# Launchpad.net SSH keys for mirroring some repos manually, # partularly the gitlab.com:termux-package-android5x/src.git repo # among any sort of shits and giggles. Host launchpad-git Hostname git.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 Host launchpad-bazar Hostname bazar.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 # GitHub.com and some GitLab instance SSH Keys # Copying-pasting PAT is a distater in case they're yeeted by # some random pajeet who hacked my motherfucking Linux/Win10 PC # Sometimes, these are shortcuts in case I need to check # if they're still working after importing my keys or when I need # to generate 2FA backup codes remotely. Host github Hostname github.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal User git Host gitlab Hostname gitlab.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal User git # Git sometimes an shit in SSH client conifg # especially if I typed the full domain instead of # shortcuts I made. Host github.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal User git Host gitlab.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal User git Host git.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 Host bazar.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 Host git.divio.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User git # Divio Stuff Host ssh.black.aldryn.ne IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad