package; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.SeqClassifierFlags; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.time.TimeAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.time.Timex; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.EditDistance; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * Various methods for normalizing Money, Date, Percent, Time, and * Number, Ordinal amounts. * These matchers are generous in that they try to quantify something * that's already been labelled by an NER system; don't use them to make * classification decisions. This class has a twin in the pipeline world: * {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.QuantifiableEntityNormalizingAnnotator}. * Please keep the substantive content here, however, so as to lessen code * duplication. * * Implementation note: The extensive test code for this class is * now in a separate JUnit Test class. This class depends on the background * symbol for NER being the default background symbol. This should be fixed * at some point. * * @author Chris Cox * @author Christopher Manning (extended for RTE) * @author Anna Rafferty */ public class QuantifiableEntityNormalizer { /** A logger for this class */ private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(QuantifiableEntityNormalizer.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DEBUG2 = false; // String normalizing functions public static String BACKGROUND_SYMBOL = SeqClassifierFlags.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_SYMBOL; // this isn't a constant; it's set by the QuantifiableEntityNormalizingAnnotator private static final Pattern timePattern = Pattern.compile("([0-2]?[0-9])((?::[0-5][0-9]){0,2})([PpAa]\\.?[Mm]\\.?)?"); private static final Pattern moneyPattern = Pattern.compile("([$\u00A3\u00A5\u20AC#]?)(-?[0-9,]*)(\\.[0-9]*)?+"); private static final Pattern scorePattern = Pattern.compile(" *([0-9]+) *- *([0-9]+) *"); //Collections of entity types private static final Set quantifiable; //Entity types that are quantifiable private static final Set collapseBeforeParsing; private static final Set timeUnitWords; private static final Map moneyMultipliers; private static final Map moneyMultipliers2; private static final Map currencyWords; public static final ClassicCounter wordsToValues; public static final ClassicCounter ordinalsToValues; static { quantifiable = Generics.newHashSet(); quantifiable.add("MONEY"); quantifiable.add("TIME"); quantifiable.add("DATE"); quantifiable.add("PERCENT"); quantifiable.add("NUMBER"); quantifiable.add("ORDINAL"); quantifiable.add("DURATION"); collapseBeforeParsing = Generics.newHashSet(); collapseBeforeParsing.add("PERSON"); collapseBeforeParsing.add("ORGANIZATION"); collapseBeforeParsing.add("LOCATION"); timeUnitWords = Generics.newHashSet(); timeUnitWords.add("second"); timeUnitWords.add("seconds"); timeUnitWords.add("minute"); timeUnitWords.add("minutes"); timeUnitWords.add("hour"); timeUnitWords.add("hours"); timeUnitWords.add("day"); timeUnitWords.add("days"); timeUnitWords.add("week"); timeUnitWords.add("weeks"); timeUnitWords.add("month"); timeUnitWords.add("months"); timeUnitWords.add("year"); timeUnitWords.add("years"); currencyWords = Generics.newHashMap(); currencyWords.put("dollars?", '$'); currencyWords.put("cents?", '$'); currencyWords.put("pounds?", '\u00A3'); currencyWords.put("pence|penny", '\u00A3'); currencyWords.put("yen", '\u00A5'); currencyWords.put("euros?", '\u20AC'); currencyWords.put("won", '\u20A9'); currencyWords.put("\\$", '$'); currencyWords.put("\u00A2", '$'); // cents currencyWords.put("\u00A3", '\u00A3'); // pounds currencyWords.put("#", '\u00A3'); // for Penn treebank currencyWords.put("\u00A5", '\u00A5'); // Yen currencyWords.put("\u20AC", '\u20AC'); // Euro currencyWords.put("\u20A9", '\u20A9'); // Won currencyWords.put("yuan", '\u5143'); // Yuan moneyMultipliers = Generics.newHashMap(); moneyMultipliers.put("trillion", 1000000000000.0); // can't be an integer moneyMultipliers.put("billion",1000000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put("bn",1000000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put("million", 1000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put("thousand", 1000.0); moneyMultipliers.put("hundred", 100.0); moneyMultipliers.put("b.", 1000000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put("m.", 1000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put(" m ",1000000.0); moneyMultipliers.put(" k ",1000.0); moneyMultipliers2 = Generics.newHashMap(); moneyMultipliers2.put("[0-9](m)(?:[^a-zA-Z]|$)", 1000000); moneyMultipliers2.put("[0-9](b)(?:[^a-zA-Z]|$)", 1000000000); wordsToValues = new ClassicCounter<>(); wordsToValues.setCount("zero", 0.0); wordsToValues.setCount("one", 1.0); wordsToValues.setCount("two", 2.0); wordsToValues.setCount("three", 3.0); wordsToValues.setCount("four", 4.0); wordsToValues.setCount("five", 5.0); wordsToValues.setCount("six", 6.0); wordsToValues.setCount("seven", 7.0); wordsToValues.setCount("eight", 8.0); wordsToValues.setCount("nine", 9.0); wordsToValues.setCount("ten", 10.0); wordsToValues.setCount("eleven", 11.0); wordsToValues.setCount("twelve", 12.0); wordsToValues.setCount("thirteen", 13.0); wordsToValues.setCount("fourteen", 14.0); wordsToValues.setCount("fifteen", 15.0); wordsToValues.setCount("sixteen", 16.0); wordsToValues.setCount("seventeen", 17.0); wordsToValues.setCount("eighteen", 18.0); wordsToValues.setCount("nineteen", 19.0); wordsToValues.setCount("twenty", 20.0); wordsToValues.setCount("thirty", 30.0); wordsToValues.setCount("forty", 40.0); wordsToValues.setCount("fifty", 50.0); wordsToValues.setCount("sixty", 60.0); wordsToValues.setCount("seventy", 70.0); wordsToValues.setCount("eighty", 80.0); wordsToValues.setCount("ninety", 90.0); wordsToValues.setCount("hundred", 100.0); wordsToValues.setCount("thousand", 1000.0); wordsToValues.setCount("million", 1000000.0); wordsToValues.setCount("billion", 1000000000.0); wordsToValues.setCount("bn", 1000000000.0); wordsToValues.setCount("trillion", 1000000000000.0); wordsToValues.setCount("dozen", 12.0); ordinalsToValues = new ClassicCounter<>(); ordinalsToValues.setCount("zeroth", 0.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("first", 1.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("second", 2.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("third", 3.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fourth", 4.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fifth", 5.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("sixth", 6.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("seventh", 7.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("eighth", 8.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("ninth", 9.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("tenth", 10.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("eleventh", 11.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twelfth", 12.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("thirteenth", 13.