#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ refguide_check.py [OPTIONS] [-- ARGS] - Check for a NumPy submodule whether the objects in its __all__ dict correspond to the objects included in the reference guide. - Check docstring examples - Check example blocks in RST files Example of usage:: $ python refguide_check.py optimize Note that this is a helper script to be able to check if things are missing; the output of this script does need to be checked manually. In some cases objects are left out of the refguide for a good reason (it's an alias of another function, or deprecated, or ...) Another use of this helper script is to check validity of code samples in docstrings:: $ python refguide_check.py --doctests ma or in RST-based documentations:: $ python refguide_check.py --rst docs """ import copy import doctest import inspect import io import os import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import warnings import docutils.core from argparse import ArgumentParser from contextlib import contextmanager, redirect_stderr from doctest import NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, ELLIPSIS, IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from pkg_resources import parse_version import sphinx import numpy as np sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'doc', 'sphinxext')) from numpydoc.docscrape_sphinx import get_doc_object SKIPBLOCK = doctest.register_optionflag('SKIPBLOCK') if parse_version(sphinx.__version__) >= parse_version('1.5'): # Enable specific Sphinx directives from sphinx.directives.other import SeeAlso, Only directives.register_directive('seealso', SeeAlso) directives.register_directive('only', Only) else: # Remove sphinx directives that don't run without Sphinx environment. # Sphinx < 1.5 installs all directives on import... directives._directives.pop('versionadded', None) directives._directives.pop('versionchanged', None) directives._directives.pop('moduleauthor', None) directives._directives.pop('sectionauthor', None) directives._directives.pop('codeauthor', None) directives._directives.pop('toctree', None) BASE_MODULE = "numpy" PUBLIC_SUBMODULES = [ 'core', 'doc.structured_arrays', 'f2py', 'linalg', 'lib', 'lib.recfunctions', 'fft', 'ma', 'polynomial', 'matrixlib', 'random', 'testing', ] # Docs for these modules are included in the parent module OTHER_MODULE_DOCS = { 'fftpack.convolve': 'fftpack', 'io.wavfile': 'io', 'io.arff': 'io', } # these names are known to fail doctesting and we like to keep it that way # e.g. sometimes pseudocode is acceptable etc DOCTEST_SKIPLIST = set([ # cases where NumPy docstrings import things from SciPy: 'numpy.lib.vectorize', 'numpy.random.standard_gamma', 'numpy.random.gamma', 'numpy.random.vonmises', 'numpy.random.power', 'numpy.random.zipf', # remote / local file IO with DataSource is problematic in doctest: 'numpy.lib.DataSource', 'numpy.lib.Repository', ]) # Skip non-numpy RST files, historical release notes # Any single-directory exact match will skip the directory and all subdirs. # Any exact match (like 'doc/release') will scan subdirs but skip files in # the matched directory. # Any filename will skip that file RST_SKIPLIST = [ 'scipy-sphinx-theme', 'sphinxext', 'neps', 'changelog', 'doc/release', 'doc/source/release', 'c-info.ufunc-tutorial.rst', 'c-info.python-as-glue.rst', 'f2py.getting-started.rst', 'arrays.nditer.cython.rst', ] # these names are not required to be present in ALL despite being in # autosummary:: listing REFGUIDE_ALL_SKIPLIST = [ r'scipy\.sparse\.linalg', r'scipy\.spatial\.distance', r'scipy\.linalg\.blas\.[sdczi].*', r'scipy\.linalg\.lapack\.[sdczi].*', ] # these names are not required to be in an autosummary:: listing # despite being in ALL REFGUIDE_AUTOSUMMARY_SKIPLIST = [ # NOTE: should NumPy have a better match between autosummary # listings and __all__? For now, TR isn't convinced this is a # priority -- focus on just getting docstrings executed / correct r'numpy\.