#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exit if a command fails set -e set -o pipefail # Print expanded commands set -x sudo apt-get -yq update sudo apt-get -yq install gfortran-5 export F77=gfortran-5 export F90=gfortran-5 # Download the proper OpenBLAS x64 precompiled library target=$(python3 tools/openblas_support.py) ls -lR "$target" echo getting OpenBLAS into $target export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$target/lib export LIB=$target/lib export INCLUDE=$target/include # Use a site.cfg to build with local openblas cat << EOF > site.cfg [openblas] libraries = openblas library_dirs = $target/lib:$LIB include_dirs = $target/lib:$LIB runtime_library_dirs = $target/lib EOF echo getting PyPy 3.6-v7.3.1 wget -q https://downloads.python.org/pypy/pypy3.6-v7.3.1-linux64.tar.bz2 -O pypy.tar.bz2 mkdir -p pypy3 (cd pypy3; tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../pypy.tar.bz2) pypy3/bin/pypy3 -mensurepip pypy3/bin/pypy3 -m pip install --upgrade pip pypy3/bin/pypy3 -m pip install --user -r test_requirements.txt --no-warn-script-location echo echo pypy3 version pypy3/bin/pypy3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" echo pypy3/bin/pypy3 runtests.py --debug-info --show-build-log -v -- -rsx \ --junitxml=junit/test-results.xml --durations 10 echo Make sure the correct openblas has been linked in pypy3/bin/pypy3 -mpip install --no-build-isolation . pypy3/bin/pypy3 tools/openblas_support.py --check_version