import operator from typing import List from .types.callable import Callable from .types.japlclass import JAPLClass from .types.instance import JAPLInstance from .meta.environment import Environment from .meta.tokentype import TokenType from .meta.exceptions import JAPLError, BreakException, ReturnException from .types.native import Clock, Type, JAPLFunction, Truthy, Stringify, PrintFunction, IsInstance, IsSubclass, IsSuperclass from .meta.expression import Expression, Variable, Literal, Logical, Binary, Unary, Grouping, Assignment, Call, Get, Set from .meta.statement import Statement, StatementExpr, If, While, Del, Break, Return, Var, Block, Function, Class class Interpreter(Expression.Visitor, Statement.Visitor): """ An interpreter for the JAPL programming language """ OPS = {TokenType.MINUS: operator.sub, TokenType.PLUS: operator.add, TokenType.SLASH: operator.truediv, TokenType.STAR: operator.mul, TokenType.DEQ: operator.eq, TokenType.GT:, TokenType.GE:, TokenType.LT:, TokenType.LE: operator.le, TokenType.EQ: operator.eq, TokenType.NE:, TokenType.MOD: operator.mod, TokenType.POW: operator.pow} def __init__(self): """Object constructor""" self.environment = Environment() self.locals = {} self.globals = self.environment self.globals.define("clock", Clock()) self.globals.define("type", Type()) self.globals.define("truthy", Truthy()) self.globals.define("stringify", Stringify()) self.globals.define("print", PrintFunction()) self.globals.define("isinstance", IsInstance()) self.globals.define("issuperclass", IsSuperclass()) self.globals.define("issubclass", IsSubclass()) def number_operand(self, op, operand): """ An helper method to check if the operand to a unary operator is a number """ if isinstance(operand, (int, float)): return raise JAPLError(op, f"Unsupported unary operator '{op.lexeme}' for object of type '{type(operand).__name__}'") def compatible_operands(self, op, left, right): """ Helper method to check types when doing binary operations """ if op.kind == TokenType.SLASH and right == 0: raise JAPLError(op, "Cannot divide by 0") elif isinstance(left, (bool, type(None))) or isinstance(right, (bool, type(None))): if op.kind not in (TokenType.DEQ, TokenType.NE): raise JAPLError(op, f"Unsupported binary operator '{op.lexeme}' for objects of type '{type(left).__name__}' and '{type(right).__name__}'") return elif isinstance(left, (int, float)) and isinstance(right, (int, float)): return elif op.kind in (TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.STAR, TokenType.DEQ, TokenType.NE): if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str): return elif isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, int): return elif isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, str): return raise JAPLError(operator, f"Unsupported binary operator '{op.lexeme}' for objects of type '{type(left).__name__}' and '{type(right).__name__}'") def visit_literal(self, expr: Literal): """ Visits a Literal node in the Abstract Syntax Tree, returning its value to the visitor """ return expr.value def visit_logical(self, expr: Logical): """Visits a logical node""" left = self.eval(expr.left) if expr.operator.kind == TokenType.OR: if bool(left): return left elif not bool(left): return self.eval(expr.right) return self.eval(expr.right) def eval(self, expr: Expression): """ Evaluates an expression by calling its accept() method and passing self to it. This mechanism is known as the 'Visitor Pattern': the expression object will later call the interpreter's appropriate method to evaluate itself """ return expr.accept(self) def visit_grouping(self, grouping: Grouping): """ Visits a Grouping node in the Abstract Syntax Tree, recursively evaluating its subexpressions """ return self.eval(grouping.expr) def visit_unary(self, expr: Unary): """ Visits a Unary node in the Abstract Syntax Teee, returning the negation of the given object, if the operation is supported """ right = self.eval(expr.right) self.number_operand(expr.operator, right) if expr.operator.kind == TokenType.NEG: return not right return -right def visit_binary(self, expr: Binary): """ Visits a Binary node in the Abstract Syntax Tree, recursively evaulating both operands first and then performing the operation specified by the operator """ left = self.eval(expr.left) right = self.eval(expr.right) self.compatible_operands(expr.operator, left, right) return self.OPS[expr.operator.kind](left, right) def visit_statement_expr(self, stmt: StatementExpr): """ Visits an expression statement and evaluates it """ self.eval(stmt.expression) def visit_if(self, statement: If): """ Visits an If node and evaluates it """ if self.eval(statement.condition): self.exec(statement.then_branch) elif statement.else_branch: self.exec(statement.else_branch) def visit_class(self, stmt: Class): """Visits a class declaration""" superclass = None if stmt.superclass: superclass = self.eval(stmt.superclass) if not isinstance(superclass, JAPLClass): raise JAPLError(, "Superclass must be a class") self.environment.define(, None) if superclass: environment = Environment(self.environment) environment.define("super", superclass) else: environment = self.environment methods = {} for method in stmt.methods: func = JAPLFunction(method, environment) methods[] = func klass = JAPLClass(, methods, superclass) if superclass: self.environment = environment.enclosing self.environment.assign(, klass) def visit_while(self, statement: While): """ Visits a while node and executes it """ while self.eval(statement.condition): try: self.exec(statement.body) except BreakException: break def visit_var_stmt(self, stmt: Var): """ Visits a var statement """ val = None if stmt.init: val = self.eval(stmt.init) self.environment.define(, val) def lookup(self, name, expr: Expression): """ Performs name lookups in the closest scope """ distance = self.locals.get(expr) if distance is not None: return self.environment.get_at(distance, name.lexeme) else: return self.globals.get(name) def visit_var_expr(self, expr: Variable): """ Visits a var expression """ return self.lookup(, expr) def visit_del(self, stmt: Del): """ Visits a del expression """ return self.environment.delete( def visit_assign(self, stmt: Assignment): """ Visits an assignment expression """ right = self.eval(stmt.value) distance = self.locals.get(stmt) if distance is not None: self.environment.assign_at(distance,, right) else: self.globals.assign(, right) return right def visit_block(self, stmt: Block): """ Visits a new scope block """ return self.execute_block(stmt.statements, Environment(self.environment)) def visit_break(self, stmt: Break): """ Visits a break statement """ raise BreakException() def visit_call_expr(self, expr: Call): """ Visits a call expression """ callee = self.eval(expr.callee) if not isinstance(callee, Callable): raise JAPLError(expr.paren, f"'{type(callee).__name__}' is not callable") arguments = [] for argument in expr.arguments: arguments.append(self.eval(argument)) function = callee if function.arity != len(arguments): raise JAPLError(expr.paren, f"Expecting {function.arity} arguments, got {len(arguments)}") return, arguments) def execute_block(self, statements: List[Statement], scope: Environment): """ Executes a block of statements """ prev = self.environment try: self.environment = scope for statement in statements: self.exec(statement) finally: self.environment = prev def visit_return(self, statement: Return): """ Visits a return statement """ value = None if statement.value: value = self.eval(statement.value) raise ReturnException(value) def visit_function(self, statement: Function): """ Visits a function """ function = JAPLFunction(statement, self.environment) self.environment.define(, function) def visit_get(self, expr: Get): """Visits property get expressions and evaluates them""" obj = self.eval(expr.object) if isinstance(obj, JAPLInstance): return obj.get( raise JAPLError(, "Only instances have properties") def visit_set(self, expr: Set): """Visits property set expressions and evaluates them""" obj = self.eval(expr.object) if not isinstance(obj, JAPLInstance): raise JAPLError(expr, "Only instances have fields") value = self.eval(expr.value) obj.set(, value) def visit_this(self, expr): """Evaluates 'this' expressions""" return self.lookup(expr.keyword, expr) def visit_super(self, expr): """Evaluates 'super' expressions""" distance = self.locals.get(expr) superclass = self.environment.get_at(distance, "super") instance = self.environment.get_at(distance - 1, "this") meth = superclass.get_method(expr.method.lexeme) if not meth: raise JAPLError(expr.method, f"Undefined property '{expr.method.lexeme}'") return meth.bind(instance) def exec(self, statement: Statement): """ Executes a statement """ statement.accept(self) def interpret(self, statements: List[Statement]): """ Executes a JAPL program """ for statement in statements: self.exec(statement) def resolve(self, expr: Expression, depth: int): """ Stores the result of the name resolution: this info will be used later to know exactly in which environment to look up a given variable """ self.locals[expr] = depth # How many environments to skip!