# Copyright 2020 Mattia Giambirtone # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## A stack-based bytecode virtual machine implementation. ## This is the entire runtime environment for JAPL {.experimental: "implicitDeref".} ## Standard library imports import strformat import tables import std/enumerate ## Our modules import config when not SKIP_STDLIB_INIT: import stdlib import compiler import meta/opcode import meta/frame import types/baseObject import types/japlString import types/japlNil import types/exception import types/numbers import types/boolean import types/methods import types/typeutils import types/function import types/native import types/arraylist # We always import it to # avoid the compiler complaining # about functions not existing # in production builds import util/debug type KeyboardInterrupt* = object of CatchableError ## Custom exception to handle Ctrl+C InterpretResult = enum ## All possible interpretation results Ok, CompileError, RuntimeError VM* = ref object ## A wrapper around the virtual machine ## functionality. Using custom heap allocated ## types for everything might sound excessive, ## but bad things happen when nim's GC puts its ## hands on JAPL-owned objects, so it was decided ## to reduce the GC's impact to a minimal lastPop*: ptr Obj source*: ptr String frames*: ptr ArrayList[CallFrame] stack*: ptr ArrayList[ptr Obj] objects*: ptr ArrayList[ptr Obj] globals*: Table[string, ptr Obj] # TODO: Custom hashmap cached*: array[6, ptr Obj] file*: ptr String func handleInterrupt() {.noconv.} = ## Raises an appropriate exception ## to let us catch and handle ## Ctrl+C gracefully raise newException(KeyboardInterrupt, "Ctrl+C") proc initStack*(self: VM) = ## Initializes the VM's stack, frame stack ## and objects arraylist when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Resetting the stack" self.stack = newArrayList[ptr Obj]() self.objects = newArrayList[ptr Obj]() self.frames = newArrayList[CallFrame]() proc resetStack*(self: VM) = ## Resets the VM's stack to a blank state while self.stack.len() >= 1: discard self.stack.pop() while self.frames.len() >= 1: discard self.frames.pop() proc getBoolean(self: VM, kind: bool): ptr Obj = ## Tiny little optimization for booleans ## which are pre-allocated on startup if kind: return self.cached[0] else: return self.cached[1] proc error*(self: VM, error: ptr JAPLException) = ## Reports runtime errors with a nice traceback # TODO: Once we have proper exceptions, # this procedure will be used to report # those that were not catched and managed # to climb the call stack to the first # frame (the global code object) # Exceptions are objects too and they need to # be freed like any other entity in JAPL self.objects.append(error) # TODO -> Move this somewhere else to mark exceptions even before they are raised var previous = "" # All this stuff seems overkill, but it makes the traceback look nicer var repCount = 0 # and if we are here we are far beyond a point where performance matters anyway var mainReached = false var output = "" stderr.write("An unhandled exception occurred, traceback below:\n") for frame in reversed(self.frames): if mainReached: break var function = frame.function var line = function.chunk.lines[frame.ip] if function.name == nil: output = &" File '{self.file}', line {line}, in :" mainReached = true else: output = &" File '{self.file}', line {line}, in {stringify(function.name)}():" if output != previous: if repCount > 0: stderr.write(&" ...previous line repeated {repCount} more times...\n") repCount = 0 previous = output stderr.write(&"{output}\n") else: repCount += 1 stderr.write(error.stringify()) stderr.write("\n") self.resetStack() proc pop*(self: VM): ptr Obj = ## Pops an object off the stack result = self.stack.pop() proc push*(self: VM, obj: ptr Obj) = ## Pushes an object onto the stack self.stack.append(obj) if obj notin self.objects and obj notin self.cached: self.objects.append(obj) proc push*(self: VM, ret: returnType): bool = ## Pushes a return value from a builtin ## method onto the stack and handles errors result = true case ret.kind: of returnTypes.Object: self.push(ret.result) of returnTypes.Exception: self.error(cast[ptr JAPLException](ret.result)) result = false of returnTypes.True: self.push(self.cached[0]) of returnTypes.False: self.push(self.cached[1]) of returnTypes.Nil: self.push(self.cached[2]) of returnTypes.Inf: self.push(self.cached[3]) of returnTypes.nInf: self.push(self.cached[4]) of returnTypes.NotANumber: self.push(self.cached[5]) proc peek*(self: VM, distance: int): ptr Obj = ## Peeks an object (at a given distance from the ## current index) from the stack return self.stack[self.stack.high() - distance] proc call(self: VM, function: ptr Function, argCount: int): bool = ## Sets up the call frame and performs error checking ## when calling callables if argCount < function.arity: var