""" This script is executed on start-up after starting up the services, this is intended to check if all the services has started correctly and load all the resources that are required are loaded, after this program is done executing, the bootstrap should start the ping service so that programs know that CoffeeHouse-Utils is ready. """ import urllib.parse import requests import base64 import time import sys import os def core_nlp(): print("[CORENLP] Warming up") current_tries = 0 max_tries = 30 # 5 Minutes while True: if current_tries > max_tries: print("[CORENLP] ERROR! Too many attempts") sys.exit(1) try: r = requests.post("{\"annotators\": \"tokenize,ssplit,pos,ner,regexner," "sentiment\"}&pipelineLanguage=en", headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"}, data=urllib.parse.quote_plus("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog") ) if r.status_code == 200: print("[CORENLP] OK") break else: print("[CORENLP] Failed, Returned status code {0}, '{1}'".format(str(r.status_code), r.text)) except: print("[CORENLP] Failed, request not completed") pass print("[CORENLP] Waiting 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) current_tries += 1 print("[CORENLP] Started successfully") def langdetect(): print("[LANGDETECT] Warming up") current_tries = 0 max_tries = 30 # 5 Minutes while True: if current_tries > max_tries: print("[LANGDETECT] ERROR! Too many attempts") sys.exit(1) try: r = requests.post("", data={"input": "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"}) if r.status_code == 200: print("[LANGDETECT] OK") break else: print("[LANGDETECT] Failed, Returned status code {0}, '{1}'".format(str(r.status_code), r.text)) except: print("[LANGDETECT] Failed, request not completed") pass print("[LANGDETECT] Waiting 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) current_tries += 1 print("[LANGDETECT] Started successfully") def spamdetect(): print("[SPAMDETECT] Warming up") current_tries = 0 max_tries = 30 # 5 Minutes while True: if current_tries > max_tries: print("[SPAMDETECT] ERROR! Too many attempts") sys.exit(1) try: r = requests.post("", data={"input": "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"}) if r.status_code == 200: print("[SPAMDETECT] OK") break else: print("[SPAMDETECT] Failed, Returned status code {0}, '{1}'".format(str(r.status_code), r.text)) except: print("[SPAMDETECT] Failed, request not completed") pass print("[SPAMDETECT] Waiting 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) current_tries += 1 print("[SPAMDETECT] Started successfully") def nsfw(): print("[NSFW] Warming up") current_tries = 0 max_tries = 30 # 5 Minutes with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "red.jpg"), "rb") as img_file: image_data = base64.b64encode(img_file.read()).decode('utf-8') while True: if current_tries > max_tries: print("[NSFW] ERROR! Too many attempts") sys.exit(1) try: r = requests.post("", data={ "input": image_data, "type": "jpg" }) if r.status_code == 200: print("[NSFW] OK") break else: print("[NSFW] Failed, Returned status code {0}, '{1}'".format(str(r.status_code), r.text)) except: print("[NSFW] Failed, request not completed") pass print("[NSFW] Waiting 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) current_tries += 1 print("[NSFW] Started successfully") print(" ( ) ( ) )") print(" ) ( ) ( (") print(" ( ) ( ) )") print(" _____________") print(" <_____________> ___") print(" | |/ _ \\") print(" | | | |") print(" | |_| |") print(" ___| |\___/") print("/ \___________/ \\") print("\_____________________/") print() print("CoffeeHouse-Utils Warmup") core_nlp() spamdetect() langdetect() nsfw() print("OK, CoffeeHouse-Utils seems to be running fine.") print("Exiting with code 0, the ping service should start in the next step.") sys.exit(0)