"""Generate the release notes automatically from Github pull requests. Start with: ``` export GH_TOKEN= ``` Then, for a major release: ``` python /path/to/generate_release_notes.py v0.14.0 master --version 0.15.0 ``` For a minor release: ``` python /path/to/generate_release_notes.py v.14.2 v0.14.x --version 0.14.3 ``` You should probably redirect the output with: ``` python /path/to/generate_release_notes.py [args] | tee release_notes.rst ``` You'll require PyGitHub and tqdm, which you can install with: ``` pip install -r requirements/_release_tools.txt ``` References https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/3404 https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/3405 """ import os import argparse from datetime import datetime from collections import OrderedDict import string from warnings import warn from github import Github try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError: from warnings import warn warn('tqdm not installed. This script takes approximately 5 minutes ' 'to run. To view live progressbars, please install tqdm. ' 'Otherwise, be patient.') def tqdm(i, **kwargs): return i GH_USER = 'scikit-image' GH_REPO = 'scikit-image' GH_TOKEN = os.environ.get('GH_TOKEN') if GH_TOKEN is None: raise RuntimeError( "It is necessary that the environment variable `GH_TOKEN` " "be set to avoid running into problems with rate limiting. " "One can be acquired at https://github.com/settings/tokens.\n\n" "You do not need to select any permission boxes while generating " "the token.") g = Github(GH_TOKEN) repository = g.get_repo(f'{GH_USER}/{GH_REPO}') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__) parser.add_argument('from_commit', help='The starting tag.') parser.add_argument('to_commit', help='The head branch.') parser.add_argument('--version', help="Version you're about to release.", default='0.15.0') args = parser.parse_args() for tag in repository.get_tags(): if tag.name == args.from_commit: previous_tag = tag break else: raise RuntimeError(f'Desired tag ({args.from_commit}) not found') # For some reason, go get the github commit from the commit to get # the correct date github_commit = previous_tag.commit.commit previous_tag_date = datetime.strptime(github_commit.last_modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') all_commits = list(tqdm(repository.get_commits(sha=args.to_commit, since=previous_tag_date), desc=f'Getting all commits between {args.from_commit} ' f'and {args.to_commit}')) all_hashes = set(c.sha for c in all_commits) authors = set() reviewers = set() committers = set() users = dict() # keep track of known usernames def find_author_info(commit): """Return committer and author of a commit. Parameters ---------- commit : Github commit The commit to query. Returns ------- committer : str or None The git committer. author : str The git author. """ committer = None if commit.committer is not None: committer = commit.committer.name or commit.committer.login git_author = commit.raw_data['commit']['author']['name'] if commit.author is not None: author = commit.author.name or commit.author.login + f' ({git_author})' else: # Users that deleted their accounts will appear as None author = git_author return committer, author def add_to_users(users, new_user): if new_user.name is None: users[new_user.login] = new_user.login else: users[new_user.login] = new_user.name for commit in tqdm(all_commits, desc='Getting commiters and authors'): committer, author = find_author_info(commit) if committer is not None: committers.add(committer) # users maps github ids to a unique name. add_to_users(users, commit.committer) committers.add(users[commit.committer.login]) if commit.author is not None: add_to_users(users, commit.author) authors.add(author) # this gets found as a commiter committers.discard('GitHub Web Flow') authors.discard('Azure Pipelines Bot') highlights = OrderedDict() highlights['New Feature'] = {} highlights['Improvement'] = {} highlights['Bugfix'] = {} highlights['API Change'] = {} highlights['Deprecations'] = {} highlights['Build Tool'] = {} other_pull_requests = {} for pull in tqdm(g.search_issues(f'repo:{GH_USER}/{GH_REPO} ' f'merged:>{previous_tag_date.isoformat()} ' 'sort:created-asc'), desc='Pull Requests...'): pr = repository.get_pull(pull.number) if pr.merge_commit_sha in all_hashes: summary = pull.title for review in pr.get_reviews(): if review.user.login not in users: users[review.user.login] = review.user.name reviewers.add(users[review.user.login]) for key, key_dict in highlights.items(): pr_title_prefix = (key + ': ').lower() if summary.lower().startswith(pr_title_prefix): key_dict[pull.number] = { 'summary': summary[len(pr_title_prefix):] } break else: other_pull_requests[pull.number] = { 'summary': summary } # add Other PRs to the ordered dict to make doc generation easier. highlights['Other Pull Request'] = other_pull_requests # Now generate the release notes announcement_title = f'Announcement: scikit-image {args.version}' print(announcement_title) print('=' * len(announcement_title)) print(f""" We're happy to announce the release of scikit-image v{args.version}! scikit-image is an image processing toolbox for SciPy that includes algorithms for segmentation, geometric transformations, color space manipulation, analysis, filtering, morphology, feature detection, and more. """) print(""" For more information, examples, and documentation, please visit our website: https://scikit-image.org """ ) for section, pull_request_dicts in highlights.items(): if not pull_request_dicts: continue print(f'{section}s\n{"*" * (len(section)+1)}') for number, pull_request_info in pull_request_dicts.items(): print(f'- {pull_request_info["summary"]} (#{number})') contributors = OrderedDict() contributors['authors'] = authors # contributors['committers'] = committers contributors['reviewers'] = reviewers for section_name, contributor_set in contributors.items(): print() committer_str = (f'{len(contributor_set)} {section_name} added to this ' 'release [alphabetical by first name or login]') print(committer_str) print('-' * len(committer_str)) # Remove None from contributor set if it's in there. if None in contributor_set: contributor_set.remove(None) for c in sorted(contributor_set, key=str.lower): print(f'- {c}') print()