arg: string if function.arity > 1: arg = "s" self.error(newTypeError(&"function '{stringify(function.name)}' takes at least {function.arity} argument{arg}, got {argCount}")) return false elif argCount > function.arity and (argCount - function.arity) - function.optionals != 0: self.error(newTypeError(&"function '{stringify(function.name)}' takes at least {function.arity} arguments and at most {function.arity + function.optionals}, got {argCount}")) return false if self.frames.len() == FRAMES_MAX: self.error(newRecursionError("max recursion depth exceeded")) return false let slot = self.stack.high() - argCount var frame = CallFrame(function: function, ip: 0, slot: slot, stack: self.stack) self.frames.append(frame) return true proc call(self: VM, native: ptr Native, argCount: int): bool = ## Does the same as self.call, but with native functions if argCount != native.arity and native.arity != -1: self.error(newTypeError(&"function '{stringify(native.name)}' takes {native.arity} argument(s), got {argCount}")) return false let slot = self.stack.high() - argCount + 1 var args: seq[ptr Obj] for i in countup(slot, self.stack.high()): args.add(self.stack[i]) let nativeResult = native.nimproc(args) for i in countup(slot - 1, self.stack.high()): discard self.pop() # TODO once stack is a custom datatype, # just reduce its length case nativeResult.kind: of retNative.True: self.push(self.getBoolean(true)) of retNative.False: self.push(self.getBoolean(false)) of retNative.Object: self.push(nativeResult.result) of retNative.Nil: self.push(self.cached[2]) of retNative.Inf: self.push(self.cached[3]) of retNative.nInf: self.push(self.cached[4]) of retNative.NotANumber: self.push(self.cached[5]) of retNative.Exception: self.error(cast[ptr JaplException](nativeResult.result)) return false return true proc callObject(self: VM, callee: ptr Obj, argCount: uint8): bool = ## Wrapper around call() to do type checking if callee.isCallable(): case callee.kind: of ObjectType.Function: return self.call(cast[ptr Function](callee), int(argCount)) of ObjectType.Native: return self.call(cast[ptr Native](callee), int(argCount)) else: # TODO: Classes discard # Unreachable else: self.error(newTypeError(&"object of type '{callee.typeName()}' is not callable")) return false proc defineGlobal*(self: VM, name: string, value: ptr Obj) = ## Adds a key-value couple to the VM's global scope self.globals[name] = value proc readByte(self: CallFrame): uint8 = ## Reads a single byte from the given ## frame's chunk of bytecode inc(self.ip) result = self.function.chunk.code[self.ip - 1] proc readBytes(self: CallFrame): int = ## Reads and decodes 3 bytes from the ## given frame's chunk into an integer var arr = [self.readByte(), self.readByte(), self.readByte()] copyMem(result.addr, unsafeAddr(arr), sizeof(arr)) proc readShort(self: CallFrame): uint16 = ## Reads a 16 bit number from the ## given frame's chunk let arr = [self.readByte(), self.readByte()] copyMem(result.addr, unsafeAddr(arr), sizeof(uint16)) proc readConstant(self: CallFrame): ptr Obj = ## Reads a constant from the given ## frame's constant table var arr = [self.readByte(), self.readByte(), self.readByte()] var idx: int copyMem(idx.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr)) result = self.function.chunk.consts[idx] proc showRuntime*(self: VM, frame: CallFrame, iteration: uint64) = ## Shows debug information about the current ## state of the virtual machine let view = frame.getView() stdout.write("DEBUG - VM: General information\n") stdout.write(&"DEBUG - VM:\tIteration -> {iteration}\nDEBUG - VM:\tStack -> [") for i, v in self.stack: stdout.write(stringify(v)) if i < self.stack.high(): stdout.write(", ") stdout.write("]\nDEBUG - VM: \tGlobals -> {") for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.globals.pairs()): stdout.write(&"'{k}': {stringify(v)}") if i < self.globals.len() - 1: stdout.write(", ") stdout.write("}\nDEBUG - VM: Frame information\n") stdout.write("DEBUG - VM:\tType -> ") if frame.function.name == nil: stdout.write("main\n") else: stdout.write(&"function, '{frame.function.name.stringify()}'\n") echo &"DEBUG - VM:\tCount -> {self.frames.len()}" echo &"DEBUG - VM:\tLength -> {view.len}" stdout.write("DEBUG - VM:\tTable -> ") stdout.write("[") for i, e in frame.function.chunk.consts: stdout.write(stringify(e)) if i < len(frame.function.chunk.consts) - 1: stdout.write(", ") stdout.write("]\nDEBUG - VM:\tStack view -> ") stdout.write("[") for i, e in view: stdout.write(stringify(e)) if i < len(view) - 1: stdout.write(", ") stdout.write("]\n") echo "DEBUG - VM: Current instruction" discard disassembleInstruction(frame.function.chunk, frame.ip - 1) proc run(self: VM): InterpretResult = ## Chews trough bytecode instructions executing ## them one at a time: this is the runtime's ## main loop var frame = self.frames[self.frames.high()] var instruction: OpCode when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: var iteration: uint64 = 0 while true: instruction = OpCode(frame.readByte()) {.computedgoto.