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fourteenth", 14.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fifteenth", 15.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("sixteenth", 16.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("seventeenth", 17.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("eighteenth", 18.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("nineteenth", 19.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twentieth", 20.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-first", 21.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-second", 22.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-third", 23.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-fourth", 24.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-fifth", 25.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-sixth", 26.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-seventh", 27.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-eighth", 28.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("twenty-ninth", 29.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("thirtieth", 30.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("thirty-first", 31.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fortieth", 40.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("fiftieth", 50.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("sixtieth", 60.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("seventieth", 70.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("eightieth", 80.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("ninetieth", 90.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("hundredth", 100.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("thousandth", 1000.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("millionth", 1000000.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("billionth", 1000000000.0); ordinalsToValues.setCount("trillionth", 1000000000000.0); } private QuantifiableEntityNormalizer() {} // this is all static /** * This method returns the closest match in set such that the match * has more than three letters and differs from word only by one substitution, * deletion, or insertion. If not match exists, returns null. */ private static String getOneSubstitutionMatch(String word, Set set) { // TODO (?) pass the EditDistance around more places to make this // more efficient. May not really matter. EditDistance ed = new EditDistance(); for (String cur : set) { if (isOneSubstitutionMatch(word, cur, ed)) { return cur; } } return null; } private static boolean isOneSubstitutionMatch(String word, String match, EditDistance ed) { if(word.equalsIgnoreCase(match)) return true; if(match.length() > 3) { if(ed.score(word, match) <= 1) return true; } return false; } /** Convert the content of a List of CoreMaps to a single * space-separated String. This grabs stuff based on the get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) field. * [CDM: Changed to look at NamedEntityTagAnnotation not AnswerClass Jun 2010, hoping that will fix a bug.] * * @param l The List * @return one string containing all words in the list, whitespace separated */ private static String singleEntityToString(List l) { String entityType = l.get(0).get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (E w : l) { assert(w.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class).equals(entityType)); sb.append(w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); sb.append(' '); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Currently this populates a {@code List} with words from the passed List, * but NER entities are collapsed and {@link CoreLabel} constituents of entities have * NER information in their "quantity" fields. * * NOTE: This now seems to be used nowhere. The collapsing is done elsewhere. * That's probably appropriate; it doesn't seem like this should be part of * QuantifiableEntityNormalizer, since it's set to collapse non-quantifiable * entities.... * * @param l a list of CoreLabels with NER labels, * @return a Sentence where PERSON, ORG, LOC, entities are collapsed. */ public static List collapseNERLabels(List l) { if(DEBUG) { for (CoreLabel w: l) {"<<"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)+"::"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class)+"::"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)+">>"); } } List s = new ArrayList<>(); String lastEntity = BACKGROUND_SYMBOL; StringBuilder entityStringCollector = null; //Iterate through each word.... for (CoreLabel w: l) { String entityType = w.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); //if we've just completed an entity and we're looking at a non-continuation, //we want to add that now. if (entityStringCollector != null && ! entityType.equals(lastEntity)) { CoreLabel nextWord = new CoreLabel(); nextWord.setWord(entityStringCollector.toString()); nextWord.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "NNP"); nextWord.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, lastEntity); s.add(nextWord); if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: Collapsing " + entityStringCollector); } entityStringCollector = null; } //If its not to be collapsed, toss it onto the sentence. if ( ! collapseBeforeParsing.contains(entityType)) { s.add(w); } else { //If it is to be collapsed.... //if its a continuation of the last entity, add it to the //current buffer. if (entityType.equals(lastEntity)){ assert entityStringCollector != null; entityStringCollector.append('_'); entityStringCollector.append(w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); } else { //and its NOT a continuation, make a new buffer. entityStringCollector = new StringBuilder(); entityStringCollector.append(w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); } } lastEntity=entityType; } // if the last token was a named-entity, we add it here. if (entityStringCollector!=null) { CoreLabel nextWord = new CoreLabel(); nextWord.setWord(entityStringCollector.toString()); nextWord.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "NNP"); nextWord.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, lastEntity); s.add(nextWord); } for (CoreLabel w : s) {"<<"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)+"::"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class)+"::"+w.