# API Docs The REST API can be accessible at port `60881` unless overriden via the `PORT` variable, listening on all interfaces, so please adjust your firewall settings accordingly. **:warning: The API docs is a work in progress.** We're currently ironing out the backend code behind the scenes, much like the stability status of the Node.js code in this code. ## Endpoints **Base URL**: `http://localhost:${PORT:-"60881"}` (for non-Linux users, defaults to `60881` unless `PORT` variable is defined when running `yarn start`) ### `/getState` **Description**: Gets the current RPC state from `rpcState.json` file. **Example response**: ```jsonc // curl http://localhost:60881/getState | jq . { "details": "On the Admin Stream", "state": "https://twitch.tv/TheNoxcrew", "assets": { "large_image": "mcc-twitter", "large_text": "MC Championship", "small_image": "spectator", "small_text": "Admin Stream" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Check event stats", "url": "https://mcc.live" }, { "label": "Use this Custom RPC", "url": "https://gitlab.com/RecapTime/mcc-discord-rpc" } ], "timestamps": { "start": 1647961984753 } } ``` ### `/changeTeams/regular-/` ## Appendix