} # See https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-computedgoto-pragma when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: # Insight inside the VM iteration += 1 self.showRuntime(frame, iteration) case instruction: # Main OpCodes dispatcher of OpCode.Constant: # Loads a constant from the chunk's constant # table self.push(frame.readConstant()) of OpCode.Negate: # Performs unary negation let operand = self.pop() try: if not self.push(operand.negate()): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported unary operator '-' for object of type '{operand.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Shl: # Bitwise left-shift var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.binaryShl(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '<<' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Shr: # Bitwise right-shift var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.binaryShr(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '>>' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Xor: # Bitwise xor var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.binaryXor(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '^' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Bor: # Bitwise or var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.binaryOr(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '&' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Bnot: # Bitwise not var operand = self.pop() try: if not self.push(operand.binaryNot()): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported unary operator '~' for object of type '{operand.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Band: # Bitwise and var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.binaryAnd(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '&' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Add: # Binary + var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.sum(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '+' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Subtract: # Binary - var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.sub(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '-' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Divide: # Binary / var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.trueDiv(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '/' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Multiply: # Binary * var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.mul(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '*' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Mod: # Binary % (modulo division) var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.divMod(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '%' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Pow: # Binary ** (exponentiation) var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.pow(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '**' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.True: ## TODO: Make sure that even operations that can yield ## preallocated types, but do not have access to the VM, ## yield these cached types self.push(cast[ptr Bool](self.getBoolean(true))) of OpCode.False: self.push(cast[ptr Bool](self.getBoolean(false))) of OpCode.Nil: self.push(cast[ptr Nil](self.cached[2])) of OpCode.Nan: self.push(cast[ptr NotANumber](self.cached[4])) of OpCode.Inf: self.push(cast[ptr Infinity](self.cached[3])) of OpCode.Not: self.push(self.getBoolean(self.pop().isFalsey())) of OpCode.Equal: # Compares object equality # Here order doesn't matter, because if a == b # then b == a (at least in *most* languages, sigh) self.push(self.getBoolean(self.pop().eq(self.pop()))) # Doesn't this chain of calls look beautifully # intuitive? of OpCode.Less: # Binary less (<) var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() var comp: tuple[result: bool, obj: ptr Obj] try: comp = left.lt(right) if system.`==`(comp.obj, nil): self.push(self.getBoolean(comp.result)) else: self.push(comp.obj) except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '<' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Greater: # Binary greater (>) var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() var comp: tuple[result: bool, obj: ptr Obj] try: comp = left.gt(right) if system.`==`(comp.obj, nil): self.push(self.getBoolean(comp.result)) else: self.push(comp.obj) except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '>' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.LessOrEqual: var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() var comp: tuple[result: bool, obj: ptr Obj] try: comp = left.lt(right) if not comp.result and left == right: comp.result = true if system.