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)+">>"); } return s; } /** * Provided for backwards compatibility; see normalizedDateString(s, openRangeMarker) */ static String normalizedDateString(String s, Timex timexFromSUTime) { return normalizedDateString(s, ISODateInstance.NO_RANGE, timexFromSUTime); } /** * Returns a string that represents either a single date or a range of * dates. Representation pattern is roughly ISO8601, with some extensions * for greater expressivity; see {@link ISODateInstance} for details. * * @param s Date string to normalize * @param openRangeMarker a marker for whether this date is not involved in * an open range, is involved in an open range that goes forever backward and * stops at s, or is involved in an open range that goes forever forward and * starts at s. See {@link ISODateInstance}. * @return A yyyymmdd format normalized date */ private static String normalizedDateString(String s, String openRangeMarker, Timex timexFromSUTime) { if(timexFromSUTime != null) { if(timexFromSUTime.value() != null){ // fully disambiguated temporal return timexFromSUTime.value(); } else { // this is a relative date, e.g., "yesterday" return timexFromSUTime.altVal(); } } ISODateInstance d = new ISODateInstance(s, openRangeMarker); if (DEBUG2) {"normalizeDate: " + s + " to " + d.getDateString()); } return d.getDateString(); } private static String normalizedDurationString(String s, Timex timexFromSUTime) { if(timexFromSUTime != null) { if(timexFromSUTime.value() != null){ // fully disambiguated temporal return timexFromSUTime.value(); } else { // something else return timexFromSUTime.altVal(); } } // TODO: normalize duration ourselves return null; } /** * Tries to heuristically determine if the given word is a year */ private static boolean isYear(CoreMap word) { String wordString = word.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); if(word.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) == null || word.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).equals("CD")) { //one possibility: it's a two digit year with an apostrophe: '90 if(wordString.length() == 3 && wordString.startsWith("'")) { if (DEBUG) {"Found potential two digit year: " + wordString); } wordString = wordString.substring(1); try { Integer.parseInt(wordString); return true; } catch(Exception e) { return false; } } //if it is 4 digits, with first one <3 (usually we're not talking about //the far future, say it's a year if(wordString.length() == 4) { try { int num = Integer.parseInt(wordString); if(num < 3000) return true; } catch(Exception e) { return false; } } } return false; } private static final String dateRangeAfterOneWord = "after|since"; private static final String dateRangeBeforeOneWord = "before|until"; private static final List> dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord; static { dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord = new ArrayList<>(); dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord.add(new Pair<>("between", "and")); dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord.add(new Pair<>("from", "to")); dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord.add(new Pair<>("from", "-")); } private static final String datePrepositionAfterWord = "in|of"; /** * Takes the strings of the one previous and 3 next words to a date to * detect date range modifiers like "before" or "between {@code } and {@code }. * * @param */ private static String detectDateRangeModifier(List date, List list, int beforeIndex, int afterIndex) { E prev = (beforeIndex >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex) : null; int sz = list.size(); E next = (afterIndex < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex) : null; E next2 = (afterIndex + 1 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 1) : null; E next3 = (afterIndex + 2 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 2) : null; if (DEBUG) {"DateRange: previous: " + prev);"Quantifiable: next: " + next + ' ' + next2 + ' ' + next3); } //sometimes the year gets tagged as CD but not as a date - if this happens, we want to add it in if (next != null && isYear(next)) { date.add(next); next.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DATE"); afterIndex++; } if (next2 != null && isYear(next2)) { // This code here just seems wrong.... why are we marking next as a date without checking anything? date.add(next); assert(next != null); // keep the static analysis happy. next.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DATE"); date.add(next2); next2.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DATE"); afterIndex += 2; } //sometimes the date will be stated in a form like "June of 1984" -> we'd like this to be 198406 if(next != null && next.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).matches(datePrepositionAfterWord)) { //check if the next next word is a year or month if(next2 != null && (isYear(next2))) {//TODO: implement month! date.add(next); date.add(next2); afterIndex += 2; } } //String range = detectTwoSidedRangeModifier(date.get(0), list, beforeIndex, afterIndex); //if(range !=ISODateInstance.NO_RANGE) return range; //check if it's an open range - two sided ranges get checked elsewhere //based on the prev word if(prev != null) { String prevWord = prev.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(); if(prevWord.matches(dateRangeBeforeOneWord)) { //we have an open range of the before type - e.g., Before June 6, John was 5 prev.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "DATE_MOD"); return ISODateInstance.OPEN_RANGE_BEFORE; } else if(prevWord.matches(dateRangeAfterOneWord)) { //we have an open range of the after type - e.g., After June 6, John was 6 prev.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "DATE_MOD"); return ISODateInstance.OPEN_RANGE_AFTER; } } return ISODateInstance.NO_RANGE; } // Version of above without any weird stuff private static String detectDateRangeModifier(E prev) { if(prev != null) { String prevWord = prev.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(); if(prevWord.matches(dateRangeBeforeOneWord)) { //we have an open range of the before type - e.g., Before June 6, John was 5 return ISODateInstance.OPEN_RANGE_BEFORE; } else if(prevWord.matches(dateRangeAfterOneWord)) { //we have an open range of the after type - e.g., After June 6, John was 6 return ISODateInstance.OPEN_RANGE_AFTER; } } return ISODateInstance.NO_RANGE; } /** * This should detect things like "between 5 and 5 million" and "from April 3 to June 6" * Each side of the range is tagged with the correct numeric quantity (e.g., 5/5x10E6 or * ****0403/****0606) and the other words (e.g., "between", "and", "from", "to") are * tagged as quantmod to avoid penalizing them for lack of alignment/matches. * * This method should be called after other collapsing is complete (e.g. 5 million should already be * concatenated) * @param */ private static List detectTwoSidedRangeModifier(E firstDate, List list, int beforeIndex, int afterIndex, boolean concatenate) { E prev = (beforeIndex >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex) : null; //E cur = list.get(0); int sz = list.size(); E next = (afterIndex < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex) : null; E next2 = (afterIndex + 1 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 1) : null; List toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); String curNER = (firstDate == null ? "" : firstDate.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)); if(curNER == null) curNER = ""; if(firstDate == null || firstDate.