Contributors ============ A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * CakeWithSteak + * Charles Harris * Dan Allan * Hameer Abbasi * Lars Grueter * Matti Picus * Sebastian Berg Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 8 pull requests were merged for this release. * `#14418 `__: BUG: Fix aradixsort indirect indexing. * `#14420 `__: DOC: Fix a minor typo in dispatch documentation. * `#14421 `__: BUG: test, fix regression in converting to ctypes * `#14430 `__: BUG: Do not show Override module in private error classes. * `#14432 `__: BUG: Fixed maximum relative error reporting in assert_allclose. * `#14433 `__: BUG: Fix uint-overflow if padding with linear_ramp and negative... * `#14436 `__: BUG: Update 1.17.x with 1.18.0-dev * `#14446 `__: REL: Prepare for NumPy 1.17.2 release.