========= Changelog ========= Contributors ============ A total of 10 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Eric Wieser * Greg Young * Joerg Behrmann + * John Kirkham * Julian Taylor * Marten van Kerkwijk * Matthew Brett * Shota Kawabuchi * Jean Utke + Pull requests merged ==================== * `#8483 `__: BUG: Fix wrong future nat warning and equiv type logic error... * `#8489 `__: BUG: Fix wrong masked median for some special cases * `#8490 `__: DOC: Place np.average in inline code * `#8491 `__: TST: Work around isfinite inconsistency on i386 * `#8494 `__: BUG: Guard against replacing constants without '_' spec in f2py. * `#8524 `__: BUG: Fix mean for float 16 non-array inputs for 1.12 * `#8571 `__: BUG: Fix calling python api with error set and minor leaks for... * `#8602 `__: BUG: Make iscomplexobj compatible with custom dtypes again * `#8618 `__: BUG: Fix undefined behaviour induced by bad __array_wrap__ * `#8648 `__: BUG: Fix MaskedArray.__setitem__ * `#8659 `__: BUG: PPC64el machines are POWER for Fortran in f2py * `#8665 `__: BUG: Look up methods on MaskedArray in `_frommethod` * `#8674 `__: BUG: Remove extra digit in binary_repr at limit * `#8704 `__: BUG: Fix deepcopy regression for empty arrays. * `#8707 `__: BUG: Fix ma.median for empty ndarrays