#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*- """ Script to generate contributor and pull request lists This script generates contributor and pull request lists for release changelogs using Github v3 protocol. Use requires an authentication token in order to have sufficient bandwidth, you can get one following the directions at `_ Don't add any scope, as the default is read access to public information. The token may be stored in an environment variable as you only get one chance to see it. Usage:: $ ./tools/announce.py The output is utf8 rst. Dependencies ------------ - gitpython - pygithub Some code was copied from scipy `tools/gh_list.py` and `tools/authors.py`. Examples -------- From the bash command line with $GITHUB token:: $ ./tools/announce $GITHUB v1.13.0..v1.14.0 > 1.14.0-changelog.rst """ import os import sys import re from git import Repo from github import Github if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 6): raise RuntimeError("Python version must be >= 3.6") this_repo = Repo(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) author_msg =\ u""" A total of %d people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. """ pull_request_msg =\ u""" A total of %d pull requests were merged for this release. """ def get_authors(revision_range): pat = u'^.*\\t(.*)$' lst_release, cur_release = [r.strip() for r in revision_range.split('..')] # authors, in current release and previous to current release. cur = set(re.findall(pat, this_repo.git.shortlog('-s', revision_range), re.M)) pre = set(re.findall(pat, this_repo.git.shortlog('-s', lst_release), re.M)) # Homu is the author of auto merges, clean him out. cur.discard('Homu') pre.discard('Homu') # Append '+' to new authors. authors = [s + u' +' for s in cur - pre] + [s for s in cur & pre] authors.sort() return authors def get_pull_requests(repo, revision_range): prnums = [] # From regular merges merges = this_repo.git.log( '--oneline', '--merges', revision_range) issues = re.findall(u"Merge pull request \\#(\\d*)", merges) prnums.extend(int(s) for s in issues) # From Homu merges (Auto merges) issues = re. findall(u"Auto merge of \\#(\\d*)", merges) prnums.extend(int(s) for s in issues) # From fast forward squash-merges commits = this_repo.git.log( '--oneline', '--no-merges', '--first-parent', revision_range) issues = re.findall(u'^.*\\(\\#(\\d+)\\)$', commits, re.M) prnums.extend(int(s) for s in issues) # get PR data from github repo prnums.sort() prs = [repo.get_pull(n) for n in prnums] return prs def main(token, revision_range): lst_release, cur_release = [r.strip() for r in revision_range.split('..')] github = Github(token) github_repo = github.get_repo('numpy/numpy') # document authors authors = get_authors(revision_range) heading = u"Contributors" print() print(heading) print(u"="*len(heading)) print(author_msg % len(authors)) for s in authors: print(u'* ' + s) # document pull requests pull_requests = get_pull_requests(github_repo, revision_range) heading = u"Pull requests merged" pull_msg = u"* `#{0} <{1}>`__: {2}" print() print(heading) print(u"="*len(heading)) print(pull_request_msg % len(pull_requests)) for pull in pull_requests: title = re.sub(u"\\s+", u" ", pull.title.strip()) if len(title) > 60: remainder = re.sub(u"\\s.*$", u"...", title[60:]) if len(remainder) > 20: remainder = title[:80] + u"..." else: title = title[:60] + remainder print(pull_msg.format(pull.number, pull.html_url, title)) if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description="Generate author/pr lists for release") parser.add_argument('token', help='github access token') parser.add_argument('revision_range', help='..') args = parser.parse_args() main(args.token, args.revision_range)