# Include Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces SSH config Include gp-config Include codespaces # My VMs, through Virtualbox Host ubuntu-vm Hostname localhost Port 1222 User thepinsteam IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal Host bshq Hostname localhost Port 3055 User shitfuckery IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal # Git hosts, as usual Host gitlab.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad Host github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad Host gitlab.alpinelinux.org User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad # Launchpad.net SSH keys for mirroring some repos manually, # partularly the gitlab.com:termux-package-android5x/src.git repo # among any sort of shits and giggles. Host git.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 Host bazar.launchpad.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad User ajhalili2006 # LXC containers, please append as possible Host ghost-localhost Hostname User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal # Even fucking physicial computers thrugh Tailscale! # TODO: Find that StackExchange ref! Host stellapent Hostname stellapent.tailnet User cursed-remote-user IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad # Use SSH port forwarding for that. :) # But chaos may come on da logs #LocalForward 3380 localhost:3389 # Also for our WSL setup too #LocalForward 3381 RemoteForward 63100 localhost:63100 # SSH to our Ubuntu WSL instance LocalForward 2280 localhost:2222 # There's no such thing as guilded.gg/guildedguy as there will be only # discord.gg/gildedguy if you're looking for an place to discuss the lore # or possibly want to find some fan art as your desktop wallpaper. Host guildedguy Hostname gildedguy.tailnet User gildedguy IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad Host wsl.stellapent Hostname ubuntu.wsl.stellapent.tailnet User mikedmoy IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad Port 2222 Host devshell.tailnet User abc Hostname RemoteForward 63100 localhost:63100 # in case the mesh network went fucked-up by ISP d**kheads Host stellapent.local User cursed-remote-user IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad LocalForward 3380 localhost:3389 RemoteForward 63100 localhost:63100 Host wsl.stellapent.local User mikedmoy Hostname stellapent.local Port 2222 # SourceForge Host sourceforge User ajhalili2006 Hostname shell.sourceforge.net IdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad