Contributors ============ A total of 12 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Andras Deak + * Bob Eldering + * Charles Harris * Daniel Hrisca + * Eric Wieser * Joshua Leahy + * Julian Taylor * Michael Seifert * Pauli Virtanen * Ralf Gommers * Roland Kaufmann * Warren Weckesser Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 19 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#9240 `__: DOC: BLD: fix lots of Sphinx warnings/errors. * `#9255 `__: Revert "DEP: Raise TypeError for subtract(bool_, bool_)." * `#9261 `__: BUG: don't elide into readonly and updateifcopy temporaries for... * `#9262 `__: BUG: fix missing keyword rename for common block in numpy.f2py * `#9263 `__: BUG: handle resize of 0d array * `#9267 `__: DOC: update f2py front page and some doc build metadata. * `#9299 `__: BUG: Fix Intel compilation on Unix. * `#9317 `__: BUG: fix wrong ndim used in empty where check * `#9319 `__: BUG: Make extensions compilable with MinGW on Py2.7 * `#9339 `__: BUG: Prevent crash if ufunc doc string is null * `#9340 `__: BUG: umath: un-break ufunc where= when no out= is given * `#9371 `__: DOC: Add isnat/positive ufunc to documentation * `#9372 `__: BUG: Fix error in fromstring function from numpy.core.records... * `#9373 `__: BUG: ')' is printed at the end pointer of the buffer in numpy.f2py. * `#9374 `__: DOC: Create NumPy 1.13.1 release notes. * `#9376 `__: BUG: Prevent hang traversing ufunc userloop linked list * `#9377 `__: DOC: Use x1 and x2 in the heaviside docstring. * `#9378 `__: DOC: Add $PARAMS to the isnat docstring * `#9379 `__: DOC: Update the 1.13.1 release notes