import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage as ndi from skimage.color import rgb2gray from skimage import data, img_as_float # guard against import of a non-existant registration module in older skimage try: from skimage import registration except ImportError: pass # deal with move and rename of phase_cross_correlation across versions try: from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation except ImportError: try: from skimage.feature import register_translation phase_cross_correlation = register_translation except ImportError: phase_cross_correlation = None class RegistrationSuite(object): """Benchmark for registration routines in scikit-image.""" def setup(self): try: from skimage.registration import optical_flow_tvl1 except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError("optical_flow_tvl1 unavailable") I0, I1, _ = data.stereo_motorcycle() self.I0 = rgb2gray(I0) self.I1 = rgb2gray(I1) def time_tvl1(self): registration.optical_flow_tvl1(self.I0, self.I1) def time_ilk(self): registration.optical_flow_ilk(self.I0, self.I1) class PhaseCrossCorrelationRegistration: """Benchmarks for registration.phase_cross_correlation in scikit-image""" param_names = ["ndims", "image_size", "upscale_factor"] params = [(2, 3), (32, 100), (1, 5, 10)] def setup(self, ndims, image_size, upscale_factor, *args): if phase_cross_correlation is None: raise NotImplementedError("phase_cross_correlation unavailable") shifts = (-2.3, 1.7, 5.4, -3.2)[:ndims] phantom = img_as_float( data.binary_blobs(length=image_size, n_dim=ndims)) self.reference_image = np.fft.fftn(phantom) self.shifted_image = ndi.fourier_shift(self.reference_image, shifts) def time_phase_cross_correlation(self, ndims, image_size, upscale_factor): result = phase_cross_correlation(self.reference_image, self.shifted_image, upscale_factor, space="fourier") def peakmem_reference(self, *args): """Provide reference for memory measurement with empty benchmark. Peakmem benchmarks measure the maximum amount of RAM used by a function. However, this maximum also includes the memory used during the setup routine (as of asv 0.2.1; see [1]_). Measuring an empty peakmem function might allow us to disambiguate between the memory used by setup and the memory used by target (see other ``peakmem_`` functions below). References ---------- .. [1]: """ pass def peakmem_phase_cross_correlation(self, ndims, image_size, upscale_factor): result = phase_cross_correlation(self.reference_image, self.shifted_image, upscale_factor, space="fourier")