import operator import joblib from coffeehouse_languagedetection.utils import * from resource_fetch import ResourceFetch class ContentLanguageIdentifier: """ Args: data_dir (str|path) max_text_len (int) Attributes: pipeline (:class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline`) """ def __init__(self, max_text_len=1000): self.rf = ResourceFetch() self._version = 1.1 self.data_dir = to_path(self.rf.fetch("Intellivoid", "CoffeeHouseData-LangDetect")).resolve() self.filename = "lang-identifier-v1.1-sklearn.pkl.gz" self.max_text_len = max_text_len self._pipeline = None @property def pipeline(self): if not self._pipeline: self._pipeline = self._load_pipeline() return self._pipeline def _load_pipeline(self): filepath = self.data_dir.joinpath(self.filename) with"rb") as f: pipeline = joblib.load(f) return pipeline # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def identify_lang(self, text): """ Identify the most probable language identified in ``text``. Args: text (str) Returns: str: 2-letter language code of the most probable language. """ text_ = to_collection(text[:self.max_text_len], str, list) if self._is_valid(text_[0]): lang = self.pipeline.predict(text_).item() return lang else: return "un" def identify_topn_langs(self, text): """ Identify the ``topn`` most probable languages identified in ``text``. Args: text (str) Returns: List[Tuple[str, float]]: 2-letter language code and its probability for the ``topn`` most probable languages. """ text_ = to_collection(text[:self.max_text_len], str, list) if self._is_valid(text_[0]): lang_probs = sorted( zip(self.pipeline.classes_, self.pipeline.predict_proba(text_).flat), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True, ) items = [(lang.item(), prob.item()) for lang, prob in lang_probs] return_results = [] for probability in items: return_results.append({ "language": list(probability)[0], "probability": list(probability)[1] }) return return_results else: return [("un", 1.0)] def _is_valid(self, text): return any(char.isalpha() for char in text) def init_pipeline(self): """ Initialize a *new* language identification pipeline, overwriting any pre-trained pipeline loaded from disk under :attr:`LangIdentifier.data_dir`. Must be trained on (text, lang) examples before use. """ import sklearn.feature_extraction import sklearn.pipeline self._pipeline = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline( [ ( "vectorizer", sklearn.feature_extraction.text.HashingVectorizer( analyzer="char_wb", ngram_range=(1, 3), lowercase=True, n_features=4096, norm="l2", ) ), ( "classifier", sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier( activation="relu", solver="adam", hidden_layer_sizes=(512,), alpha=0.0001, batch_size=512, learning_rate_init=0.001, learning_rate="constant", max_iter=15, early_stopping=True, tol=0.001, shuffle=True, random_state=42, verbose=True, ) ), ] ) _cld = ContentLanguageIdentifier() detect = _cld.identify_lang predict = _cld.identify_topn_langs