Contributors ============ A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Chris Billington * Elliott Sales de Andrade + * Eric Wieser * Jeremy Manning + * Matti Picus * Ralf Gommers Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 24 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#11647 `__: MAINT: Filter Cython warnings in ```` * `#11648 `__: BUG: Fix doc source links to unwrap decorators * `#11657 `__: BUG: Ensure singleton dimensions are not dropped when converting... * `#11661 `__: BUG: Warn on Nan in minimum,maximum for scalars * `#11665 `__: BUG: cython sometimes emits invalid gcc attribute * `#11682 `__: BUG: Fix regression in void_getitem * `#11698 `__: BUG: Make matrix_power again work for object arrays. * `#11700 `__: BUG: Add missing PyErr_NoMemory after failing malloc * `#11719 `__: BUG: Fix undefined functions on big-endian systems. * `#11720 `__: MAINT: Make einsum optimize default to False. * `#11746 `__: BUG: Fix regression in loadtxt for bz2 text files in Python 2. * `#11757 `__: BUG: Revert use of `console_scripts`. * `#11758 `__: BUG: Fix Fortran kind detection for aarch64 & s390x. * `#11759 `__: BUG: Fix printing of longdouble on ppc64le. * `#11760 `__: BUG: Fixes for unicode field names in Python 2 * `#11761 `__: BUG: Increase required cython version on python 3.7 * `#11763 `__: BUG: check return value of _buffer_format_string * `#11775 `__: MAINT: Make assert_array_compare more generic. * `#11776 `__: TST: Fix urlopen stubbing. * `#11777 `__: BUG: Fix regression in intersect1d. * `#11779 `__: BUG: Fix test sensitive to platform byte order. * `#11781 `__: BUG: Avoid signed overflow in histogram * `#11785 `__: BUG: Fix pickle and memoryview for datetime64, timedelta64 scalars * `#11786 `__: BUG: Deprecation triggers segfault