train.4_5M.truecase.txt is 4.5M sentences extracted from wikipedia train.1_5M.truecase.txt is 1.5M sentences extracted from wikipedia (a subset) test.truecase.txt is 500K sentences for test is a model is another model, but works on caseless text 1.5M...ser.gz are smaller models if needed MixDisambiguation.list came from... somewhere. Most likely it was generated with projects/core/src/edu/stanford/nlp/truecaser/ but the question then is, what data was used? the fast models mean they have been retrained after pruning (a CRF training feature) the full model does not have this feature and is huge prop files, makefile, readme, etc are in git train.orig.txt is a copy of /scr/nlp/data/gale/NIST09/truecaser/crf/noUN.input test.orig.txt is a copy of /scr/nlp/data/gale/AE-MT-eval-data/mt06/cased/ref0 WikiExtractor tool from Wikipedia data at: /u/scr/nlp/data/Wikipedia/enwiki-20190920-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 Steps to rebuild the truecase data: 1) run wikiextractor on the data nohup python3 wikiextractor/ wiki/enwiki-20190920-pages-articles-multistream.xml > text.out 2>&1 & 2) run pick_text to extract a certain # of text, such as 2M sentences. This script has some decent defaults so you should be able to just run it. python3 3) tokenize the text. Suggestion: nohup java -mx90g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit -file ~/truecase/wiki.raw.txt -ssplit.newlineIsSentenceBreak always -outputFormat tagged > wiki.tokenized.txt If you don't have that much memory lying around, you can first split the file into 2 or more pieces To rebuild the models: use a machine with huge RAM run make Rough description of the models: has been reduced in size from the full version using the feature dropping mechanism. operates on text without considering the original case also reduced in size but uses the original case to determine the replacement case actually, this is not particularly useful considering the way the wikipedia data is built would need to be rebuilt using data with the casing intentionally fudged into common errors truecasing.full.qn.ser.gz same, but just as useless and significantly larger since it didn't use feature pruning