# BotBase - Methods overview BotBase has a builtin collection of wrappers around Pyrogram methods that make it even easier to use them properly. **DISCLAIMER**: These methods are just wrappers around Pyrogram's ones and behave exactly the same. Every method listed here takes 2 extra positional arguments, namely a `Client`/`CallbackQuery` instance and a boolean parameter (read below) All other arguments, including keyword ones, are passed to pyrogram directly. The methods are wrapped in try/except blocks and log automatically all errors to the console. Also, if `sleep=True` (which is by default) if the method raises a `FloodWait` exception, the wrapper will sleep the required amount of time and then return the `FloodWait` exception. If `sleep=False` the exception is returned immediately. All other exceptions are catched under `RPCError` and are returned if they get raised, too. If no exception occurs the wrapper will return whatever the corresponding pyrogram method returns. ## Methods - Safe send List of the available functions in `BotBase.methods.safe_send` - `send_message` - `send_photo` - `send_audio` - `send_animation` - `send_sticker` These are the exact names that pyrogram uses, to see their docs refer to [pyrogram docs](https://docs.pyrogram.org/api/methods/) ## Methods - Safe edit List of the available functions in `BotBase.methods.safe_edit` - `edit_message_text` - `edit_message_media` - `edit_message_caption` ## Methods - Various List of the available functions in `BotBase.methods.various` - `answer` (for `CallbackQuery` objects) - `delete_messages`