Contributors ============ A total of 6 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Eric Wieser * Ilhan Polat * Matti Picus * Michael Hudson-Doyle * Ralf Gommers Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 7 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#14593 `__: MAINT: backport Cython API cleanup to 1.17.x, remove docs * `#14937 `__: BUG: fix integer size confusion in handling array's ndmin argument * `#14939 `__: BUILD: remove SSE2 flag from numpy.random builds * `#14993 `__: MAINT: Added Python3.8 branch to dll lib discovery * `#15038 `__: BUG: Fix refcounting in ufunc object loops * `#15067 `__: BUG: Exceptions tracebacks are dropped * `#15175 `__: ENH: Backport improvements to testing functions.