trainFileList = /u/nlp/data/ner/german/german-ner-w-hyphens.train.conll,/u/nlp/data/ner/german/german-ner-extra-eval-w-hyphens.train.conll testFile = /u/nlp/data/ner/german/ serializeTo = /u/nlp/data/ner/german/models/german.distsim.crf.ser.gz type=crf # distSimLexicon = /u/nlp/data/german/ner/hgc_175m_600 distSimLexicon = /u/nlp/data/german/ner/2016/hgc-175M-600 # right options for new hgc_175m_600 distSimFileFormat = alexClark unknownWordDistSimClass = 599 useDistSim = true numberEquivalenceDistSim = false casedDistSim = true # Now using stripped 2 column files so can add extra datasets! map = word=0,answer=1 encoding = utf-8 # saveFeatureIndexToDisk = true # now buggy but unnecessary mergeTags = false useTitle = false useClassFeature=true useWord=true useNGrams=true noMidNGrams=true # Having no maxNGramLeng seemed to work marginally better, but omitted for efficiency maxNGramLeng=6 usePrev=true useNext=true useLongSequences=true useSequences=true usePrevSequences=true useTypeSeqs=true useTypeSeqs2=true useTypeySequences=true # Including useOccurrencePatterns increased scores really marginally (could even disappear now we have weaker regularization) useOccurrencePatterns=true useLastRealWord=true useNextRealWord=true normalize=true # using chris4 instead hurts in most recent experiment. Earlier, an experiment had seemed to show the opposite. wordShape=chris2useLC useDisjunctive=true # Width 5 works a little better than 4 disjunctionWidth=5 maxLeft=1 readerAndWriter=edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.ColumnDocumentReaderAndWriter useObservedSequencesOnly=true useQN = true QNsize = 15 # sigma 20 works better than sigma 5, which is MUCH better than sigma 1; that was the limit of hyperparameter optimization # On the basic CoNLL dataset (no distsim, no extra data), sigma=50 is a bit better still (by 0.13 F1) sigma = 20 # For making faster (less features); changing this to 0.025 doesn't improve performance featureDiffThresh=0.05 # evaluateIOB=true # other notes # even though useTaggySequences will use distsim rather than POS sequences, turning it on didn't help # adding useWordPairs doesn't seem to help. (Getting them anyway in an edge feature.)