import sys from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass from types import FrameType from typing import Callable, Dict, Final, List @dataclass class ConstantValue: frame: FrameType name: str value: object def _traceFun(frame: FrameType, event: str, arg: object) -> None: for constant in constMap[frame]: if ( in frame.f_locals and frame.f_locals[] != constant.value ): frame.f_locals[] = constant.value raise SyntaxError(f"Cannot assign value to constant {repr(}") class _ConstClass: def __setattr__(self, name, value): """This is the method called when a new constant is created""" targetFrame = sys._getframe(1) targetFrame.f_trace_lines = False targetFrame.f_trace_opcodes = True targetFrame.f_trace = _traceFun targetFrame.f_locals[name] = value constMap[targetFrame].append(ConstantValue(targetFrame, name, value)) constMap: Dict[FrameType, List[ConstantValue]] = defaultdict(list) # FIXME sys.settrace(lambda frame, event, arg: None) const = _ConstClass()