# CoffeeHouse DLTC CoffeeHouse Deep Learning Classification Engine is a method for creating K2 Models on large data to predict labels from them. For example, you can train the model on a bunch of "Sports" articles and "Political" articles (with the appropriate labels assigned to each article) and train the model. You can give the model a new article that's either "Sports" or "Political" related and the model will be able to predict the likely-hood of the article being Political or Sports related. This was forked from [magpie](https://github.com/inspirehep/magpie) but rewritten to handle data and the training process more quickly and efficiently than the original project. # Installation ```shell script python3 setup.py install ``` # Usage Create a directory for your model, your directory must contain a model.json file formatted like this ```json { "model": { "name": "Spam Ham", "model_name": "spam_ham", "author": "Zi Xing", "version": "", "description": "Model for predicting messages which contains spam or ham" }, "training_properties":{ "epoch": 35, "vec_dim": 100, "test_ratio": 0.2, "architecture": "cnn", "batch_size": 64 }, "classification": [ {"l": "spam", "f": "spam.dat"}, {"l": "ham", "f": "ham.dat"} ] } ``` ### Model | Property Name | Description | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | name | The name of the model | | model_nme | The safe name of the model which is used for IO operations | | author | The author which constructed the data for the model | | version | The version of the model | | description | The description of the model, what it does, etc. | ### Training Properties | Property Name | Description | |---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | epoch | The amount of training sessions the model must run through | | vec_dim | The amount of word vector recreations it goes through | | test_ratio | splits data into train & test datasets and evaluates itself after every epoch displaying it's current loss and accuracy. The default value of `test_ratio` is 0 meaning that all the data will be used for training. | | architecture | The type of model to train on, the possible values are `cnn` and `rnn` | | batch_size | The size of the batch for training purposes | ### Classification | Property Name | Description | |---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | l | The label for the data, eg; `spam`, `ham`... | | f | The name of the .dat file which consists of the data split into line breaks | ## Training the model To train the model, the model must be clustered into a structured directory which will create a bunch of files for the data and labels which would be easier to manage and train the data from those files. In which after the temporary directory will be deleted ```python from coffeehouse_dltc.chmodel.configuration import Configuration # Model directory must contain model.json and the required .dat files configuration = Configuration('') configuration.train_model() ``` Once this process is done, a output directory will be created with all the generated models | File Extension | Description | |----------------|----------------------------------------------| | `.che` | This file contains the word vectors | | `.chs` | File format responsible for the scarler data | | `.chm` | Main classification model | | `.chl` | JSON File format which contains the labels | All these files are important in order for the model data to be loaded correctly into memory ## Classifying data Assuming the model files has been created, you can load the model cluster and predict from text or file input ```python from coffeehouse_dltc.main import DLTC dltc = DLTC() dltc.load_model_cluster('') dltc.predict_from_text("Hello World") # [('ham', 0.9650128), ('spam', 0.040875915)] dltc.predict_from_file("text.txt") # [('spam', 0.61647576), ('ham', 0.42338383)] ``` ## From the CLI You can access CoffeeHouse-DLTC's features from the command-line interface. ```shell script python3 -m coffeehouse_dltc --model-info python3 -m coffeehouse_dltc --train-model python3 -m coffeehouse_dltc --test-model ```