`==`(comp.obj, nil): self.push(self.getBoolean(comp.result)) else: self.push(comp.obj) except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '<' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.GreaterOrEqual: var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() var comp: tuple[result: bool, obj: ptr Obj] try: comp = left.gt(right) if not comp.result and left == right: comp.result = true if system.`==`(comp.obj, nil): self.push(self.getBoolean(comp.result)) else: self.push(comp.obj) except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator '>' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Is: # Implements object identity (i.e. same pointer) # This is implemented internally for obvious # reasons and works on any pair of objects, which # is why we call nim's system.== operator and NOT # our custom one var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() self.push(self.getBoolean(system.`==`(left, right))) of OpCode.As: # Implements type casting (TODO: Only allow classes) var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(objAs(left, right.kind)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"unsupported binary operator 'as' for objects of type '{left.typeName()}' and '{right.typeName()}'")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.GetItem: # Implements expressions such as a[b] # TODO: More generic method var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() try: if not self.push(left.getItem(right)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"object of type '{left.typeName()}' does not support getItem expressions")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.Slice: # Implements expressions such as a[b:c] var right = self.pop() var left = self.pop() var operand = self.pop() try: if not self.push(operand.Slice(right, left)): return RuntimeError except NotImplementedError: self.error(newTypeError(&"object of type '{operand.typeName()}' does not support slicing")) return RuntimeError of OpCode.DefineGlobal: # Defines a global variable var name = frame.readConstant().toStr() self.globals[name] = self.peek(0) discard self.pop() of OpCode.GetGlobal: # Retrieves a global variable var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr() if constant notin self.globals: self.error(newReferenceError(&"undefined name '{constant}'")) return RuntimeError else: self.push(self.globals[constant]) of OpCode.SetGlobal: # Changes the value of an already defined global variable var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr() if constant notin self.globals: self.error(newReferenceError(&"assignment to undeclared name '{constant}'")) return RuntimeError else: self.globals[constant] = self.peek(0) of OpCode.DeleteGlobal: # Deletes a global variable # TODO: Inspect potential issues with the GC var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr() if constant notin self.globals: self.error(newReferenceError(&"undefined name '{constant}'")) return RuntimeError else: self.globals.del(constant) of OpCode.GetLocal: # Retrieves a local variable self.push(frame[frame.readBytes()]) of OpCode.SetLocal: # Changes the value of an already defined local variable frame[frame.readBytes()] = self.peek(0) of OpCode.DeleteLocal: # Deletes a global variable # TODO: Inspect potential issues with the GC frame.delete(frame.readBytes()) of OpCode.Pop: # Pops an item off the stack self.lastPop = self.pop() of OpCode.JumpIfFalse: # Skips a certain amount of # bytecode instructions # if the object at the top of # our stack is falsey let jmpOffset = int frame.readShort() if isFalsey(self.peek(0)): frame.ip += int jmpOffset of OpCode.Jump: # Jumps a certain amount of bytecode # instructions, unconditionally frame.ip += int frame.readShort() of OpCode.Loop: # Loops back a certain amount of # bytecode instructions, unconditionally frame.ip -= int frame.readShort() of OpCode.Call: # Implements functions call var argCount = frame.readByte() if not self.callObject(self.peek(int argCount), argCount): return RuntimeError frame = self.frames[self.frames.high()] of OpCode.Break: discard # Unused (the compiler converts it to other stuff before it arrives here) of OpCode.Return: # Handles returning values from the callee to the caller # and sets up the stack to proceed with execution var retResult = self.pop() # Pops the function's frame discard self.frames.pop() if self.frames.len() == 0: discard self.pop() return OK discard frame.clear() self.push(retResult) frame = self.frames[self.frames.high()] proc freeObjects(self: VM) = ## Frees all the allocated objects ## from the VM when DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION: var runtimeObjCount = len(self.objects) var cacheCount = len(self.cached) var runtimeFreed = 0 var cachedFreed = 0 for obj in reversed(self.objects): freeObject(obj) discard self.objects.pop() when DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION: runtimeFreed += 1 for cached_obj in self.cached: freeObject(cached_obj) when DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION: cachedFreed += 1 when DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Freed {runtimeFreed + cachedFreed} objects out of {runtimeObjCount + cacheCount} ({cachedFreed}/{cacheCount} cached objects, {runtimeFreed}/{runtimeObjCount} runtime objects)" proc freeVM*(self: VM) = ## Tears down the VM unsetControlCHook() try: self.freeObjects() freeObject(self.objects) freeObject(self.stack) freeObject(self.frames) except NilAccessDefect: stderr.write("A fatal error occurred -> could not free memory, segmentation fault\n") quit(71) when DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION: if self.objects.len > 0: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Warning, {self.objects.len} objects were not freed" echo "DEBUG - VM: The virtual machine has shut down" proc initCache(self: VM) = ## Initializes the static cache for singletons ## such as true and false # TODO -> Make sure that every operation # concerning singletons ALWAYS returns # these cached objects in order to # implement proper object identity # in a quicker way than it is done # for equality when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Initializing singletons cache" self.cached = [ true.asBool().asObj(), false.asBool().asObj(), asNil().asObj(), asInf().asObj(), nil, asNan().asObj() ] # We cache -inf as well let nInf = asInf() nInf.isNegative = true self.cached[4] = nInf.asObj() proc initStdlib*(vm: VM) = ## Initializes the VM's standard library by defining builtin ## functions that do not require imports. An arity of -1 ## means that the function is variadic (or that it can ## take a different number of arguments according to ## how it's called) and should be handled by the nim ## procedure accordingly when DEBUG_TRACE_VM and not SKIP_STDLIB_INIT or not DEBUG_TRACE_VM: when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Initializing stdlib" vm.defineGlobal("print", newNative("print", natPrint, -1)) vm.defineGlobal("printErr", newNative("printErr", natPrintErr, -1)) vm.defineGlobal("clock", newNative("clock", natClock, 0)) vm.defineGlobal("round", newNative("round", natRound, -1)) vm.defineGlobal("toInt", newNative("toInt", natToInt, 1)) vm.defineGlobal("toString", newNative("toString", natToString, 1)) vm.defineGlobal("type", newNative("type", natType, 1)) vm.defineGlobal("readLine", newNative("readLine", natReadline, -1)) when DEBUG_TRACE_VM and SKIP_STDLIB_INIT: echo "DEBUG - VM: Skipping stdlib initialization" proc initVM*(): VM = ## Initializes the Virtual Machine by ## creating the cache, setting signal ## handlers, loading the standard ## library and preparing the stack ## and internal data structures when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Initializing the virtual machine, {JAPL_VERSION_STRING}" result = VM(globals: initTable[string, ptr Obj]()) result.initStack() result.initCache() result.initStdlib() setControlCHook(handleInterrupt) result.lastPop = cast[ptr Nil](result.cached[2]) when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Initialization complete, compiled with the following constants: FRAMES_MAX={FRAMES_MAX}, ARRAY_GROW_FACTOR={ARRAY_GROW_FACTOR}, MAP_LOAD_FACTOR={MAP_LOAD_FACTOR}" proc interpret*(self: VM, source: string, file: string): InterpretResult = ## Interprets a source string containing JAPL code when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Preparing to run '{file}'" self.resetStack() self.source = source.asStr() self.file = file.asStr() self.objects.append(self.source) self.objects.append(self.file) when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Compiling '{file}'" var compiler = initCompiler(SCRIPT, file=file) var compiled = compiler.compile(source) # Here we take into account that self.interpret() might # get called multiple times (like in the REPL) and we don't wanna loose # what we allocated before, so we merge everything we already # allocated and everything the compiler allocated at compile time self.objects.extend(compiler.objects) if compiled == nil: # Compile-time error compiler.freeCompiler() when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Result -> CompileError" return CompileError when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Compilation successful" # Since in JAPL all code runs in some # sort of function, we push our global # "code object" and call it like any # other function self.push(compiled) discard self.callObject(compiled, 0) try: result = self.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: # TODO: Better handling self.error(newInterruptedError("")) when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo "DEBUG - VM: Result -> RuntimeError" return RuntimeError when DEBUG_TRACE_VM: echo &"DEBUG - VM: Result -> {result}"