General practitioner's surgery: medical consultation. Sample containing about 125 words speech recorded in public context Data capture and transcription Longman ELT BNC XML Edition, December 2006 125 tokens; 130 w-units; 15 s-units Distributed under licence by Oxford University Computing Services on behalf of the BNC Consortium. This material is protected by international copyright laws and may not be copied or redistributed in any way. Consult the BNC Web Site at for full licencing and distribution conditions.FX8 093802 0000-00-00 Origination/creation date not known Doctor doctor other participants are doctors patientsUnknown speakerGroup of unknown speakersStrathclyde: Lanarkshire G.P.'s surgery Medical consultation S consult medicine medical consultation Tag usage updated for BNC-XMLLast check for BNC World first releaseCheck all tagcountsResequenced s-units and added headersRevised participant detailsAdded date infoUpdated all catrefsUpdated REC elements to include tape numberUpdated titlescorrected tagUsagePOS codes revised for BNC-2; header updatedInitial accession to corpus Ah there we are,. Right abdominal wound, she's a wee bit confused. She didn't bother to tell me that she'd only got to call you, right? Erm she wasn't in her nightdress but she only dressed herself, she said And you She said she went to buy something herself, she phoned the clinic and the clinic . She's here and says she should be fortnightly . So I don't know whether you want to go and see her rather than, I could get a doctor to go and see her and phone,. it's just that I'm never gonna get to up to. ? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. erm, first twelve weeks pregnant so should I mark at the bottom when she types . Erm this one.