Contributors ============ A total of 8 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Chris Brown + * Daniel Vanzo + * E. Madison Bray + * Hugo van Kemenade + * Ralf Gommers * Sebastian Berg * @danbeibei + Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 10 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#17298 `__: BLD: set upper versions for build dependencies * `#17336 `__: BUG: Set deprecated fields to null in PyArray_InitArrFuncs * `#17446 `__: ENH: Warn on unsupported Python 3.10+ * `#17450 `__: MAINT: Update test_requirements.txt. * `#17522 `__: ENH: Support for the NVIDIA HPC SDK nvfortran compiler * `#17568 `__: BUG: Cygwin Workaround for #14787 on affected platforms * `#17647 `__: BUG: Fix memory leak of buffer-info cache due to relaxed strides * `#17652 `__: MAINT: Backport openblas_support from master. * `#17653 `__: TST: Add Python 3.9 to the CI testing on Windows, Mac. * `#17660 `__: TST: Simplify source path names in test_extending.