from pyrogram import Client, Filters, Message from ..config import MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD, ANTIFLOOD_SENSIBILITY, BAN_TIME, ADMINS, BYPASS_FLOOD, FLOOD_NOTICE, \ COUNT_CALLBACKS_SEPARATELY, FLOOD_PERCENTAGE, CACHE, PRIVATE_ONLY from collections import defaultdict import logging import time from ..methods.safe_send import send_message # Some variables for runtime configuration MESSAGES = defaultdict(list) # Internal variable for the antiflood module BANNED_USERS = Filters.user() # Filters where the antiflood will put banned users BYPASS_USERS = Filters.user(list(ADMINS.keys())) if BYPASS_FLOOD else Filters.user() QUERIES = defaultdict(list) if COUNT_CALLBACKS_SEPARATELY else MESSAGES FILTER = Filters.private if PRIVATE_ONLY else ~Filters.user() def is_flood(updates: list): """Calculates if a sequence of updates corresponds to a flood""" genexpr = [i <= ANTIFLOOD_SENSIBILITY for i in ((updates[i + 1] - timestamp) if i < (MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD - 1) else (timestamp - updates[i - 1]) for i, timestamp in enumerate(updates))] limit = (len(genexpr) / 100) * FLOOD_PERCENTAGE if genexpr.count(True) >= limit: return True else: return False @Client.on_callback_query(FILTER & ~BYPASS_USERS, group=-1) @Client.on_message(FILTER & ~BYPASS_USERS, group=-1) def anti_flood(client, update): """Anti flood module""" VAR = MESSAGES if isinstance(update, Message) else QUERIES if isinstance(VAR[], tuple): chat, date = VAR[] if time.time() - date >= BAN_TIME: logging.warning(f"{} has waited at least {BAN_TIME} seconds and can now text again") BANNED_USERS.remove( del VAR[] elif len(VAR[]) >= MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD:"MAX_MESS_THRESHOLD ({MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD}) Reached for {}") timestamps = VAR.pop( if is_flood(timestamps): logging.warning(f"Flood detected from {} in chat {}") if in CACHE: del CACHE[] BANNED_USERS.add( if isinstance(update, Message): chatid = else: chatid = VAR[] = chatid, time.monotonic() if FLOOD_NOTICE: send_message(client,, FLOOD_NOTICE) else: if in VAR: del VAR[] else: if isinstance(update, Message): date = else: if update.message: date = else: date = time.monotonic() VAR[].append(date)