import numpy as np def _match_cumulative_cdf(source, template): """ Return modified source array so that the cumulative density function of its values matches the cumulative density function of the template. """ src_values, src_unique_indices, src_counts = np.unique(source.ravel(), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) tmpl_values, tmpl_counts = np.unique(template.ravel(), return_counts=True) # calculate normalized quantiles for each array src_quantiles = np.cumsum(src_counts) / source.size tmpl_quantiles = np.cumsum(tmpl_counts) / template.size interp_a_values = np.interp(src_quantiles, tmpl_quantiles, tmpl_values) return interp_a_values[src_unique_indices].reshape(source.shape) def match_histograms(image, reference, *, multichannel=False): """Adjust an image so that its cumulative histogram matches that of another. The adjustment is applied separately for each channel. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image. Can be gray-scale or in color. reference : ndarray Image to match histogram of. Must have the same number of channels as image. multichannel : bool, optional Apply the matching separately for each channel. Returns ------- matched : ndarray Transformed input image. Raises ------ ValueError Thrown when the number of channels in the input image and the reference differ. References ---------- .. [1] """ if image.ndim != reference.ndim: raise ValueError('Image and reference must have the same number ' 'of channels.') if multichannel: if image.shape[-1] != reference.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('Number of channels in the input image and ' 'reference image must match!') matched = np.empty(image.shape, dtype=image.dtype) for channel in range(image.shape[-1]): matched_channel = _match_cumulative_cdf(image[..., channel], reference[..., channel]) matched[..., channel] = matched_channel else: matched = _match_cumulative_cdf(image, reference) return matched