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) == null) return toRemove; //TODO: make ranges actually work //first check if it's of the form "between and "/etc if (prev != null) { for (Pair ranges : dateRangeBeforePairedOneWord) { if (prev.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).matches(ranges.first())) { if (next != null && next2 != null) { String nerNext2 = next2.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); if (next.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).matches(ranges.second()) && nerNext2 != null && nerNext2.equals(curNER)) { //Add rest in prev.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "QUANT_MOD"); String rangeString; if(curNER.equals("DATE")) { ISODateInstance c = new ISODateInstance(new ISODateInstance(firstDate.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)), new ISODateInstance(next2.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class))); rangeString = c.getDateString(); } else { rangeString = firstDate.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + '-' + next2.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); } if (DEBUG) {"#1: Changing normalized NER from " + firstDate.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + rangeString + " at index " + beforeIndex); } firstDate.set(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, rangeString); if (DEBUG) {"#2: Changing normalized NER from " + next2.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + rangeString + " at index " + afterIndex); } next2.set(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, rangeString); next.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, nerNext2); if (DEBUG) {"#3: Changing normalized NER from " + next.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + rangeString + " at index " + (afterIndex + 1)); } next.set(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, rangeString); if (concatenate) { List numberWords = new ArrayList<>(); numberWords.add(firstDate); numberWords.add(next); numberWords.add(next2); concatenateNumericString(numberWords, toRemove); } } } } } } return toRemove; } /** * Concatenates separate words of a date or other numeric quantity into one node (e.g., 3 November -> 3_November) * Tag is CD or NNP, and other words are added to the remove list */ private static void concatenateNumericString(List words, List toRemove) { if (words.size() <= 1) return; boolean first = true; StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(); E foundEntity = null; for (E word : words) { if (foundEntity == null && (word.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).equals("CD") || word.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).equals("NNP"))) { foundEntity = word; } if (first) { first = false; } else { newText.append('_'); } newText.append(word.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); } if (foundEntity == null) { foundEntity = words.get(0);//if we didn't find one with the appropriate tag, just take the first one } toRemove.addAll(words); toRemove.remove(foundEntity); foundEntity.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, "CD"); // cdm 2008: is this actually good for dates?? String collapsed = newText.toString(); foundEntity.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, collapsed); foundEntity.set(CoreAnnotations.OriginalTextAnnotation.class, collapsed); } public static String normalizedTimeString(String s, Timex timexFromSUTime) { return normalizedTimeString(s, null, timexFromSUTime); } private static String normalizedTimeString(String s, String ampm, Timex timexFromSUTime) { if(timexFromSUTime != null){ if(timexFromSUTime.value() != null){ // this timex is fully disambiguated return timexFromSUTime.value(); } else { // not disambiguated; contains some relative date return timexFromSUTime.altVal(); } } if (DEBUG2) {"normalizingTime: " + s); } s = s.replaceAll("[ \t\n\0\f\r]", ""); Matcher m = timePattern.matcher(s); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("noon")) { return "12:00pm"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("midnight")) { return "00:00am"; // or "12:00am" ? } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("morning")) { return "M"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("afternoon")) { return "A"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("evening")) { return "EN"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("night")) { return "N"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("day")) { return "D"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("suppertime")) { return "EN"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("lunchtime")) { return "MD"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("midday")) { return "MD"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("teatime")) { return "A"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("dinnertime")) { return "EN"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("dawn")) { return "EM"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("dusk")) { return "EN"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("sundown")) { return "EN"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("sunup")) { return "EM"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("daybreak")) { return "EM"; } else if (m.matches()) { if (DEBUG2) {"timePattern matched groups: |%s| |%s| |%s| |%s|\n",,,,; } // group 1 is hours, group 2 is minutes and maybe seconds; group 3 is am/pm StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(; if ( == null || "".equals( { sb.append(":00"); } else { sb.append(; } if ( != null) { String suffix =; suffix = suffix.replaceAll("\\.", ""); suffix = suffix.toLowerCase(); sb.append(suffix); } else if (ampm != null) { sb.append(ampm); // } else { // Do nothing; leave ambiguous // sb.append("pm"); } if (DEBUG2) {"normalizedTimeString new str: " + sb); } return sb.toString(); } else if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: couldn't normalize " + s); } return null; } /** * Heuristically decides if s is in American (42.33) or European (42,33) number format * and tries to turn European version into American. * */ private static String convertToAmerican(String s) { if(s.contains(",")) { //turn all but the last into blanks - this isn't really correct, but it's close enough for now while(s.indexOf(',') != s.lastIndexOf(',')) s = s.replaceFirst(",", ""); int place = s.lastIndexOf(','); //if it's american, should have at least three characters after it if (place >= s.length() - 3 && place != s.length() - 1) { s = s.substring(0, place) + '.' + s.substring(place + 1); } else { s = s.replace(",", ""); } } return s; } static String normalizedMoneyString(String s, Number numberFromSUTime) { //first, see if it looks like european style s = convertToAmerican(s); // clean up string s = s.replaceAll("[ \t\n\0\f\r,]", ""); s = s.toLowerCase(); if (DEBUG2) {"normalizedMoneyString: Normalizing "+s); } double multiplier = 1.0; // do currency words char currencySign = '$'; for (Map.Entry stringCharacterEntry : currencyWords.entrySet()) { String key = stringCharacterEntry.getKey(); if (StringUtils.find(s, key)) { if (DEBUG2) {"Found units: " + key); } if (key.equals("pence|penny") || key.equals("cents?") || key.equals("\u00A2")) { multiplier *= 0.01; } // if(DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: Found "+ currencyWord); } s = s.replaceAll(key, ""); currencySign = stringCharacterEntry.getValue(); } } // process rest as number String value = normalizedNumberStringQuiet(s, multiplier, "", numberFromSUTime); if (value == null) { return null; } else { return currencySign + value; } } public static String normalizedNumberString(String s, String nextWord, Number numberFromSUTime) { if (DEBUG2) {"normalizedNumberString: normalizing " + s); } return normalizedNumberStringQuiet(s, 1.0, nextWord, numberFromSUTime); } private static final Pattern allSpaces = Pattern.compile(" *"); public static String normalizedNumberStringQuiet(String s, double multiplier, String nextWord, Number numberFromSUTime) { // normalizations from SUTime take precedence, if available if(numberFromSUTime != null){ double v = Double.valueOf(numberFromSUTime.toString()); return Double.toString(v * multiplier); } // clean up string String origSClean = s.replaceAll("[\t\n\0\f\r]", ""); if (allSpaces.matcher(origSClean).matches()) { return s; } String[] origSSplit = origSClean.split(" "); s = s.replaceAll("[ \t\n\0\f\r]", ""); //see if it looks like european style s = convertToAmerican(s); // remove parenthesis around numbers // if PTBTokenized, this next bit should be a no-op // in some contexts parentheses might indicate a negative number, but ignore that. if (s.startsWith("(") && s.endsWith(")")) { s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); if (DEBUG2)"Deleted (): " + s); } s = s.toLowerCase(); // get multipliers like "billion" boolean foundMultiplier = false; for (Map.Entry stringDoubleEntry : moneyMultipliers.entrySet()) { String moneyTag = stringDoubleEntry.getKey(); if (s.contains(moneyTag)) { // if (DEBUG) {err.println("Quantifiable: Found "+ moneyTag);} //special case check: m can mean either meters or million - if nextWord is high or long, we assume meters - this is a huge and bad hack!!! if (moneyTag.equals("m") && (nextWord.equals("high") || nextWord.equals("long") )) continue; s = s.replaceAll(moneyTag, ""); multiplier *= stringDoubleEntry.getValue(); foundMultiplier = true; } } for (Map.Entry stringIntegerEntry : moneyMultipliers2.entrySet()) { String moneyTag = stringIntegerEntry.getKey(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile(moneyTag).matcher(s); if (m.find()) { // if(DEBUG){err.println("Quantifiable: Found "+ moneyTag);} multiplier *= stringIntegerEntry.getValue(); foundMultiplier = true; int start = m.start(1); int end = m.end(1); // err.print("Deleting from " + s); s = s.substring(0, start) + s.substring(end); // err.println("; Result is " + s); } } if (!foundMultiplier) { EditDistance ed = new EditDistance(); for (Map.Entry stringDoubleEntry : moneyMultipliers.entrySet()) { String moneyTag = stringDoubleEntry.getKey(); if(isOneSubstitutionMatch(origSSplit[origSSplit.length - 1], moneyTag, ed)) { s = s.replaceAll(moneyTag, ""); multiplier *= stringDoubleEntry.getValue(); } } } if (DEBUG2)"Looking for number words in |" + s + "|; multiplier is " + multiplier); // handle numbers written in words String[] parts = s.split("[ -]"); boolean processed = false; double dd = 0.0; for (String part : parts) { if (wordsToValues.containsKey(part)) { dd += wordsToValues.getCount(part); processed = true; } else { String partMatch = getOneSubstitutionMatch(part, wordsToValues.keySet()); if(partMatch != null) { dd += wordsToValues.getCount(partMatch); processed = true; } } } if (processed) { dd *= multiplier; return Double.toString(dd); } // handle numbers written as numbers // s = s.replaceAll("-", ""); //This is bad: it lets 22-7 be the number 227! s = s.replaceAll("[A-Za-z]", ""); // handle scores or range Matcher m2 = scorePattern.matcher(s); if (m2.matches()) { double d1 = Double.parseDouble(; double d2 = Double.parseDouble(; return Double.toString(d1) + " - " + Double.toString(d2); } // check for hyphenated word like 4-Ghz: delete final - if (s.endsWith("-")) { s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } Matcher m = moneyPattern.matcher(s); if (m.matches()) { if (DEBUG2) {"Number matched with |" + + "| |" + + '|'); } try { double d = 0.0; if ( != null && ! { d = Double.parseDouble(; } if ( != null && ! { d += Double.parseDouble(; } if (d == 0.0 && multiplier != 1.0) { // we'd found a multiplier d = 1.0; } d *= multiplier; return Double.toString(d); } catch (Exception e) { if (DEBUG2) { log.warn(e); } return null; } } else if (multiplier != 1.0) { // we found a multiplier, so we have something return Double.toString(multiplier); } else { return null; } } public static String normalizedOrdinalString(String s, Number numberFromSUTime) { if (DEBUG2) {"normalizedOrdinalString: normalizing "+s); } return normalizedOrdinalStringQuiet(s, numberFromSUTime); } private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("([0-9.]+)"); private static String normalizedOrdinalStringQuiet(String s, Number numberFromSUTime) { // clean up string s = s.replaceAll("[ \t\n\0\f\r,]", ""); // remove parenthesis around numbers // if PTBTokenized, this next bit should be a no-op // in some contexts parentheses might indicate a negative number, but ignore that. if (s.startsWith("(") && s.endsWith(")")) { s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); if (DEBUG2)"Deleted (): " + s); } s = s.toLowerCase(); if (DEBUG2)"Looking for ordinal words in |" + s + '|'); if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0))) { Matcher matcher = numberPattern.matcher(s); matcher.find(); // just parse number part, assuming last two letters are st/nd/rd return normalizedNumberStringQuiet(, 1.0, "", numberFromSUTime); } else if (ordinalsToValues.containsKey(s)) { return Double.toString(ordinalsToValues.getCount(s)); } else { String val = getOneSubstitutionMatch(s, ordinalsToValues.keySet()); if(val != null) return Double.toString(ordinalsToValues.getCount(val)); else return null; } } public static String normalizedPercentString(String s, Number numberFromSUTime) { if (DEBUG2) {"normalizedPercentString: " + s); } s = s.replaceAll("\\s", ""); s = s.toLowerCase(); if (s.contains("%") || s.contains("percent")) { s = s.replaceAll("percent|%", ""); } String norm = normalizedNumberStringQuiet(s, 1.0, "", numberFromSUTime); if (norm == null) { return null; } return '%' + norm; } /** Fetches the first encountered Number set by SUTime */ private static Number fetchNumberFromSUTime(List l) { for(E e: l) { if(e.