import strformat import strutils import tables import terminal import line import multiline import keycodes import event import renderer type JaleEvent* = enum jeKeypress, jeQuit, jeFinish, jePreRead, jePostRead EditorState = enum esOutside, esTyping, esFinishing, esQuitting LineEditor* = ref object # permanents keystrokes*: Event[int] events*: Event[JaleEvent] prompt*: string # permanent internals: none # per-read contents content*: Multiline lastKeystroke*: int # per-read internals state: EditorState rendered: int # how many lines were printed last full refresh forceRedraw: bool # getter/setter sorts proc unfinish*(le: LineEditor) = le.state = esTyping proc finish*(le: LineEditor) = le.state = esFinishing # can be overwritten to false, inside the event proc quit*(le: LineEditor) = le.state = esQuitting proc forceRedraw*(le: LineEditor) = le.forceRedraw = true # constructor proc newLineEditor*: LineEditor = new(result) result.content = newMultiline() result.prompt = "" result.rendered = 0 result.lastKeystroke = -1 result.forceRedraw = false result.state = esOutside # priv/pub methods proc reset(editor: LineEditor) = ## Resets state to outside, resets internal rendering details ## resets last keystroke, creates new contents editor.state = esOutside editor.rendered = 0 editor.content = newMultiline() editor.lastKeystroke = -1 editor.forceRedraw = false proc render(editor: LineEditor, line: int = -1, hscroll: bool = true) = var y = line if y == -1: y = editor.content.Y renderLine( ( if y == 0: editor.prompt else: " ".repeat(editor.prompt.len()) ), editor.content.getLine(y), 0 ) proc clearLine = write stdout, "\r" & " ".repeat(terminalWidth()) proc fullRender(editor: LineEditor) = # from the top cursor pos, it draws the entire multiline prompt, then # moves cursor to current y for i in countup(0, editor.content.high()): editor.render(i, false) if i < editor.rendered: cursorDown(1) else: write stdout, "\n" inc editor.rendered var extraup = 0 while editor.content.len() < editor.rendered: clearLine() cursorDown(1) dec editor.rendered inc extraup cursorUp(editor.content.len() - editor.content.Y + extraup) proc moveCursorToEnd(editor: LineEditor) = # only called when read finished if editor.content.high() > editor.content.Y: cursorDown(editor.content.high() - editor.content.Y) write stdout, "\n" proc read*(editor: LineEditor): string = editor.state = esTyping # starts at the top, full render moves it into the right y editor.fullRender() while editor.state == esTyping: # refresh current line every time editor.render() setCursorXPos(editor.content.X + editor.prompt.len()) # get key (with escapes) let key = getKey() # record y pos let preY = editor.content.Y # call the events editor.lastKeystroke = key # redraw everything if y changed if editor.forceRedraw or preY != editor.content.Y: # move to the top if preY > 0: cursorUp(preY) # move to the right y editor.fullRender() if editor.forceRedraw: editor.forceRedraw = false # move cursor to end editor.moveCursorToEnd() result = editor.content.getContent() editor.reset()