# Welcome to the unofficial intellivoid-spam-protection wiki! This library handles All Requests done to https://api.intellivoid.net/spamprotection/v1/lookup. To understand how this is meant to be used, please see read the following [Documentation](https://github.com/pokurt/intellivoid-spam-protection/wiki) ## Getting Started - Installing the library: `pip install git+https://github.com/pokurt/intellivoid-spam-protection` - For those who wants to try out Development Builds: `pip install git+https://github.com/pokurt/intellivoid-spam-protection@dev` ## Usage ``` from spamprotection import SPBClient import asyncio client = SPBClient() async def main(): user = input("Enter a Username or UserID to check Spam Prediction on SPB: ") status = await client.check_blacklist(user) if status.success: print((await text_parser(status.private_telegram_id))) else: print("Polish Cow did not Approve this!") if __name__ == "__main__": loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.close() ``` ## Examples All Examples are in [Examples Directory](https://github.com/pokurt/intellivoid-spam-protection/tree/master/examples)