*', ] # deprecated windows in scipy.signal namespace for name in ('barthann', 'bartlett', 'blackmanharris', 'blackman', 'bohman', 'boxcar', 'chebwin', 'cosine', 'exponential', 'flattop', 'gaussian', 'general_gaussian', 'hamming', 'hann', 'hanning', 'kaiser', 'nuttall', 'parzen', 'slepian', 'triang', 'tukey'): REFGUIDE_AUTOSUMMARY_SKIPLIST.append(r'scipy\.signal\.' + name) HAVE_MATPLOTLIB = False def short_path(path, cwd=None): """ Return relative or absolute path name, whichever is shortest. Parameters ---------- path: str or None cwd: str or None Returns ------- str Relative path or absolute path based on current working directory """ if not isinstance(path, str): return path if cwd is None: cwd = os.getcwd() abspath = os.path.abspath(path) relpath = os.path.relpath(path, cwd) if len(abspath) <= len(relpath): return abspath return relpath def find_names(module, names_dict): """ Finds the occurrences of function names, special directives like data and functions and scipy constants in the docstrings of `module`. The following patterns are searched for: * 3 spaces followed by function name, and maybe some spaces, some dashes, and an explanation; only function names listed in refguide are formatted like this (mostly, there may be some false positives * special directives, such as data and function * (scipy.constants only): quoted list The `names_dict` is updated by reference and accessible in calling method Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType The module, whose docstrings is to be searched names_dict : dict Dictionary which contains module name as key and a set of found function names and directives as value Returns ------- None """ patterns = [ r"^\s\s\s([a-z_0-9A-Z]+)(\s+-+.*)?$", r"^\.\. (?:data|function)::\s*([a-z_0-9A-Z]+)\s*$" ] if module.__name__ == 'scipy.constants': patterns += ["^``([a-z_0-9A-Z]+)``"] patterns = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in patterns] module_name = module.__name__ for line in module.__doc__.splitlines(): res = re.search(r"^\s*\.\. (?:currentmodule|module):: ([a-z0-9A-Z_.]+)\s*$", line) if res: module_name = res.group(1) continue for pattern in patterns: res = re.match(pattern, line) if res is not None: name = res.group(1) entry = '.'.join([module_name, name]) names_dict.setdefault(module_name, set()).add(name) break def get_all_dict(module): """ Return a copy of the __all__ dict with irrelevant items removed. Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType The module whose __all__ dict has to be processed Returns ------- deprecated : list List of callable and deprecated sub modules not_deprecated : list List of non callable or non deprecated sub modules others : list List of remaining types of sub modules """ if hasattr(module, "__all__"): all_dict = copy.deepcopy(module.__all__) else: all_dict = copy.deepcopy(dir(module)) all_dict = [name for name in all_dict if not name.startswith("_")] for name in ['absolute_import', 'division', 'print_function']: try: all_dict.remove(name) except ValueError: pass if not all_dict: # Must be a pure documentation module like doc.structured_arrays all_dict.append('__doc__') # Modules are almost always private; real submodules need a separate # run of refguide_check. all_dict = [name for name in all_dict if not inspect.ismodule(getattr(module, name, None))] deprecated = [] not_deprecated = [] for name in all_dict: f = getattr(module, name, None) if callable(f) and is_deprecated(f): deprecated.append(name) else: not_deprecated.append(name) others = set(dir(module)).difference(set(deprecated)).difference(set(not_deprecated)) return not_deprecated, deprecated, others def compare(all_dict, others, names, module_name): """ Return sets of objects from all_dict. Will return three sets: {in module_name.__all__}, {in REFGUIDE*}, and {missing from others} Parameters ---------- all_dict : list List of non deprecated sub modules for module_name others : list List of sub modules for module_name names : set Set of function names or special directives present in docstring of module_name module_name : ModuleType Returns ------- only_all : set only_ref : set missing : set """ only_all = set() for name in all_dict: if name not in names: for pat in REFGUIDE_AUTOSUMMARY_SKIPLIST: if re.match(pat, module_name + '.' + name): break else: only_all.add(name) only_ref = set() missing = set() for name in names: if name not in all_dict: for pat in REFGUIDE_ALL_SKIPLIST: if re.match(pat, module_name + '.' + name): if name not in others: missing.add(name) break else: only_ref.add(name) return only_all, only_ref, missing def is_deprecated(f): """ Check if module `f` is deprecated Parameter --------- f : ModuleType Returns ------- bool """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("error") try: f(**{"not a kwarg":None}) except DeprecationWarning: return True except Exception: pass return False def check_items(all_dict, names, deprecated, others, module_name, dots=True): """ Check that `all_dict` is consistent with the `names` in `module_name` For instance, that there are no deprecated or extra objects. Parameters ---------- all_dict : list names : set deprecated : list others : list module_name : ModuleType dots : bool Whether to print a dot for each check Returns ------- list List of [(name, success_flag, output)...] """ num_all = len(all_dict) num_ref = len(names) output = "" output += "Non-deprecated objects in __all__: %i\n" % num_all output += "Objects in refguide: %i\n\n" % num_ref only_all, only_ref, missing = compare(all_dict, others, names, module_name) dep_in_ref = set(only_ref).intersection(deprecated) only_ref = set(only_ref).difference(deprecated) if len(dep_in_ref) > 0: output += "Deprecated objects in refguide::\n\n" for name in sorted(deprecated): output += " " + name + "\n" if len(only_all) == len(only_ref) == len(missing) == 0: if dots: output_dot('.') return [(None, True, output)] else: if len(only_all) > 0: output += "ERROR: objects in %s.__all__ but not in refguide::\n\n" % module_name for name in sorted(only_all): output += " " + name + "\n" output += "\nThis issue can be fixed by adding these objects to\n" output += "the function listing in __init__.py for this module\n" if len(only_ref) > 0: output += "ERROR: objects in refguide but not in %s.__all__::\n\n" % module_name for name in sorted(only_ref): output += " " + name + "\n" output += "\nThis issue should likely be fixed by removing these objects\n" output += "from the function listing in __init__.py for this module\n" output += "or adding them to __all__.\n" if len(missing) > 0: output += "ERROR: missing objects::\n\n" for name in sorted(missing): output += " " + name + "\n" if dots: output_dot('F') return [(None, False, output)] def validate_rst_syntax(text, name, dots=True): """ Validates the doc string in a snippet of documentation `text` from file `name` Parameters ---------- text : str Docstring text name : str File name for which the doc string is to be validated dots : bool Whether to print a dot symbol for each check Returns ------- (bool, str) """ if text is None: if dots: output_dot('E') return False, "ERROR: %s: no documentation" % (name,) ok_unknown_items = set([ 'mod', 'doc', 'currentmodule', 'autosummary', 'data', 'attr', 'obj', 'versionadded', 'versionchanged', 'module', 'class', 'ref', 'func', 'toctree', 'moduleauthor', 'term', 'c:member', 'sectionauthor', 'codeauthor', 'eq', 'doi', 'DOI', 'arXiv', 'arxiv' ]) # Run through docutils error_stream = io.StringIO() def resolve(name, is_label=False): return ("http://foo", name) token = '' docutils.core.publish_doctree( text, token, settings_overrides = dict(halt_level=5, traceback=True, default_reference_context='title-reference', default_role='emphasis', link_base='', resolve_name=resolve, stylesheet_path='', raw_enabled=0, file_insertion_enabled=0, warning_stream=error_stream)) # Print errors, disregarding unimportant ones error_msg = error_stream.getvalue() errors = error_msg.split(token) success = True output = "" for error in errors: lines = error.splitlines() if not lines: continue m = re.match(r'.*Unknown (?:interpreted text role|directive type) "(.*)".*$', lines[0]) if m: if m.group(1) in ok_unknown_items: continue m = re.match(r'.*Error in "math" directive:.*unknown option: "label"', " ".join(lines), re.S) if m: continue output += name + lines[0] + "::\n " + "\n ".join(lines[1:]).rstrip() + "\n" success = False if not success: output += " " + "-"*72 + "\n" for lineno, line in enumerate(text.splitlines()): output += " %-4d %s\n" % (lineno+1, line) output += " " + "-"*72 + "\n\n" if dots: output_dot('.' if success else 'F') return success, output def output_dot(msg='.', stream=sys.stderr): stream.write(msg) stream.flush() def check_rest(module, names, dots=True): """ Check reStructuredText formatting of docstrings Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType names : set Returns ------- result : list List of [(module_name, success_flag, output),...] """ try: skip_types = (dict, str, unicode, float, int) except NameError: # python 3 skip_types = (dict, str, float, int) results = [] if module.