## Universal (cross platform) terminal abstractions # source: https://github.com/h3rald/nimline/blob/master/nimline.nim # lines 42-56 (modified) when defined(windows): proc putchr(c: cint): cint {.discardable, header: "", importc: "_putch".} proc getchr(): cint {.header: "", importc: "_getch".} proc uniPutChr*(c: char) = ## Prints an ASCII character to stdout. putchr(c.cint) proc uniGetChr*: int = ## Retrieves an ASCII character from stdin. getchr().int else: import terminal proc uniPutChr*(c: char) = ## Prints an ASCII character to stdout. stdout.write(c) proc uniGetChr*: int = ## Retrieves an ASCII character from stdin. return getch().int