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeValueAnnotation.class)){ return e.get(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeValueAnnotation.class); } } return null; } private static Timex fetchTimexFromSUTime(List l) { for(E e: l) { if(e.containsKey(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class)){ return e.get(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class); } } return null; } private static List processEntity(List l, String entityType, String compModifier, String nextWord) { assert(quantifiable.contains(entityType)); if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable.processEntity: " + l); } String s; if (entityType.equals("TIME")) { s = timeEntityToString(l); } else { s = singleEntityToString(l); } Number numberFromSUTime = fetchNumberFromSUTime(l); Timex timexFromSUTime = fetchTimexFromSUTime(l); if (DEBUG)"Quantifiable: working on " + s); String p = null; switch (entityType) { case "NUMBER": { p = ""; if (compModifier != null) { p = compModifier; } String q = normalizedNumberString(s, nextWord, numberFromSUTime); if (q != null) { p = p.concat(q); } else { p = null; } break; } case "ORDINAL": p = normalizedOrdinalString(s, numberFromSUTime); break; case "DURATION": // SUTime marks some ordinals, e.g., "22nd time", as durations p = normalizedDurationString(s, timexFromSUTime); break; case "MONEY": { p = ""; if (compModifier != null) { p = compModifier; } String q = normalizedMoneyString(s, numberFromSUTime); if (q != null) { p = p.concat(q); } else { p = null; } break; } case "DATE": p = normalizedDateString(s, timexFromSUTime); break; case "TIME": { p = ""; if (compModifier != null && !compModifier.matches("am|pm")) { p = compModifier; } String q = normalizedTimeString(s, compModifier != null ? compModifier : "", timexFromSUTime); if (q != null && q.length() == 1 && !q.equals("D")) { p = p.concat(q); } else { p = q; } break; } case "PERCENT": { p = ""; if (compModifier != null) { p = compModifier; } String q = normalizedPercentString(s, numberFromSUTime); if (q != null) { p = p.concat(q); } else { p = null; } break; } } if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: Processed '" + s + "' as '" + p + '\''); } int i = 0; for (E wi : l) { if (p != null) { if (DEBUG) {"#4: Changing normalized NER from " + wi.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + p + " at index " + i); } wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, p); } //currently we also write this into the answers; //wi.setAnswer(wi.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)+"("+p+")"); i++; } return l; } /** @param l The list of tokens in a time entity * @return the word in the time word list that should be normalized */ private static String timeEntityToString(List l) { String entityType = l.get(0).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); int size = l.size(); for (E w : l) { assert(w.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class) == null || w.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class).equals(entityType)); Matcher m = timePattern.matcher(w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); if (m.matches()) return w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); } if (DEBUG) {"default: " + l.get(size-1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); } return l.get(size-1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); } /** * Takes the output of an {@link AbstractSequenceClassifier} and marks up * each document by normalizing quantities. Each {@link CoreLabel} in any * of the documents which is normalizable will receive a "normalizedQuantity" * attribute. * * @param l a {@link List} of {@link List}s of {@link CoreLabel}s * @return The list with normalized entity fields filled in */ public static List> normalizeClassifierOutput(List> l){ for (List doc: l) { addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(doc); } return l; } private static final String lessEqualThreeWords = "no (?:more|greater|higher) than|as (?:many|much) as"; private static final String greaterEqualThreeWords = "no (?:less|fewer) than|as few as"; private static final String greaterThanTwoWords = "(?:more|greater|larger|higher) than"; private static final String lessThanTwoWords = "(?:less|fewer|smaller) than|at most"; private static final String lessEqualTwoWords = "no (?:more|greater)_than|or less|up to"; private static final String greaterEqualTwoWords = "no (?:less|fewer)_than|or more|at least"; private static final String approxTwoWords = "just (?:over|under)|or so"; private static final String greaterThanOneWord = "(?:above|over|more_than|greater_than)"; private static final String lessThanOneWord = "(?:below|under|less_than)"; private static final String lessEqualOneWord = "(?:up_to|within)"; // note that ones like "nearly" or "almost" can be above or below: // "almost 500 killed", "almost zero inflation" private static final String approxOneWord = "(?:approximately|estimated|nearly|around|about|almost|just_over|just_under)"; private static final String other = "other"; /** * Takes the strings of the three previous and next words to a quantity and * detects a * quantity modifier like "less than", "more than", etc. * Any of these words may be {@code null} or an empty String. */ private static String detectQuantityModifier(List list, int beforeIndex, int afterIndex) { String prev = (beforeIndex >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; String prev2 = (beforeIndex - 1 >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex - 1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; String prev3 = (beforeIndex - 2 >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex - 2).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; int sz = list.size(); String next = (afterIndex < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; String next2 = (afterIndex + 1 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; String next3 = (afterIndex + 2 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 2).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase(): ""; if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: previous: " + prev3 + ' ' + prev2+ ' ' + prev);"Quantifiable: next: " + next + ' ' + next2 + ' ' + next3); } String longPrev = prev3 + ' ' + prev2 + ' ' + prev; if (longPrev.matches(lessEqualThreeWords)) { return "<="; } if (longPrev.matches(greaterEqualThreeWords)) { return ">="; } longPrev = prev2 + ' ' + prev; if (longPrev.matches(greaterThanTwoWords)) { return ">"; } if (longPrev.matches(lessEqualTwoWords)) { return "<="; } if (longPrev.matches(greaterEqualTwoWords)) { return ">="; } if (longPrev.matches(lessThanTwoWords)) { return "<"; } if (longPrev.matches(approxTwoWords)) { return "~"; } String longNext = next + ' ' + next2; if (longNext.matches(greaterEqualTwoWords)) { return ">="; } if (longNext.matches(lessEqualTwoWords)) { return "<="; } if (prev.matches(greaterThanOneWord)) { return ">"; } if (prev.matches(lessThanOneWord)) { return "<"; } if (prev.matches(lessEqualOneWord)) { return "<="; } if (prev.matches(approxOneWord)) { return "~"; } if (next.matches(other)) { return ">="; } if (DEBUG) {"Quantifiable: not a quantity modifier"); } return null; } private static final String earlyOneWord = "early"; private static final String earlyTwoWords = "(?:dawn|eve|beginning) of"; private static final String earlyThreeWords = "early in the"; private static final String lateOneWord = "late"; private static final String lateTwoWords = "late at|end of"; private static final String lateThreeWords = "end of the"; private static final String middleTwoWords = "(?:middle|midst) of"; private static final String middleThreeWords = "(?:middle|midst) of the"; private static final String amOneWord = "[Aa]\\.?