#!/bin/bash # Script to download / check and upload scikit_image wheels for release if [ "`which twine`" == "" ]; then echo "twine not on path; need to pip install twine?" exit 1 fi if [ "`which wheel-uploader`" == "" ]; then echo "wheel-uploader not on path; see https://github.com/MacPython/terryfy" exit 1 fi SK_VERSION=`git describe --tags` if [ "${SK_VERSION:0:1}" != 'v' ]; then echo "scikit image version $SK_VERSION does not start with 'v'" exit 1 fi echo "Trying download / upload of version ${SK_VERSION:1}" wheel-uploader -v scikit_image "${SK_VERSION:1}" wheel-uploader -v scikit_image -t manylinux1 "${SK_VERSION:1}" wheel-uploader -v scikit_image -t win "${SK_VERSION:1}"