#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2199,SC2068,SC1091,SC2086,SC2145 # custom function management here # changes to the worthwhile-functions filepath requires # an update o the filepath via 'edit-script reload-funcs-bashrc # and also any reference here disable-funcs () { echo "info: Unimplemented yet. Tell Andrei to add it to his todo." } edit-funcs-bashrc() { $(echo $EDITOR || command -v nano>>/dev/null && echo nano || echo vi) ~/.dotfiles/bashrc/worthwhile-functions } list-debs-size () { dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -rn | less } edit-script-file () { # if you use other editor, please set $EDITOR. $(echo $EDITOR || command -v code>>/dev/null && echo code || command -v nano>>/dev/null && echo nano || echo vi) "$(command -v $1)" } # reloading stuff refresh-funcs() { "$DOTFILES_STUFF_BIN/reload-funcs-bashrc" } refresh-aliases() { source "$HOME/.dotfiles/bashrc/aliases" } # https://commentedcode.org/blog/2020/09/21/changing-default-branch-of-git-init/ function git() { # check command for some automation KEK if [[ "$1" == "init" && "$@" != *"--help"* ]]; then if ! command git init; then echo "Setting HEAD to branch main" command git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main fi elif [[ "$1" == "commit" && "$@" != *"--help"* && ( "$@" != *"--signoff"* && "$@" != *"-s"* && $@ != *"--amend" ) ]]; then [ $DEBUG != "" ] && echo "args: $@ --signoff" && sleep 3 command git "$@" --signoff else command git "$@" fi } list-nodejs-scripts() { [[ -f "package.json" ]] && jq .scripts < package.json || echo "No package.json found in current directory." }