# multiline.nim import line import strutils type Multiline* = ref object lines: seq[Line] x,y: int # getters/setters proc X*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.x proc Y*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.y # constructor proc newMultiline*(initEmpty: bool = true): Multiline = new(result) result.lines = @[] if initEmpty: result.lines.add(newLine()) result.x = 0 result.y = 0 proc copy*(ml: Multiline): Multiline = new(result) for l in ml.lines: result.lines.add(l.copy()) result.x = ml.x result.y = ml.y # methods proc lineLen*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.lines[ml.y].len() proc lineHigh*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.lineLen() - 1 proc len*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.lines.len() proc high*(ml: Multiline): int = ml.lines.high() # internal setter proc sety(ml: Multiline, target: int) = ml.y = target if ml.x > ml.lineLen(): ml.x = ml.lineLen() # warning check before calling them if y lands in illegal territory # these are unsafe! proc decy(ml: Multiline) = ml.sety(ml.y-1) proc incy(ml: Multiline) = ml.sety(ml.y+1) proc left*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.x > 0: dec ml.x proc right*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.x < ml.lineLen(): inc ml.x proc up*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.y > 0: ml.decy proc down*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.y < ml.lines.high(): ml.incy proc home*(ml: Multiline) = ml.x = 0 proc `end`*(ml: Multiline) = ml.x = ml.lineLen() proc vhome*(ml: Multiline) = ml.sety(0) proc vend*(ml: Multiline) = ml.sety(ml.high()) proc insert*(ml: Multiline, str: string) = ml.lines[ml.y].insert(str, ml.x) ml.x += str.len() proc delete*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.x < ml.lineLen(): ml.lines[ml.y].delete(ml.x, ml.x) proc backspace*(ml: Multiline) = if ml.x > 0: ml.lines[ml.y].delete(ml.x - 1, ml.x - 1) dec ml.x elif ml.x == 0 and ml.y > 0: let cut = ml.lines[ml.y].content ml.lines.delete(ml.y) dec ml.y ml.x = ml.lineLen() ml.lines[ml.y].insert(cut, ml.x) proc insertline*(ml: Multiline) = # the default behaviour of command mode o if ml.y == ml.lines.high(): ml.lines.add(newLine()) else: ml.lines.insert(newLine(), ml.y + 1) inc ml.y ml.x = 0 proc enter*(ml: Multiline) = # the default behaviour of enter in normie editors if ml.x > ml.lineHigh(): ml.insertline() # when end of line, it's just an insertline else: let cut = ml.lines[ml.y].range(ml.x, ml.lineHigh()) ml.lines[ml.y].delete(ml.x, ml.lineHigh()) ml.insertline() ml.lines[ml.y].insert(cut, 0) proc clearline*(ml: Multiline) = ml.lines[ml.y].clearLine() proc removeline*(ml: Multiline) = ml.lines.delete(ml.y) if ml.lines.len() == 0: ml.lines.add(newLine()) if ml.y > ml.lines.high(): dec ml.y proc getLine*(ml: Multiline, line: int = -1): string = if line == -1: ml.lines[ml.y].content else: if line >= 0 and line <= ml.lines.high(): ml.lines[line].content else: "" # without the extra args these work together to convert a multiline to a single # line string. With extra args customizable proc serialize*(ml: Multiline, sep: string = r"\n", replaceBS: bool = true): string = # replaceBS = replace backslash for line in ml.lines: if replaceBS: result &= line.content.replace(r"\", r"\\") & sep else: result &= line.content & sep result[0..result.high() - sep.len()] proc deserialize*(str: string, sep: string = r"\n", replaceBS: bool = true): Multiline = result = newMultiline(initEmpty = false) for line in str.split(sep): if replaceBS: result.lines.add(newLine(line.replace(r"\\", r"\"))) else: result.lines.add(newLine(line)) result.y = result.high() result.x = result.lineLen() proc fromString*(str: string): Multiline = # simple load of string to multiline deserialize(str, sep = "\n", replaceBS = false) proc getContent*(ml: Multiline): string = # simple convert of multiline to string ml.serialize(sep = "\n", replaceBS = false)