[Mm]\\.?"; private static final String pmOneWord = "[Pp]\\.?[Mm]\\.?"; private static final String amThreeWords = "in the morning"; private static final String pmTwoWords = "at night"; private static final String pmThreeWords = "in the (?:afternoon|evening)"; /** * Takes the strings of the three previous words to a quantity and detects a * quantity modifier like "less than", "more than", etc. * Any of these words may be {@code null} or an empty String. */ private static String detectTimeOfDayModifier(List list, int beforeIndex, int afterIndex) { String prev = (beforeIndex >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; String prev2 = (beforeIndex - 1 >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex - 1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; String prev3 = (beforeIndex - 2 >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex - 2).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; int sz = list.size(); String next = (afterIndex < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; String next2 = (afterIndex + 1 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; String next3 = (afterIndex + 2 < sz) ? list.get(afterIndex + 2).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).toLowerCase() : ""; String longPrev = prev3 + ' ' + prev2 + ' ' + prev; if (longPrev.matches(earlyThreeWords)) { return "E"; } else if (longPrev.matches(lateThreeWords)) { return "L"; } else if (longPrev.matches(middleThreeWords)) { return "M"; } longPrev = prev2 + ' ' + prev; if (longPrev.matches(earlyTwoWords)) { return "E"; } else if (longPrev.matches(lateTwoWords)) { return "L"; } else if (longPrev.matches(middleTwoWords)) { return "M"; } if (prev.matches(earlyOneWord) || prev2.matches(earlyOneWord)) { return "E"; } else if (prev.matches(lateOneWord) || prev2.matches(lateOneWord)) { return "L"; } String longNext = next3 + ' ' + next2 + ' ' + next; if (longNext.matches(pmThreeWords)) { return "pm"; } if (longNext.matches(amThreeWords)) { return "am"; } longNext = next2 + ' ' + next; if (longNext.matches(pmTwoWords)) { return "pm"; } if (next.matches(amOneWord) || next2.matches("morning") || next3.matches("morning")) { return "am"; } if (next.matches(pmOneWord) || next2.matches("afternoon") || next3.matches("afternoon") || next2.matches("night") || next3.matches("night") || next2.matches("evening") || next3.matches("evening")) { return "pm"; } return ""; } /** * Identifies contiguous MONEY, TIME, DATE, or PERCENT entities * and tags each of their constituents with a "normalizedQuantity" * label which contains the appropriate normalized string corresponding to * the full quantity. Quantities are not concatenated * * @param l A list of {@link CoreMap}s representing a single * document. Note: the Labels are updated in place. */ public static void addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(List l) { addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(l, false, false); } public static void addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(List l, boolean concatenate) { addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(l, concatenate, false); } public static boolean isCompatible(String tag, E prev, E cur) { if ("NUMBER".equals(tag) || "ORDINAL".equals(tag) || "PERCENT".equals(tag)) { // Get NumericCompositeValueAnnotation and say two entities are incompatible if they are different Number n1 = cur.get(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeValueAnnotation.class); Number n2 = prev.get(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeValueAnnotation.class); // Special case for % sign if ("PERCENT".equals(tag) && n1 == null) return true; boolean compatible = Objects.equals(n1, n2); if (!compatible) return false; } if ("TIME".equals(tag) || "SET".equals(tag) || "DATE".equals(tag) || "DURATION".equals(tag)) { // Check timex... Timex timex1 = cur.get(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class); Timex timex2 = prev.get(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class); String tid1 = (timex1 != null)? timex1.tid():null; String tid2 = (timex2 != null)? timex2.tid():null; boolean compatible = Objects.equals(tid1, tid2); if (!compatible) return false; } return true; } /** * Identifies contiguous MONEY, TIME, DATE, or PERCENT entities * and tags each of their constituents with a "normalizedQuantity" * label which contains the appropriate normalized string corresponding to * the full quantity. * * @param list A list of {@link CoreMap}s representing a single * document. Note: the Labels are updated in place. * @param concatenate true if quantities should be concatenated into one label, false otherwise */ public static void addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(List list, boolean concatenate, boolean usesSUTime) { List toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); // list for storing those objects we're going to remove at the end (e.g., if concatenate, we replace 3 November with 3_November, have to remove one of the originals) // Goes through tokens and tries to fix up NER annotations fixupNerBeforeNormalization(list); // Now that NER tags has been fixed up, we do another pass to add the normalization String prevNerTag = BACKGROUND_SYMBOL; String timeModifier = ""; int beforeIndex = -1; ArrayList collector = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0, sz = list.size(); i <= sz; i++) { E wi = null; String currNerTag = null; String nextWord = ""; if (i < list.size()) { wi = list.get(i); if (DEBUG) {"addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities: wi is " + wi + "; collector is " + collector); } if ((i+1) < sz) { nextWord = list.get(i+1).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); if(nextWord == null) nextWord = ""; } currNerTag = wi.