import json import urllib import dateutil.parser from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter from matplotlib.transforms import blended_transform_factory cache = '_pr_cache.txt' # Obtain release dates using, e.g., # # git log v0.4 -n 1 --format='%ai' # # The first two releases are commented out. # This was in the era before PRs. # releases = OrderedDict([ #('0.1', u'2009-10-07 13:52:19 +0200'), #('0.2', u'2009-11-12 14:48:45 +0200'), #('0.3', u'2011-10-10 03:28:47 -0700'), ('0.4', u'2011-12-03 14:31:32 -0800'), ('0.5', u'2012-02-26 21:00:51 -0800'), ('0.6', u'2012-06-24 21:37:05 -0700'), ('0.7', u'2012-09-29 18:08:49 -0700'), ('0.8', u'2013-03-04 20:46:09 +0100')]) month_duration = 24 def fetch_PRs(user='scikit-image', repo='scikit-image', state='open'): params = {'state': state, 'per_page': 100, 'page': 1} data = [] page_data = True while page_data: config = {'user': user, 'repo': repo, 'params': urllib.urlencode(params)} fetch_status = ('Fetching page %(page)d (state=%(state)s)' % params + ' from %(user)s/%(repo)s...' % config) print(fetch_status) f = urllib.urlopen( '' % config ) params['page'] += 1 page_data = json.loads( if 'message' in page_data and page_data['message'] == "Not Found": page_data = [] print('Warning: Repo not found (%(user)s/%(repo)s)' % config) else: data.extend(page_data) return data def seconds_from_epoch(dates): seconds = [(dt - epoch).total_seconds() for dt in dates] return seconds def get_month_bins(dates): now =[0].tzinfo) this_month = datetime(year=now.year, month=now.month, day=1, tzinfo=dates[0].tzinfo) bins = [this_month - relativedelta(months=i) for i in reversed(range(-1, month_duration))] return seconds_from_epoch(bins) def date_formatter(value, _): dt = epoch + timedelta(seconds=value) return dt.strftime('%Y/%m') for r in releases: releases[r] = dateutil.parser.parse(releases[r]) try: PRs = json.loads(open(cache, 'r').read()) print('Loaded PRs from cache...') except IOError: PRs = fetch_PRs(user='stefanv', repo='scikits.image', state='closed') PRs.extend(fetch_PRs(state='open')) PRs.extend(fetch_PRs(state='closed')) cf = open(cache, 'w') cf.write(json.dumps(PRs)) cf.flush() nrs = [pr['number'] for pr in PRs] print('Processing %d pull requests...' % len(nrs)) dates = [dateutil.parser.parse(pr['created_at']) for pr in PRs] epoch = datetime(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=dates[0].tzinfo) dates_f = seconds_from_epoch(dates) bins = get_month_bins(dates) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) n, bins, _ = ax.hist(dates_f, bins=bins, color='blue', alpha=0.6) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(date_formatter)) ax.set_xticks(bins[2:-1:3]) # Date label every 3 months. labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for l in labels: l.set_rotation(40) l.set_size(10) mixed_transform = blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) for version, date in releases.items(): date = seconds_from_epoch([date])[0] ax.axvline(date, color='black', linestyle=':', label=version) ax.text(date, 1, version, color='r', va='bottom', ha='center', transform=mixed_transform) ax.set_title('Pull request activity').set_y(1.05) ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel('PRs per month', color='blue') cumulative = np.cumsum(n) cumulative += len(dates) - cumulative[-1] ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(bins[1:], cumulative, color='black', linewidth=2) ax2.set_ylabel('Total PRs', color='black') plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig('PRs.png')