__name__[6:] not in OTHER_MODULE_DOCS: results += [(module.__name__,) + validate_rst_syntax(inspect.getdoc(module), module.__name__, dots=dots)] for name in names: full_name = module.__name__ + '.' + name obj = getattr(module, name, None) if obj is None: results.append((full_name, False, "%s has no docstring" % (full_name,))) continue elif isinstance(obj, skip_types): continue if inspect.ismodule(obj): text = inspect.getdoc(obj) else: try: text = str(get_doc_object(obj)) except Exception: import traceback results.append((full_name, False, "Error in docstring format!\n" + traceback.format_exc())) continue m = re.search("([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x1f])", text) if m: msg = ("Docstring contains a non-printable character %r! " "Maybe forgot r\"\"\"?" % (m.group(1),)) results.append((full_name, False, msg)) continue try: src_file = short_path(inspect.getsourcefile(obj)) except TypeError: src_file = None if src_file: file_full_name = src_file + ':' + full_name else: file_full_name = full_name results.append((full_name,) + validate_rst_syntax(text, file_full_name, dots=dots)) return results ### Doctest helpers #### # the namespace to run examples in DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = {'np': np} # the namespace to do checks in CHECK_NAMESPACE = { 'np': np, 'numpy': np, 'assert_allclose': np.testing.assert_allclose, 'assert_equal': np.testing.assert_equal, # recognize numpy repr's 'array': np.array, 'matrix': np.matrix, 'int64': np.int64, 'uint64': np.uint64, 'int8': np.int8, 'int32': np.int32, 'float32': np.float32, 'float64': np.float64, 'dtype': np.dtype, 'nan': np.nan, 'NaN': np.nan, 'inf': np.inf, 'Inf': np.inf, 'StringIO': io.StringIO, } class DTRunner(doctest.DocTestRunner): """ The doctest runner """ DIVIDER = "\n" def __init__(self, item_name, checker=None, verbose=None, optionflags=0): self._item_name = item_name doctest.DocTestRunner.__init__(self, checker=checker, verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags) def _report_item_name(self, out, new_line=False): if self._item_name is not None: if new_line: out("\n") self._item_name = None def report_start(self, out, test, example): self._checker._source = example.source return doctest.DocTestRunner.report_start(self, out, test, example) def report_success(self, out, test, example, got): if self._verbose: self._report_item_name(out, new_line=True) return doctest.DocTestRunner.report_success(self, out, test, example, got) def report_unexpected_exception(self, out, test, example, exc_info): self._report_item_name(out) return doctest.DocTestRunner.report_unexpected_exception( self, out, test, example, exc_info) def report_failure(self, out, test, example, got): self._report_item_name(out) return doctest.DocTestRunner.report_failure(self, out, test, example, got) class Checker(doctest.OutputChecker): """ Check the docstrings """ obj_pattern = re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+>') vanilla = doctest.OutputChecker() rndm_markers = {'# random', '# Random', '#random', '#Random', "# may vary", "# uninitialized", "#uninitialized"} stopwords = {'plt.', '.hist', '.show', '.ylim', '.subplot(', 'set_title', 'imshow', 'plt.show', '.axis(', '.plot(', '.bar(', '.title', '.ylabel', '.xlabel', 'set_ylim', 'set_xlim', '# reformatted', '.set_xlabel(', '.set_ylabel(', '.set_zlabel(', '.set(xlim=', '.set(ylim=', '.set(xlabel=', '.set(ylabel='} def __init__(self, parse_namedtuples=True, ns=None, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-2): self.parse_namedtuples = parse_namedtuples self.atol, self.rtol = atol, rtol if ns is None: self.ns = CHECK_NAMESPACE else: self.ns = ns def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags): # cut it short if they are equal if want == got: return True # skip stopwords in source if any(word in self._source for word in self.stopwords): return True # skip random stuff if any(word in want for word in self.rndm_markers): return True # skip function/object addresses if self.obj_pattern.search(got): return True # ignore comments (e.g. signal.freqresp) if want.lstrip().startswith("#"): return True # try the standard doctest try: if self.vanilla.check_output(want, got, optionflags): return True except Exception: pass # OK then, convert strings to objects try: a_want = eval(want, dict(self.ns)) a_got = eval(got, dict(self.ns)) except Exception: # Maybe we're printing a numpy array? This produces invalid python # code: `print(np.arange(3))` produces "[0 1 2]" w/o commas between # values. So, reinsert commas and retry. # TODO: handle (1) abberivation (`print(np.arange(10000))`), and # (2) n-dim arrays with n > 1 s_want = want.strip() s_got = got.strip() cond = (s_want.startswith("[") and s_want.endswith("]") and s_got.startswith("[") and s_got.endswith("]")) if cond: s_want = ", ".join(s_want[1:-1].split()) s_got = ", ".join(s_got[1:-1].split()) return self.check_output(s_want, s_got, optionflags) if not self.parse_namedtuples: return False # suppose that "want" is a tuple, and "got" is smth like # MoodResult(statistic=10, pvalue=0.1). # Then convert the latter to the tuple (10, 0.1), # and then compare the tuples. try: num = len(a_want) regex = (r'[\w\d_]+\(' + ', '.join([r'[\w\d_]+=(.+)']*num) + r'\)') grp = re.findall(regex, got.replace('\n', ' ')) if len(grp) > 1: # no more than one for now return False # fold it back to a tuple got_again = '(' + ', '.join(grp[0]) + ')' return self.check_output(want, got_again, optionflags) except Exception: return False # ... and defer to numpy try: return self._do_check(a_want, a_got) except Exception: # heterog tuple, eg (1, np.array([1., 2.])) try: return all(self._do_check(w, g) for w, g in zip(a_want, a_got)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False def _do_check(self, want, got): # This should be done exactly as written to correctly handle all of # numpy-comparable objects, strings, and heterogeneous tuples try: if want == got: return True except Exception: pass return np.allclose(want, got, atol=self.atol, rtol=self.rtol) def _run_doctests(tests, full_name, verbose, doctest_warnings): """ Run modified doctests for the set of `tests`. Parameters ---------- tests: list full_name : str verbose : bool doctest_warning : bool Returns ------- tuple(bool, list) Tuple of (success, output) """ flags = NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | ELLIPSIS runner = DTRunner(full_name, checker=Checker(), optionflags=flags, verbose=verbose) output = io.StringIO(newline='') success = True # Redirect stderr to the stdout or output tmp_stderr = sys.stdout if doctest_warnings else output @contextmanager def temp_cwd(): cwd = os.getcwd() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: os.chdir(tmpdir) yield tmpdir finally: os.chdir(cwd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # Run tests, trying to restore global state afterward cwd = os.getcwd() with np.errstate(), np.printoptions(), temp_cwd() as tmpdir, \ redirect_stderr(tmp_stderr): # try to ensure random seed is NOT reproducible np.random.seed(None) ns = {} for t in tests: # We broke the tests up into chunks to try to avoid PSEUDOCODE # This has the unfortunate side effect of restarting the global # namespace for each test chunk, so variables will be "lost" after # a chunk. Chain the globals to avoid this t.globs.update(ns) t.filename = short_path(t.filename, cwd) # Process our options if any([SKIPBLOCK in ex.options for ex in t.examples]): continue fails, successes = runner.run(t, out=output.write, clear_globs=False) if fails > 0: success = False ns = t.globs output.seek(0) return success, output.read() def check_doctests(module, verbose, ns=None, dots=True, doctest_warnings=False): """ Check code in docstrings of the module's public symbols. Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType Name of module verbose : bool Should the result be verbose ns : dict Name space of module dots : bool doctest_warnings : bool Returns ------- results : list List of [(item_name, success_flag, output), ...] """ if ns is None: ns = dict(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) # Loop over non-deprecated items results = [] for name in get_all_dict(module)[0]: full_name = module.__name__ + '.' + name if full_name in DOCTEST_SKIPLIST: continue try: obj = getattr(module, name) except AttributeError: import traceback results.append((full_name, False, "Missing item!