const express = require("express") const app = new express() const { AutoClient } = require("discord-auto-rpc") const client = new AutoClient({ transport: 'ipc' }); const { defaultActivity } = require("./lib/defaults"); const { teamsIndex } = require("./lib/teams") const port = process.env.PORT || 60881 const { getState, updateState, sixHoursAgo, timestampStart } = require("./lib/utils"); const fs = require("node:fs"); app.get("/changeTeams/regular-participant/:teamSlug", (req, res) => { if (req.params.teamSlug == "spectator") { client.setActivity({ pid:, activity: teamsIndex.regularEvents.spectator }) updateState(teamsIndex.regularEvents.spectator) res.json({ ok: true, state: getState() }) } else { res.status(404).json({ ok: false, error: "Team not found on index." }) } }) app.get("/getState", (req, res) => { res.json(getState()) }) client.on('ready', async () => { fs.stat('rpcState.json', (err, stat) => { if (err == null) { resetStartTimestamp = { details: getState().details, assets: getState().assets, state: getState().state, buttons: getState().buttons, timestamps: { start: timestampStart() } } console.log('info: State file exists, preloading from previous state'); /** Check if timestamp.start from getState is longer than six hours to trigger reset. */ if (sixHoursAgo > getState().timestamps.start) { console.log("info: timestamp.start from state file is less than 6 hours ago, preloading") client.request("SET_ACTIVITY", { pid:, activity: getState() }); } else if (sixHoursAgo < getState().timestamps.start) { console.log('info: timestamp.start from state file is longer than 6 hours, resetting...') updateState(resetStartTimestamp) } } else { client.request("SET_ACTIVITY", { pid:, activity: defaultActivity }); console.log("info: Using default activity for state due to file issues"); updateState(defaultActivity) } }); }); client.once('connected', async () => { console.log("info: Connected to Discord local RPC server"); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log("info: REST API is up at http://localhost:"+port+", see and docs directory") console.log("info: for the API docs. Please do not make API calls yet until the API server successfully") console.log("info: connects to Discord RPC to avoid issues..") }) // Uses the unofficial MCC.Live OAuth client ID from Andrei Jiroh. // Uses discord-auto-rpc behind the scenes to attempt to connect to RPC and wait until Discord is up. client.endlessLogin({ clientId: "952456760948559932" }); module.exports = { app, client }