Contributors ============ A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Allan Haldane * Charles Harris * Marten van Kerkwijk * Matti Picus * Pauli Virtanen * Ryan Soklaski + * Sebastian Berg Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 11 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#11104 `__: BUG: str of DOUBLE_DOUBLE format wrong on ppc64 * `#11170 `__: TST: linalg: add regression test for gh-8577 * `#11174 `__: MAINT: add sanity-checks to be run at import time * `#11181 `__: BUG: void dtype setup checked offset not actual pointer for alignment * `#11194 `__: BUG: Python2 doubles don't print correctly in interactive shell. * `#11198 `__: BUG: optimizing compilers can reorder call to npy_get_floatstatus * `#11199 `__: BUG: reduce using SSE only warns if inside SSE loop * `#11203 `__: BUG: Bytes delimiter/comments in genfromtxt should be decoded * `#11211 `__: BUG: Fix reference count/memory leak exposed by better testing * `#11219 `__: BUG: Fixes einsum broadcasting bug when optimize=True * `#11251 `__: DOC: Document 1.14.4 release.