\n" + traceback.format_exc())) continue finder = doctest.DocTestFinder() try: tests = finder.find(obj, name, globs=dict(ns)) except Exception: import traceback results.append((full_name, False, "Failed to get doctests!\n" + traceback.format_exc())) continue success, output = _run_doctests(tests, full_name, verbose, doctest_warnings) if dots: output_dot('.' if success else 'F') results.append((full_name, success, output)) if HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') return results def check_doctests_testfile(fname, verbose, ns=None, dots=True, doctest_warnings=False): """ Check code in a text file. Mimic `check_doctests` above, differing mostly in test discovery. (which is borrowed from stdlib's doctest.testfile here, https://github.com/python-git/python/blob/master/Lib/doctest.py) Parameters ---------- fname : str File name verbose : bool ns : dict Name space dots : bool doctest_warnings : bool Returns ------- list List of [(item_name, success_flag, output), ...] Notes ----- refguide can be signalled to skip testing code by adding ``#doctest: +SKIP`` to the end of the line. If the output varies or is random, add ``# may vary`` or ``# random`` to the comment. for example >>> plt.plot(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> random.randint(0,10) 5 # random We also try to weed out pseudocode: * We maintain a list of exceptions which signal pseudocode, * We split the text file into "blocks" of code separated by empty lines and/or intervening text. * If a block contains a marker, the whole block is then assumed to be pseudocode. It is then not being doctested. The rationale is that typically, the text looks like this: blah >>> from numpy import some_module # pseudocode! >>> func = some_module.some_function >>> func(42) # still pseudocode 146 blah >>> 2 + 3 # real code, doctest it 5 """ if ns is None: ns = CHECK_NAMESPACE results = [] _, short_name = os.path.split(fname) if short_name in DOCTEST_SKIPLIST: return results full_name = fname with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f: text = f.read() PSEUDOCODE = set(['some_function', 'some_module', 'import example', 'ctypes.CDLL', # likely need compiling, skip it 'integrate.nquad(func,' # ctypes integrate tutotial ]) # split the text into "blocks" and try to detect and omit pseudocode blocks. parser = doctest.DocTestParser() good_parts = [] base_line_no = 0 for part in text.split('\n\n'): try: tests = parser.get_doctest(part, ns, fname, fname, base_line_no) except ValueError as e: if e.args[0].startswith('line '): # fix line number since `parser.get_doctest` does not increment # the reported line number by base_line_no in the error message parts = e.args[0].split() parts[1] = str(int(parts[1]) + base_line_no) e.args = (' '.join(parts),) + e.args[1:] raise if any(word in ex.source for word in PSEUDOCODE for ex in tests.examples): # omit it pass else: # `part` looks like a good code, let's doctest it good_parts.append((part, base_line_no)) base_line_no += part.count('\n') + 2 # Reassemble the good bits and doctest them: tests = [] for good_text, line_no in good_parts: tests.append(parser.get_doctest(good_text, ns, fname, fname, line_no)) success, output = _run_doctests(tests, full_name, verbose, doctest_warnings) if dots: output_dot('.' if success else 'F') results.append((full_name, success, output)) if HAVE_MATPLOTLIB: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') return results def iter_included_files(base_path, verbose=0, suffixes=('.rst',)): """ Generator function to walk `base_path` and its subdirectories, skipping files or directories in RST_SKIPLIST, and yield each file with a suffix in `suffixes` Parameters ---------- base_path : str Base path of the directory to be processed verbose : int suffixes : tuple Yields ------ path Path of the directory and its sub directories """ if os.path.exists(base_path) and os.path.isfile(base_path): yield base_path for dir_name, subdirs, files in os.walk(base_path, topdown=True): if dir_name in RST_SKIPLIST: if verbose > 0: sys.stderr.write('skipping files in %s' % dir_name) files = [] for p in RST_SKIPLIST: if p in subdirs: if verbose > 0: sys.stderr.write('skipping %s and subdirs' % p) subdirs.remove(p) for f in files: if (os.path.splitext(f)[1] in suffixes and f not in RST_SKIPLIST): yield os.path.join(dir_name, f) def check_documentation(base_path, results, args, dots): """ Check examples in any *.rst located inside `base_path`. Add the output to `results`. See Also -------- check_doctests_testfile """ for filename in iter_included_files(base_path, args.verbose): if dots: sys.stderr.write(filename + ' ') sys.stderr.flush() tut_results = check_doctests_testfile( filename, (args.verbose >= 2), dots=dots, doctest_warnings=args.doctest_warnings) # stub out a "module" which is needed when reporting the result def scratch(): pass scratch.