# Highlighting Files for Nano Sometimes, highloghting can be a mess, especially if the included `*.nanorc` files on `/usr/local/nano` (may varies on distro, especially you're using the Termux Android app). So, I made this directory within the `nanorc` category where I pull nanorc files from different sources. ## Where I Get them * https://github.com/serialhex/nano-highlight ## How To Update ```bash # Use the update-dotfiles to update nanorc files pulled # from the Internet update-dotfiles nanorc/highlighting # Reading nanorc/config.yml... # Cloning github:serialhex/nano-highlight... # [OUTPUT GOES HERE] # Copying nanorc files from local copy to nanorc/highlighting... # [VERBOSE LOGS GOES HERE] # Cleaning up... # Done! The local Git repo status is: # [git status output] # To commit into your local dotfiles repo and sync to other machines # run the following command: # git commit --signoff --gpg-sign && git push ```