, message_id)})"MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD ({MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD}) Reached for {user_id}") user_data = MESSAGES.pop(user_id) timestamps = [list(*d.values())[0] for d in user_data] updates = [list(*d.values())[1] for d in user_data] if is_flood(timestamps): logging.warning(f"Flood detected from {user_id} in chat {chat}") if user_id in CACHE: del CACHE[user_id] BANNED_USERS.add(user_id) MESSAGES[user_id] = chat, time.time() if FLOOD_NOTICE: wrapper.send_message(user_id, FLOOD_NOTICE) if DELETE_MESSAGES: wrapper.delete_messages(chat, updates) else: if user_id in MESSAGES: del MESSAGES[user_id] else: MESSAGES[user_id].append({chat: (date, message_id)}) @Client.on_message(FILTER & ADMINS & ~Filters.edited & Filters.command("clearflood")) def clear_flood(_, message): if len(message.command) == 1: global MESSAGES # Ew... MESSAGES = defaultdict(list) for user in BANNED_USERS.copy(): BANNED_USERS.remove(user) wrapper.send_message(, FLOOD_CLEARED) else: for user in message.command[1:]: if not user.isdigit(): wrapper.send_message(, f"{ERROR}: {NONNUMERIC_ID}") return BANNED_USERS.discard(int(user)) MESSAGES.pop(int(user), None) wrapper.send_message(, FLOOD_USER_CLEARED.format(user=", ".join((f"{usr}" for usr in message.command[1:]))))