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); if ("TIME".equals(currNerTag)) { if (timeModifier.isEmpty()) { timeModifier = detectTimeOfDayModifier(list, i-1, i+1); } } } E wprev = (i > 0)? list.get(i-1):null; // if the current wi is a non-continuation and the last one was a // quantity, we close and process the last segment. if ((currNerTag == null || ! currNerTag.equals(prevNerTag) || !isCompatible(prevNerTag, wprev, wi)) && quantifiable.contains(prevNerTag)) { String compModifier = null; // special handling of TIME switch (prevNerTag) { case "TIME": processEntity(collector, prevNerTag, timeModifier, nextWord); break; case ("DATE"): //detect date range modifiers by looking at nearby words E prev = (beforeIndex >= 0) ? list.get(beforeIndex) : null; if (usesSUTime) { // If sutime was used don't do any weird relabeling of more things as DATE compModifier = detectDateRangeModifier(prev); } else { compModifier = detectDateRangeModifier(collector, list, beforeIndex, i); } if (!compModifier.equals(ISODateInstance.BOUNDED_RANGE)) processEntity(collector, prevNerTag, compModifier, nextWord); //now repair this date if it's more than one word //doesn't really matter which one we keep ideally we should be doing lemma/etc matching anyway //but we vaguely try to deal with this by choosing the NNP or the CD if (concatenate) concatenateNumericString(collector, toRemove); break; default: // detect "more than", "nearly", etc. by looking at nearby words. if (prevNerTag.equals("MONEY") || prevNerTag.equals("NUMBER") || prevNerTag.equals("PERCENT")) { compModifier = detectQuantityModifier(list, beforeIndex, i); } processEntity(collector, prevNerTag, compModifier, nextWord); if (concatenate) { concatenateNumericString(collector, toRemove); } break; } collector = new ArrayList<>(); timeModifier = ""; } // if the current wi is a quantity, we add it to the collector. // if its the first word in a quantity, we record index before it if (quantifiable.contains(currNerTag)) { if (collector.isEmpty()) { beforeIndex = i - 1; } collector.add(wi); } prevNerTag = currNerTag; } if (concatenate) { list.removeAll(toRemove); } List moreRemoves = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++) { E wi = list.get(i); moreRemoves.addAll(detectTwoSidedRangeModifier(wi, list, i-1, i+1, concatenate)); } if (concatenate) { list.removeAll(moreRemoves); } } private static void fixupNerBeforeNormalization(List list) { // Goes through tokens and tries to fix up NER annotations String prevNerTag = BACKGROUND_SYMBOL; String prevNumericType = null; Timex prevTimex = null; for (int i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++) { E wi = list.get(i); Timex timex = wi.get(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class); String numericType = wi.get(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeTypeAnnotation.class); String curWord = (wi.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class) != null ? wi.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class) : ""); String currNerTag = wi.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); if (DEBUG) {"fixupNerBeforeNormalization: wi is " + wi); } // Attempts repairs to NER tags only if not marked by SUTime already if (timex == null && numericType == null) { // repairs commas in between dates... String constant first in equals() in case key has null value.... if ((i+1) < sz && ",".equals(wi.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)) && "DATE".equals(prevNerTag)) { if (prevTimex == null && prevNumericType == null) { E nextToken = list.get(i+1); String nextNER = nextToken.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); if (nextNER != null && nextNER.equals("DATE")) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DATE"); } } } //repairs mistagged multipliers after a numeric quantity if ( ! curWord.isEmpty() && (moneyMultipliers.containsKey(curWord) || (getOneSubstitutionMatch(curWord, moneyMultipliers.keySet()) != null)) && prevNerTag != null && (prevNerTag.equals("MONEY") || prevNerTag.equals("NUMBER"))) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, prevNerTag); } //repairs four digit ranges (2002-2004) that have not been tagged as years - maybe bad? (empirically useful) if (curWord.contains("-")) { String[] sides = curWord.split("-"); if (sides.length == 2) { try { int first = Integer.parseInt(sides[0]); int second = Integer.parseInt(sides[1]); //they're both integers, see if they're both between 1000-3000 (likely years) if (1000 <= first && first <= 3000 && 1000 <= second && second <= 3000) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DATE"); String dateStr = new ISODateInstance(new ISODateInstance(sides[0]), new ISODateInstance(sides[1])).getDateString(); if (DEBUG) {"#5: Changing normalized NER from " + wi.get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + dateStr + " at index " + i); } wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, dateStr); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { // they weren't numbers. } } } // Marks time units as DURATION if they are preceded by a NUMBER tag. e.g. "two years" or "5 minutes" if ( timeUnitWords.contains(curWord) && (currNerTag == null || !"DURATION".equals(currNerTag) ) && ("NUMBER".equals(prevNerTag))) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DURATION"); for (int j = i-1; j > 0; j--) { E prev = list.get(j); if ("NUMBER".equals(prev.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class))) { prev.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "DURATION"); } } } } else { // Fixup SUTime marking of twenty-second if ("DURATION".equals(currNerTag) && ordinalsToValues.containsKey(curWord) && curWord.endsWith("second") && timex.text().equals(curWord)) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, "ORDINAL"); } } prevNerTag = currNerTag; prevNumericType = numericType; prevTimex = timex; } } /** * Runs a deterministic named entity classifier which is good at recognizing * numbers and money and date expressions not recognized by our statistical * NER. It then changes any BACKGROUND_SYMBOL's from the list to * the value tagged by this deterministic NER. * It then adds normalized values for quantifiable entities. * * @param l A document to label * @return The list with results of 'specialized' (rule-governed) NER filled in */ public static List applySpecializedNER(List l) { int sz = l.size(); // copy l List copyL = new ArrayList<>(sz); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (DEBUG2) { if (i == 1) { String tag = l.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class); if (tag == null || tag.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Quantifiable: error! tag is " + tag); } } } copyL.add(new CoreLabel(l.get(i))); } // run NumberSequenceClassifier AbstractSequenceClassifier nsc = new NumberSequenceClassifier(); copyL = nsc.classify(copyL); // update entity only if it was not O for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { E before = l.get(i); CoreLabel nscAnswer = copyL.get(i); if (before.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) == null && before.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class).equals(BACKGROUND_SYMBOL) && (nscAnswer.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class) != null && !nscAnswer.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class).equals(BACKGROUND_SYMBOL))) {"Quantifiable: updating class for " + before.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class) + '/' + before.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) + " to " + nscAnswer.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)); before.set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, nscAnswer.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)); } } addNormalizedQuantitiesToEntities(l); return l; } // end applySpecializedNER }