__name__ = filename results.append((scratch, tut_results)) if dots: sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.flush() def init_matplotlib(): """ Check feasibility of matplotlib initialization. """ global HAVE_MATPLOTLIB try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') HAVE_MATPLOTLIB = True except ImportError: HAVE_MATPLOTLIB = False def main(argv): """ Validates the docstrings of all the pre decided set of modules for errors and docstring standards. """ parser = ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__.lstrip()) parser.add_argument("module_names", metavar="SUBMODULES", default=[], nargs='*', help="Submodules to check (default: all public)") parser.add_argument("--doctests", action="store_true", help="Run also doctests on ") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0) parser.add_argument("--doctest-warnings", action="store_true", help="Enforce warning checking for doctests") parser.add_argument("--rst", nargs='?', const='doc', default=None, help=("Run also examples from *rst files " "discovered walking the directory(s) specified, " "defaults to 'doc'")) args = parser.parse_args(argv) modules = [] names_dict = {} if not args.module_names: args.module_names = list(PUBLIC_SUBMODULES) os.environ['SCIPY_PIL_IMAGE_VIEWER'] = 'true' module_names = list(args.module_names) for name in module_names: if name in OTHER_MODULE_DOCS: name = OTHER_MODULE_DOCS[name] if name not in module_names: module_names.append(name) dots = True success = True results = [] errormsgs = [] if args.doctests or args.rst: init_matplotlib() for submodule_name in module_names: module_name = BASE_MODULE + '.' + submodule_name __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] if submodule_name not in OTHER_MODULE_DOCS: find_names(module, names_dict) if submodule_name in args.module_names: modules.append(module) if args.doctests or not args.rst: print("Running checks for %d modules:" % (len(modules),)) for module in modules: if dots: sys.stderr.write(module.__name__ + ' ') sys.stderr.flush() all_dict, deprecated, others = get_all_dict(module) names = names_dict.get(module.__name__, set()) mod_results = [] mod_results += check_items(all_dict, names, deprecated, others, module.__name__) mod_results += check_rest(module, set(names).difference(deprecated), dots=dots) if args.doctests: mod_results += check_doctests(module, (args.verbose >= 2), dots=dots, doctest_warnings=args.doctest_warnings) for v in mod_results: assert isinstance(v, tuple), v results.append((module, mod_results)) if dots: sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.flush() if args.rst: base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..') rst_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(base_dir, args.rst)) if os.path.exists(rst_path): print('\nChecking files in %s:' % rst_path) check_documentation(rst_path, results, args, dots) else: sys.stderr.write(f'\ninvalid --rst argument "{args.rst}"') errormsgs.append('invalid directory argument to --rst') if dots: sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.flush() # Report results for module, mod_results in results: success = all(x[1] for x in mod_results) if not success: errormsgs.append(f'failed checking {module.__name__}') if success and args.verbose == 0: continue print("") print("=" * len(module.__name__)) print(module.__name__) print("=" * len(module.__name__)) print("") for name, success, output in mod_results: if name is None: if not success or args.verbose >= 1: print(output.strip()) print("") elif not success or (args.verbose >= 2 and output.strip()): print(name) print("-"*len(name)) print("") print(output.strip()) print("") if len(errormsgs) == 0: print("\nOK: all checks passed!") sys.exit(0) else: print('\nERROR: ', '\n '.join(errormsgs)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main(argv=sys.argv[1:])